Thursday, February 21, 2013

3 Needs of Longevity : Entrepreneur

Today's Tip • 3 Needs of Longevity : Entrepreneur

A company stands and falls on how its finances are handled. Start up income is helpful to get a business with a practical “Business Plan” that can institute a successful foundation. Start small, start large, just get started. Money will ensure this happens. An Entrepreneur is a person, or persons, who start up/run a business(es). An entrepreneur is also considered the “money” in this situation.

Money is handled through a partnership with one or more people, an individual who has the extra wealth, or allowing one, or two, of the “3 Needs of Purpose” (Growth / Dream) turning into the income flow. “Growth” is pushed harder with “Assets”. As a company's system of “3 Needs of Longevity” are guided by a “Manager”, the money helps fuel that company. Fuel is supplied by Purpose, which in turn is the company's Entrepreneur.

As a Manager's job is to handle a company's focus, an Entrepreneur handles the flow of money within that business. Making sure a company's “Budget” is in control, staying on par, and making proper investments with said finances. This organized finance, done correctly, will ensure a fruitful longevity in any venture's success. Income living up to its true value will completely benefit the changing flow from “Surviving” to “Expanding”.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Scrub & Tan New York (Business)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Joey Clipse (Rap Artist)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Alan Baltes

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 Needs of Longevity : Manager

Today's Tip • 3 Needs of Longevity : Manager

Organizing, delegating, running numbers; these things are important to a manager position. Every successful business needs a special manager. A person, or person(s), running a business accordingly. There are certain needs which must be taken care of each day. From focus managing, to micromanaging. A company survives on accomplishment, consistency, and productivity.

A good manager keeps their team in check, a great manager works within a team. Standing among a team will always bring up moral. If a business is a “Mom and Pop” shop, or an entertainer trying to make things happen, Managers work better when working with everyone involved. Know the people near you, around you. Take the phrase “Those who work under me”. A manager is never more important than anyone on that team. They are a part of that team.

Most vital to a manager, or manager team, is to manage their own efforts to help stay active within that company. They are the heart, the team are veins, the company is the body. Each is needed, and the manager must keep their daily diligence to overcome slack within or around the company. A strong working manager, or manager team, will always be a great foundation for a powerful working machine!

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Scrub & Tan New York (Business)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Joey Clipse (Rap Artist)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Alan Baltes

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

3 Needs of Longevity : The power of sides

Today's Tip • 3 Needs of Longevity : The power of sides

A “Triangle of Life” is designed to hold each side in a consistent force of structure. Take away one side and that Triangle will fall flat to the ground. While both “3 Needs of Success” and “3 Needs of Purpose” are both strong walls of need to keep a Triangle standing; “3 Needs of Longevity” balance it out. A Triangle of Life's foundation is formed by a simple rule of “Treat your life like a business”; which is the fifth side of said Triangle.

When it comes to a fourth side; “Assets”, they help fuel each side of the Triangle, thus completing the five sides. One side helps the other side and thus making a beautiful opportunity turn into successful possibilities. Needs of Longevity help organize all sides into a focused effort. With Manger handling delegations, an Entrepreneur working all financial avenues that ultimately lead to the Talent spreading the brand into notoriety.

As 3 Needs of Longevity carry the faculties of any company/brand to order, they also help input other aspects of a Triangle's Needs. Each side must allow the other side to gain from its efforts in order to see a company's brand grow even further! Looking forward to Longevity starts with a mentality of Managing your Entrepreneur/Finances into a Talented bundle of Consistency.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Scrub & Tan New York (Business)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Joey Clipse (Rap Artist)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Alan Baltes

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The fundamentals of growth : Expanding

Tip of the day – The fundamentals of growth : Expanding

Enter a new level of possibilities when a company starts expanding. Figuring out when a company is ready to expand through adding another satellite location. Look at a company's income. Overhead should stay pretty regular, unless employees increase, or taxes, rent, etc. change in anyway. Focus a budget based off a “Business Plan”. Numbers should outshine that of a “Growing” business structure.

A growing company needs to hit at least a minimum of their overhead in one week. It averages out to be a second month within the next two weeks and finally hitting some expense of their third month in the last week of a month. When “Expanding” a company, base efforts on income over expense with this formula. In one month a company should be covering 3 months worth of expenses. Example below.

Week 1 : $7,000
Week 2 : $3,500
Week 3 : $1,750
Week 4 : $1,750

Based on a company still spending only $3,500 a month on overhead, their goals should look like the above example. If this model was based on a company looking to expand, they would be able to do so if their income was maintained as such for a minimum of a year. Once a company has generating this kind of income, while also showing signs of an increase over that time, for a year; then it is projected that company will continue to do so.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Scrub & Tan New York (Business)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Joey Clipse (Rap Artist)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Alan Baltes

Monday, February 11, 2013

The fundamentals of growth : Growing

Tip of the day – The fundamentals of growth : Growing

Growing companies start off surviving. They search for a footing and take control of it. Most start up companies have a great heads up on the competition because their “Business Plan” is a solid one. They have their “3 Needs of Success” formulated to hit the ground running. If a company is struggling it's easy to figure out where they stand in “The 4 levels of a company's foundation”. If expenses (Overhead) add up to $3,500 a month, and income is this...

Week 1 : $1,000
Week 2 : $850
Week 3 : $900
Week 4 : $1,000

This equals $3,750. A person in this company is simple “Surviving” at this point. When a company starts bringing in enough income to bust through sustaining a month to month lifestyle it'll start hitting a better stride in growing. Increasing awareness to build interest in a company brings in traffic. It starts with opening doors to a person's eyes. Once they see it, they'll talk about it if that “Brand” touches them in a personal way.

Week 1 : $3,750
Week 2 : $1,875
Week 3 : $1,875
Week 4 : $937.50

Same company, with the same expenses, hitting a month shown above is a “Growing” company. They have hit their overhead in the first week. A second month within the second and third week and finally a quarter of their third month has started to be earned in their fourth week. It is a company capable of surviving a minimum of two months in one month. It is a start to an expanding possibility! Keeping a business plan in check will ensure this.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Scrub & Tan New York (Business)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Joey Clipse (Rap Artist)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Alan Baltes

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The fundamentals of growth : Surviving

Tip of the day – The fundamentals of growth : Surviving

Making money is easy when people are buying into a brand. Some companies have a great standing with that core audience of clientele. Unfortunately that core amount of people only add up to a base income for any brand. There is a budget of money a company needs to earn over expenses to break free of Surviving. Earning just enough to pay the bills, and a little left over to go towards next month is a sure sign of surviving.

Breaking free of this madness comes from investing money into “Networking”, “Marketing”, “Practicing” and “Assets”. This is a beginning venture for a company to free its fear of falling back down into the “Struggling” level. Networking is “Who you know”. Marketing is “Who knows you” and Practicing is “about you”. When it comes to Assets, it is all about freedom.

Through investing earnings over expenses into Assets you generate income. Marketing helps a company build interest and thus awareness to a brand. This is essential to a company's growth. As a Networking circle becomes more dominate, the more people will spread the word of a certain brand. Remember to place earnings over Assets earned into the “3 Needs of Purpose”. This will surely bust down all walls keeping a company from Growing.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Joey Clipse (Rap Artist)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Alan Baltes