Friday, September 16, 2011

Today's Tip – Setting up lunch meetings;

Setting up lunch meetings; “I got ya”; Ask people out for lunch, as your rapport with them grows. Then offer to pay the bill. This action will payoff in the end!

Wanting to sit in a more relaxed atmosphere will very often result in “Let's do lunch”. Hey it is cliche for a reason people, We don’t make this stuff up, well not much of it anyway. It is an effective way to get to know someone with less pressure since for whatever reasons mammals equate daylight with safety. Sorry side tracked a bit there. Anyway take that new contact out for some lunch, if its to soon for that then shoot for some coffee.

Here comes the tricky part. It's so tricky, so read this very slowly. Offer to pay for lunch. Yours, theirs and the next table over. Whatever you are comfortable with this should give you a good idea of your standing with the person plus, at some point they will say no, its my turn you can get it next time. Or something very similar to this. Guess what that means? Your going to be meeting more, meeting up is good to discuss mutually beneficial things like say a great big HUGE show that you are going to headline. Those kinds of things.

Another thing you can do is invite them to dinner, no wait that's nocturnal, poor mammals. Well anyway you can also once you have a fairly reasonable expectation of this person agreeing to meet with you whenever you call ask things like “Do you think so and so would like to join us this time”, or “I was thinking of having so and so join us what do you think” this way you can open that networking lunch just a bit and help you and others achieve your goals.

So rush right out and get me a sammach... Umm I mean rush right out and have a nice sandwich.

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