Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Persevere through setbacks!; Got fired, create work

Today's Tip – Persevere through setbacks!; Got fired, create work -

I have no skills. How do I find a skill worth making me a commodity? This is your beginning to figuring out what it is you can do. Look at what you have done. See where your strengths are. You'll have to do a little soul-searching, back tracking through your history, and write down a list of all the things you come up with. Make it fun. You get to really look into who you are. You will be surprised what you find.

It is as amazing as looking deeply into what you have done. Say you were a cashier when you were 16. What skill do you have out of that? Obviously, social skills. Networking, dealing with people everyday. Some times you get a feisty person who just wants to get in and out. Other times you get a chatty person. The point is, you learned to deal with these moments. There must have a been a good amount of people coming through that line.

So, skill #1 People Skills or better yet; Able to handle personal interrelationships between numinous personal while dealing with any situations to focus it on solving the problem at hand.

Think of it this way. You also learned how to count money and work a machine while focusing on other things. You were “multitasking”. Which is a great skill. It is amazing how much you can learn about yourself when you break it down to a focus point. Besides that, right now you are working your brain. The more brainstorming you do the more strength you give your brain for problem solving. That in itself is a great skill.

People are hired for “Think Tanks” all the time. The faster you can figure out a solution, the fast you'll find yourself getting work. Bring work to you. Create it by finding out who you are, what you can do. Prove to the world you have worth by proving to yourself you have worth. Then, start up a company by getting incorporated! Get fired up and go create some work!
Deadly Nights (Band)

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