Tuesday, July 24, 2012
What does BBR Productions Inc, Do? : Marketing & PR
• 07.24.12 What does BBR Productions Inc, do? : Marketing & PR (Public Relations) •
Marketing is one of 3 major services BBR Productions Inc, provides. What is marketing and how does it help? Marketing is getting your product out there. Your brand “Name” out to a large group of people. Marketing is also media attention. With marketing, PR (Public Relations) becomes a necessity. Advertising/Exposure helps get your name out there, PR helps you get your voice out there.
Case in point, let us look at two clients today :
• Joe Pontillo; Comedian who lives in New York, Actor and Entertainer. Has toured up and down the East Coast with appearances on IFC and TLC. Was featured in the New York Times and can be heard on WRCN from time to time. Joe has directed, written and stars in the web series “Hank is Evil”. Finally, check out Joe Pontillo's website for show updates (www.JoePontillo.com).
Joe Pontillo videos “Raptor Night out” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORs8mNYdIj8) and “Ghost Adventures Bro” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_rJKtPED94&feature=relmfu)
• Martyrd; Formed in 2005, Martyrd has gone from a 90% fan awareness to over 500% growth. These numbers are figured through online social media and audience turnout. They have learned to incorporate their band into a business while turning Martyrd into a Brand. Their second album release, “The Mortal Coil”, can be found on (www.Martyrd.com) with more information on events.
Monday, July 23, 2012
The process of self; Letting go of you
Today's Tip – The process of self; Letting go of you -
Let go of your ego. It's okay to be wrong, it's okay to listen to others for advise, and it is okay to have others take lead once in a while. In this business, known as life, it is always good to allow others to give you something, and for you to let go. To get ahead, you sometimes have to step back a little and allow others the floor. You'll learn a lot by hearing what others have to offer. What others have accomplished or failed at.
Just do it, let go of you. Give yourself a moment to breathe away your worries. Your concerns of what is next. Or who you are to a person. Let people enter into your life because every human that comes to you has something to offer. Their adventure, good or bad, will bring new information into your life. It is always about the world and you. If you think of you as more important to the conversation how can you listen, and respond? Be open.
So, as we conclude our understand of “The Process of self” take note to your personal growth, those around you, and what/where you want to be in the next year. Find direction, purpose, and when all is said and done, your list is a mile long, place it away for a week and relax. That's right, let yourself go. For everything comes in time, every moment is important. Most importantly the process of self is letting go of you!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
The process of self; Embracing people around you
Today's Tip – The process of self; Embracing people around you -
Friends, family, and new people you meet are all beautiful. Embrace them. Some may be rude, some may be nice, others might have a great deal to offer you while others are just people. As the saying goes “Be nice to everyone, you never know who someone is, or knows!” This is very true. People have friends and family all over the world and in every part of business. Like roads, they all connect in one way or another.
Good people are out there, though your goal is finding peace in yourself. Peace in yourself with excepting those people for who they are. Your life is always going to be your life. Allowing others to change your path, because you choose to be bothered, loved, or what have you, is on you alone. So, embrace those around you with open arms. This approach helps center your mind. Keeping your worries of others to a minimum while concentrating on your path.
When you come to a point of embracing people around you, you are doing two wonderful things; A) Letting go of stress and worry of what others are doing in their path, and B) you are opening doors with arms stretched out to embrace possibility with people all around you. Life is beautiful, and so are people... and most importantly, you are perfectly imperfect in every spectacular way!!! So embrace your life.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
The process of self; Loving you for you
Today's Tip – The process of self; Loving you for you -
You are special and unique. Believe in yourself, be yourself, and be for yourself. You have all your faculties stored up in your brain to be used at your will. Everything you are is made up of choices you have agreed to do. You are in control of your destiny, even at rough turns, you can make yourself find a way. What others thinks, or how you do for the acceptance of others, is outside the realm of you. You are important in your life.
Who you are is beautiful. Taking control of your life is peaceful. One step at a time if need be, you are your personal captain. Listen to your heart, your mind, your will. Be proud of who you are and your choices to bring success to your life. Live in peace with others, harmony with motion, and see your life become the change you want to see in the world. Every step you take is a step closer to being more you.
When others attack you, or make fun of you, you need only remember; this is your life and not theirs. Love who you are. Why? Because you are the only “you” there is in this world. Even if you were a twin... or a clone, there is still only one “you” in this world. Living your path, thinking your thoughts, being yourself. Embrace that, live it, embody who you are. Take your opinions, your thoughts and your devices of purpose and love the best you that you are!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
The process of self; Caring for you
Today's Tip – The process of self; Caring for you -
In your life there is only one important person, that's you. So taking care of you is most important! Your need for being healthy, aware, and focused is a necessity for success. While looking at your list of S.M.A.R.T. Goals one thing should come to our mind; someone has to do these things. That person is you. Thus, you are your vehicle for success. Would you allow your oil to thin out on your car so that your engine stops working? No you would not.
Your emotional state is important too. How people around you change your mood, the things you do, don't do, or want to do are all a part of your personal growth to self caring. If you care about yourself, you cleanse your world of things that bring negativity into your life. Allow life to be fluent in your adventures. Some people are just not worth your company if they bring dark clouds your way. This goes with your environment as well. Live in a calming area.
Are you happy with who you are? Are you happy with those that are around you? Does your environment bring your great joy? If you answered yes to all of these then you are on a great path. If your answer was no to any one, or all of these, then reevaluate your situation. Care about you. Change things. You have the right to walk away from that which brings you sadness. Your success is based on your personal happiness. You must love what it is you are doing!
Monday, July 2, 2012
The process of self; Starts with you
Today's Tip – The process of self; Starts with you -
You are the most important person in your life. With every dream, it comes from within you. You have the power to start any path you wish to begin. Make choices to improve your life. When an idea comes to life, you have to take steps to bring this venture to fruition. Start planning within your means to get the most out of it. Right now is not always the most important measure, sometimes a little extra time can help.
Over planning may take away from your ultimate goal. So stay within your means. If it takes you a year, so be it, a month – Great! The point is, you control your destiny. By controlling your wants, and needs you can budget out your valuable time. In life we have a few chances to hit great strides. Those few chances are at your action. Step up, and jump in! There is unlimited possibilities when you take focus unto yourself with your beautiful life.
Inner balance, willful direction, eating healthy, loving who you are, embracing life, and letting go are all process of self that start with you. To find inner balance, you must search within. To find willful direction, you must search for understanding. To eat healthy, you must control your diet to fit certain needs. Embracing life... letting go... these are all actions which start with you. Take control of who you are by listening to who you are. Be true to that.
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