Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Today's Tip – Sometimes is never enough;
Be constant. Slowing down slows you down. If you are tired, make sure something is out there working for you. An AD, a friend, a street-team... something! Any hard work you put into your life will be all for naught if you slow down, or stop for a little while. Like going on tour for two weeks, then not touring in that area again for another year. You wasted your time. Waste not want not!
Sometimes... Ya right, that means never, just like when Someone did something it means it didn’t get done. Sometimes is what we say when were to embarrassed to admit we don’t do it. So here you go, a few examples to make you think about how you only sometimes do things. If someone said any of these things to you you would run in terror the other way. So stop saying and thinking sometimes and start thinking always.
Sometimes I wash my hands after using the bathroom.
Sometimes I brush my teeth.
Sometimes I wear my seat-belt.
Sometimes I wear pants in public.
Sometimes I pay my taxes.
Sometimes I feed my kids.
Get the idea? Sometimes isn't good enough in most cases, it should never be good enough for you, your business or your life. Start thinking always! Oh and go wash your hands, that's nasty
Monday, November 28, 2011
Today's Tip – That has nothing to do with me – Marketing;
Most of the time you are working within your chosen profession. Pushing your name/product onto groups of people that have a lot in common with you. Or what you feel is in common with you. Try marketing outside your normal clique you will be surprised how many people you'll reach outside your familiar circles.
What do you mean It has nothing to do with you, of course it does. It has everything to do with you. Stop button holing yourself into thinking that Old people wont find your humor funny. Chances are they won't but they also won't hear you so invite the retired community to your next comedy show. Same thing with Bands. Old people wont like our music! How do you know? They can't hear most regular music so they would likely be happy to go to your show and experience music again.
Yes I know I'm picking on old people, Its ok though they can't read it anyway since they don’t own computers. Even if someone prints it out for them its still a lost cause since their tri-focals are three years out of date plus the cataracts. So don't worry about me worry about you, and expand your imagination when it comes to marketing yourself, your business and anything else.
Yes you should market to your peers and groups that would be sympathetic to you. At the same time you need to reach out to other groups and organizations. Let them decide if they like you or not don't make the choice for them, let them decide if they like you or not. Buttonholing yourself from fear of rejection is just silly.
So contact the Vets home, the old folks home, the insane asylum and anyplace else you can think of to help you get what you need. Exposure.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Today's Tip – Car pools will keep you dry;
Learn to pack in with others. Go places in groups, you'll get more done as it allows you to be at more places more often. Don't forget your friendly “You drive this time, I will get next time.” Most people are comfortable driving, but let them know you have no problem taking a turn at it.
Who wants to help save the environment? ME ME!! Yes we all want to do that, be a hero and save the world from.. well from us I suppose. It is to your immediate benefit though. I always hear about how we are saving the world for your Grandchildren but lets be honest here, I haven’t met mine yet so I don't really care.
What we do care about though is saving money. Well at least I do, so if I can save on gas by jumping in someone else car a few days a week then I’m all for it, and you should be too. So this time you drive and next time I will should be the message of the week, month, year and Century at least until we can either use transporters or Dissaporation to get where we need to go. There is also the added part of being able to use the HOV lane. PLUS its easier to start an angry mob if you have a few schills already with you.
I know, not very social conscious of me but still, walking around with a Pitchfork and a Torch all by yourself just makes you silly. SO bring some friends and save the world while running the monsters out of town. Wow did this blog go way off topic. I don't know who is in charge of writing these things but they should be tarred and feathered... where is a MOB when you need it. Stupid peasants
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Today's Tip – Seminars are filled with knowledge;
Take the time to see what's going on around your neighborhood. If there are seminars or public programs to help you get start, then take advantage of them. If you look hard enough you'll find free seminars and programs... Library anyone?
So Seminars, Knowledge for the sake of knowledge. A smidgen of power you weren't aware of or hadn't though to tap into. Lots of them out there you know. You should come to ours actually. What are they for? Well for the most part its to help give you information or to make you think about things in a different way.
A seminar on writing might have to do with the steps to form a novel. For one starting your own business it could be about setting up business plans or marketing. The one we run in our office is an overview of what we can do for you and how. A good seminar is not a course in the subject matter but an overview. Thinking you can learn everything there is to know about something in an hour or two is foolish. Even a day or two is unrealistic. Anytime you go to a seminar you should take notes, you should ask questions and those questions should lead you to do research to learn more on your own. A Seminar is a starting point, never the ending point.
Here is an example, as part of our seminar we talk about Mission Statements. No big deal right, and a lot of times people are thinking to themselves this is dumb, who cares. Then we explain why its important, not so much for the people you talk to although that is a good point of them, being able to articulate what you can do is a good thing. More because it helps keep you focused on your goals without boxing you in. Here is the thing though. Learning what it's for is only the first step. Now they need to take that information and come up with one of their own. If they don't then they got nothing worthwhile out of sitting in a room listening to us drone on about mission statements.
So by all means go to Seminars, expand your knowledge of things. Make sure you do more then sit there, though take note of what is said, and continue the learning process after its all over. Just showing up isn't enough.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Today's Tip – Last minute can wait;
If you have a project/event coming up, lines to memorize or are dealing with a client then get ready for it pronto!
Oh for G.O.D.'s Sake (Generic Omnipotent Deity) I have to finish how many Blogs today? FIVE!!! Crap I have no time, no time... DAMMIT. I wish I hadn’t waited until the last minute to do this. Now I have so many things to do. So doing these Blogs is going to keep me from going to get some Pie from the store for Dinner tomorrow Night. I can't watch my Favorite TV show either. SH*T now I have to set up the TiVo too. Oh and I almost forgot the dog needs to be fed, the lawn mowed, the house vacuumed and Cleaned, I was supposed to paint lines on the run way at the airport, cure cancer, eliminate nuclear weapon and finally push the moon back into a stable orbit.
You get the idea right? No, I'm not behind on the Blog, sheesh. Make a plan, break down what you need to do. Get a calender you can keep track of things on and utilize it to plan things out. If in our hypothetical situation above I had done that then I wouldn't be stressing about not getting my pie for dinner. Life can sneak up on you, events can creep up behind you and surprises aren't always welcome. “Chance favors the prepared mind.” It is true, the more organized you are the more likely you will be able to take whatever little surprises life tosses your way. Even if you have a full day and all hell breaks loose you can still keep it on track with some adjustments but only if you have a full grasp of what is going on in the first place. Most people don't know whats going on a day or two ahead. They become to involved in the now and forsake the future.
So write it down, get a planner, a notebook or utilize your phone if you have to but start making plans and holding to them as much as possible so when the unexpected happens, Like the Moon falling out of a stable Orbit you have the time to fix it.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Today's Tip – Taste the rainbow;
Sometimes there are other options out there than what you are doing that can help you better yourself towards yourself. We find wisdom in open arenas, so explore. If you are a comedian, trying some acting classes. If you are an actor, trying some comedy classes. If you are a public speaker, take singing lessons. Also, hangout in those circles to learn more about life.
Options are everywhere in life and in business. So take advantage of them. Do some cross training in the different arts. I know of several Local comics on Long Island that have added music to their acts, and several musicians who have added some comedy... Or what they consider comedy at any rate. Look around and expand your horizons. Besides broadening your view of the world around you it will also add some depth to your knowledge and eventual wisdom. Try some writing one day to see what I mean, nothing like having to do research about something to expand your view of the world.
Actor/comic/musician/singer/writer... even Ballet dancer if you want, I would really go with Ballroom myself but still. Your choice on how to do this. Same holds true in life, try new things to make yourself better than you are. The more you have to offer people the more value you have as a product. Remember you are the product so adding value is smart. Plus the more you are capable of the more opportunity’s will come your way.
Still not sure huh. Look at it this way then. If you were a superhero and could chose one power which one would it be? Superman’s? Green Lantern? The Flash? Magneto? Wolverine? Lots of good options there. What about Batman, Iron Man, Green Arrow and Captain America. You know what they have. Nothing! They have resources! Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Oliver Queen and Steve Rogers all have resources. Or as us mere mortals call it Money. Except good Ole Cap, he has the resources of the USA. They also all work within teams in order to do more. Batman and Green Arrow with the Justice league, Iron Man and Captain America with the Avengers. They use their resources to do more and so should you. Leverage what you have and who you know across the broad spectrum in order to accomplish more of what you want. There is a whole rainbow of colors out there for you to choose from. Just don’t leave Mauve off of your menu choices, the poor color is getting a complex.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Today's Tip – Contest the contest;
Stay away from contests. They are scams, and ways for the people involve to make money of you as they exploit your efforts. If you really want to be involve, then go to the contest to Network and Market yourself. Don't be scammed.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You've won, and all expense charged chance to pay for something you didn't want, need or care about!! YOU'VE BEEN SCAMMED!!!.. There are several examples of this I could show you, or even give to you. For that mater we could do it to you if we wanted to, but we won't. However, if you just send us $5 we can make sure it never ever happens to you again... Unless you are a slow learner in which case send us $10.
Seriously though, contests are frequently ways to get you to spend money when you shouldn’t really need to do so. For example, you could have been selected to be put in a book for some form of work like a photo, song, art and then you have to pay for the book or whatever for it to be put in... SCAM. You could Be invited to come compete in a local event, say open Mic night for a small fee. Ya come perform on an open mic for some money that’s a good plan... wait.. NO! ITS A SCAM!
On the flips side when they have things going on that seem like scams, you can still go. Just keep your trap shut because you are there at the dear little scam artists suffering. They can kick you and then you get nothing. Staying though gets you a chance to network with people who could really use some sage advice from someone. They need to make some new friends since the guy who got them there is definitely not a friend.
Keep on the look out, pay to play, bringers, and many many more are just ways that you get taken advantage of. Poetry contests where everyone is a semi finalist, cutest pet, cutest kid, free head-shots, time shares.. the list goes on and on and on... Oh and Be quick about the $5 would you.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Today's Tip – Commodities; What value does it have
Commodities are a wonderful thing to be involved in. A commodity is the generic term for any marketable item produced or skill to satisfy wants or needs. At one time or another Gold was a major Commodity. Coffee was as well. Nowadays knowledge is a major commodity. So are skills. Artistic skills, even labor skills. They are things that cost you nothing to hold onto and people are willing to pay you for those skills... those commodities.
Having a great way with people is still a commodity. It is something anyone would pay to master. Learning how to communicate takes a lot of skill and thus people are willing to pay for it. So when it comes down to the simple idea of commodities, what is it you possess that can help others or earn you gain? It cost nothing to hold onto a skill, to a need or want that others yearn for in you.
Most people carry around this Asset. All be people hold value. We are all truly worth something. So live life as such. What is your time worth? Is it worth $10 an hour before taxes? Are you worth a moment to be heard? Are you being used? Embrace your ability, whatever it is, and know your personal value. You are indeed the greatest asset one can hold on to. Be true to that reality and give your all to what you are, will be and are trying to become.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Today's Tip – IOU's; Who owes you?
Become your own credit card for others. Some people need money to invest in themselves. To start up ideas with capital they may not possess in hand. So, if you have the money to lend out, an IOU is worth a great amount. It cost you nothing to lend money out with contracts, trustworthy people and smart investments. If you lend a person $1,000 and tell them to pay you back by such and such a date with an interest of 15%, you'll make great total of $150 on top of your loaned out money.
That's just an example, but I am sure you get the picture. Find people who are looking to buy things, or need a little extra cash. Another great way to workout an IOU is through investment parties, or gatherings. Listen around to see what kind of ideas are out there. Tell people starting up a business that you'll have them with their start up capital. In exchange for this money you will be paid back 15% on top of what you loaded out and they have to pay you 10% a month for whatever profit they make. That is a great way to get two solid assets in one strong swoop.
A great deal of advice is always be wise with these investments. Just like credit cards, you'll find yourself running after people for your return. A smart way to make sure you get your money is through trusting the people second. Yes second, first is a contract that states they are going to pay you back by a determined date or be forced to pay said penalties. I'd add to that, that any moneys not paid are agreed to be garnished from that person's paycheck.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Today's Tip – Income-producing real estate / Business too; Flipping the rentals
When it comes to real estate you have two options. Option number Uno; Renting a liveable building out. Be it a small apartment, home or large building for businesses, these examples are only considered an asset if their renters rent money covers all necessary expenses to maintain said building. Second of course is Flipping. Though the laws have changed in regards to flipping, the basic idea is you purchase a house at a lower cost only to sell it in a short amount of time at a higher price.
Businesses come off in the same manor as real state. If you can buy companies for a low cost and sell them off at a higher gain of income. Ideally you want to own a business where you do not work there. Allowing it to be ran in your absence while it earns you income without your time being spend dealing with its day to day needs. Maybe in the beginning of a business you work a little, but work to not work one day.
With research you'll find some amazing deals out there. Also, think outside the box, or in this case, the state you are currently living in. Deals come up all over the world. Even businesses workout the same way. If you start up a company, remember sometimes you can start in your own home and build it up with the “3 needs of success” and then take it from there. These are easy ventures with a little well spent time into investigation your options. Trust people, research who you are dealing with and some of your best Asset decision will come from all your hard work.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Today's Tip – Assets vs Liabilities; Things I own vs things that make me money
Assets earn you money. Liabilities cost you money. Done, next tip. Oh how does this work? Well you have your 8 assets; 1) Stocks, 2) Bonds, 3) Mutual Funds, 4) Intellectual Properties, 5) Income-producing real estate, 6) Businesses that do not require my presence. I own them, but they are managed or run by other people, 7) IOU's, 8) Commodities... Four of which we've gone over thus far. Each of these assets cost no money to maintain though after your initial investment into them earns you money. If you do your proper research there is little to no chance of loss. That goes with anything, but even sometimes a loss leads to a gain.
Liabilities cost you money. Some people mistake a home as an Asset, or a car. You have to pay insurance on both a house and a car. There is gas upkeep, maintenance, taxes, rent/mortgage, etc. If you find yourself placing cash into something that you own, than you are dealing with a liability. Think of an Asset as a career, and a Liability as a hobby. You earn money through a successful career. While a hobby cost you money to do.
If you were a comedian as a career you'd get paid for your time on stage. Plus that is your only job. If you have a job during the day... or night... and you pay to get to shows, on stage, for classes, or whatever it takes so you can just get on stage...
A good rule of thumb (you've heard this before) is Don't Live Above Your Needs... D-LAYN. A great issue is when people start making a lot of money they all of sudden start living above their needs. Spending money faster than they bring in is a habit that must be broken. It is nice to have things, but things should not HAVE YOU!!! Budget your financial situation so you can live your life in the best way you can. Once everything is in order you'll be given freedoms that allow you to live it how you want.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Today's Tip – Intellectual Properties; Patent, copyright... own your future in the present.
Do you have a patent? A copyright? On what? I have no idea!? Or do I. Are you a creature of things? Who could have known that your creations could earn you money. That's right, owning a Patent, or copyright on something brings in money. How? Through licensing that is how. Essentially it's considered renting out your idea. There are many avenues in which a person can “rent” (licensing) your idea out.
Ownership of your product/idea is important for it to become an Asset. How to rent out your asset comes down to what you want to do with it. With a little planning and lot of work you can take control of your Intellectual Properties. It is not difficult to design, or create or even dream up something. The difficult part is remembering to take legal ownership of your Intellectual Properties.
Intellectual Property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories.
Industrial Property:
Patents for inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications.
Copyright covers:
Literary works (such as novels, poems and plays), films, music, artistic works (E.G., drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures) and architectural design. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and broadcasters in their radio and television programs.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Today's Tip – Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds; Save a little, spend less?
Stocks; Research, research, research!!! When investing into stocks look into that company. How they got started, why they do what they do and what they have planned for the future. That should get you started in looking at stocks. But what is a stock? It is a % of ownership into a corporation. Owning a stock has a risk like every acting in life, that is why research is important. You must also consider two things. 1) Watch your stock, be aware of it. Be intimate with your investment. 2) Go with a broker with a great representation who is a hands on kind of person.
Bonds; The indebted entity (issuer) issues a bond that states the interest rate (coupon) that will be paid and when the loaned funds (bond principal) are to be returned (maturity date). Interest on bonds is usually paid every six months (semi-annually). The main categories of bonds are corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and U.S. Treasury bonds, notes and bills, which are collectively referred to as simply "Treasuries". In layman terms, a bond is basically identical to mutual funds. Expect Bonds are through a corporation, and a mutual fund is through banks.
Mutual Fund; A mutual fund pools money together from thousands of small investors and then its manager buys stocks, bonds or other securities with it. In the past you could find a Mutual Fund starting at about 10%, nowadays hunting down an average of 0.96% to 4.28%. Either way, it still comes down to RESEARCH!!! You can find a well worth it % for what you are looking for. A little adds up to a lot.
Remember, save a little here and there, and spend less while your investments earn money. These 3 assets are not for everyone. That is why when you workout your financial portfolio thing about what you like and don't like. It's about being comfortable with your money. Listen to your heart, research effort and a financial consultant to finalize your decision.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Today's Tip – 8 assets; Wealth vs Money
Life for people has been presented in a very linear way that money comes from hard work through this process; Go to school to get good grades, go to college, get a great job... relationship, married, own a house have some children. Should you avoid any of these things? Nah, if you want to do them, do them. Live your life. But live your life. Not through what is “expected” of you from society, but what you expect from yourself.
Remember there are two things in this world that equal finance; Wealth vs Money. Money is hour for money. Your time earning money. You work for 9 hours - 1 hour for lunch and that's 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week. Yes, but what about the rest of that time? Working hour for money will always be a path of earning to replenish so you can pay your bills. In any career path you choose, that money earned is a means to an end if you invest into any one or all of the 8 assets in life. Thus, Wealth.
Wealth is Money working 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During this time your money is lifting, and dragging around all day and night to earn wealth. When money works it is never replenishing itself it is adding to itself. When you work hour for money you are spending money to earn money. From the car you own, to the gas, food for lunch and clothes for that job. The math just doesn't work out correctly.
Here is a list of the 8 assets that work for you. We'll go over these during the week...
1) Stocks
2) Bonds
3) Mutual Funds
4) Intellectual Properties
5) Income-producing real estate
6) Businesses that do not require my presence. I own them, but they are managed or run by other people.
7) IOU's
8) Commodities
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Today's Tip – Space, the final frontier;
Space, the final frontier... no its not a Star Trek blog. However, just like the crew of that famed imaginary vessel you should keep your mind open to new worlds and ideas. Learn your surroundings. Be aware of your surroundings. It's important to know where you are and why. You can end up using that surrounding for your benefit. See... benefit... to you!!! -Kirk Speech and yell implied-
Being aware of what's going on around you is important. Knowing where the gravitational pull in the room is, who is a jerk, who the ass kisser is. Things like that. Still confused huh? Your job is to be the best you can and to do that you need to be aware of what is going on around you. Networking is the key but there is no point in doing so with people who are parasites. So be able to pick those people out. Next if you're in a business, then you don’t need to do anything but be you. Don't sell things, including yourself in an attempt to get in... that makes you the parasite. So if you are looking around and don’t see the blood-sucking tic in the room then chances are its you. Don’t be that person. Now if you are at say an open mic night than by all means give it a go, keep in mind everyone else is too and make the most of your opportunities by being better than them. Just be aware of what type of social engagement you are at be the person you need to be depending on the situation.
That's it, awareness is about picking up on cues from others and having experience in the social battlefield you will find yourself in. When uncertain be cautious in what you say but get out there and play it's the only way to learn.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Remember the power of NO;
It is okay to say no, but it is even better to be told no. No means you are in a conversation, now that's how to see life positively...
Remember the power of NO! It is okay to say no, but it is even better to be told no. No means you are in a conversation, now that's how to see life positively. Unless of course, the answer is now when asking for more coffee.
Why is getting a No better than a Yes? It allows you to practice your conversational skills. It lets you work on your negotiating and helps build a rapport with the “no” giver. Of course, you could always be negative and look on that " as a personal statement about your worthiness to do whatever it was the evil " was given for. If you do that though... well stop reading now, NO! Really just stop already, you are a lost cause. No, is the start of a conversation not the ending of one, until you hear it three times its not over. That doesn't mean you ask the same repetitive question again and again and again. You don't want to be repetitive and redundant you want to be eloquent and enthusiastic. Convince the person to say yes, maybe they need more information, perhaps they weren't even listening. Even if you en up with that “No” being the final word you still achieved something, you built a rapport and practiced your negotiating skills. Now contemplate why you got the “no” and decide how best to approach the conversation for next time.
It's not hard to do, not difficult. It's a matter of paying attention being persistent and articulate in your argument for whatever it is you hope to achieve. All of these things get better the more you practice using them. So remember “no” is the opening bargaining position, work with it from that perspective and move on through it like the champion you are and things will work out for you.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Today's Tip – I'm better than you!;
And? Don't ego it up. It is not about how much better you are in this business. It is about working with one another. If you are the best, than be an example of your responsibility to this life, and your craft. Your ego will pit you against walls. Since there are no walls only solutions you might be thrown off a cliff. Cliffs exist and it hurts when you hit the ground. Stay away from your ego at all costs, since it will cost you more than you are willing to give up.
Take time to know you are good, but you can always learn and be better. Those around you making an effort to be their best are in your shoes too. They may be at a different level, but they are still in your shoes. This world is about living. How can we live if we are fighting each other to death? It is almost impossible to get anywhere in this world without other people. You need yourself first, but you need others.
I mean, you can do anything you want in this life if you put effort into it. But do you want to go feed a cow, clean the cow, kill the cow, strip the cow, then cut the cow up, cook the cow, set the plates for the cow to be eaten... and so on. No, you just want to throw the cow on the grill and then eat it. Sometimes, you just want to buy it from a fast food joint. What it comes down to is if you want to do everything then be an egomaniac. If you want to be in a healthy situation check the ego at the door.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Today's Tip – Bleed through the trenches of lies;
People are going to lie to you. They are going to tell you things to push you away because they are not interested. Things like, “You are really good, call me tomorrow”. Don't get discouraged over this. Prove to them you are more than what they perceive you to be and be persistent.
Bleed through the trenches of lies
People are going to lie to you. They are going to tell you things to push you away because they are not interested. Things like, “You are really good, call me tomorrow.”. Don't get discouraged over this. Prove to them you are more than what they perceive you to be and be persistent.
Sometimes the lies are less about you and more about them. They want you to have a good opinion of them, and so they lie. “You look nice today.” “Wow you have an amazing singing voice.” Things like that. Vague comments, unspecified compliments with hazy dates and times about talking again. Chances are they may not have been paying attention, were distracted or simply having a bad day. Once you realize this, its more about making your way through it. What you need to do at this point is make them see the error of their was. Grab their attention and make them see you for who and what you are, that being AMAZING!
Now if they are simply full of it all the time no matter what, well then those people need to be pushed off to the side of the herd were they can be picked off by a predator and eaten. Ignore those people they weren’t hugged enough as children and take pleasure in anything that makes others as miserable as they are. Stay upbeat and positive and be the person you can be without allowing the naysayers to cloud your world view. Your in the trenches of life and life unfortunately is plagued with people who lie for one reason or another. Some to save face, some to being others down and some because they're simple human.
They key is to constantly be persistent and keep going no matter what keep a positive outlook and for the one person who blows you off there will be others who say “That person has a positive attitude, we could use more like him.” Those are the people who count, the ones you want to know. Make friends with them and appreciate them for who they are, just like they appreciate you.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Today's Tip – You've finally became successful, but now what?;
Maintaining success in your now career is as hard as becoming successful but the same rules apply to this as it does to making something of yourself. Keep to the 3 needs of success: Networking, Marketing and Practice. Just stay focused while never slowing down. Cause an avalanche of momentum to keep you moving forward in your newly found career.
You've finally become successful, but now what?
Maintaining success in your now career is as hard as becoming successful but the same rules apply to this as it does to make something of yourself. Keep to the three needs of success: Networking, Marketing and Practice. Just stay focused while never slowing down. Cause an avalanche of momentum to keep you moving forward in your newly found career.
Always Network, meet new people and increase your relationships with the old ones. Appreciate them for who they are not what they offer and instead of a pile of contacts you will have a pile of friends. A pile of friends can be used for many different things. You can build a pyramid or have a huge paintball game. You could have a party or you could say, “Hey, I'm looking forward to finding someone who can help me accomplish XXX.” Perhaps one could help you. Odds are good they can.
Marketing, wow, yes indeed to market yourself, that's what the product is YOU! So for all those that said you would never amount to anything, prove them wrong. Spit in the eye of fate and be a marketing genius. Think outside the box, since you aren’t a “take home” type of product, or we hope you aren’t at least since that's illegal in most states. Just never stop or you will lose that momentum and have to start over again.
Then there is practice. If you continuously do what you need to in order to maintain your current level, you will always be doing this regardless. If you have managed to have this become a habit, then you will have mastered the first two needs. Perhaps its time to change focus just a smidgen and add-on to the requirements you have already put in place. Time to start working on Assets while maintaining the basics. Yes indeed the assets!
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