Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The fundamentals of growth : Surviving

Tip of the day – The fundamentals of growth : Surviving

Making money is easy when people are buying into a brand. Some companies have a great standing with that core audience of clientele. Unfortunately that core amount of people only add up to a base income for any brand. There is a budget of money a company needs to earn over expenses to break free of Surviving. Earning just enough to pay the bills, and a little left over to go towards next month is a sure sign of surviving.

Breaking free of this madness comes from investing money into “Networking”, “Marketing”, “Practicing” and “Assets”. This is a beginning venture for a company to free its fear of falling back down into the “Struggling” level. Networking is “Who you know”. Marketing is “Who knows you” and Practicing is “about you”. When it comes to Assets, it is all about freedom.

Through investing earnings over expenses into Assets you generate income. Marketing helps a company build interest and thus awareness to a brand. This is essential to a company's growth. As a Networking circle becomes more dominate, the more people will spread the word of a certain brand. Remember to place earnings over Assets earned into the “3 Needs of Purpose”. This will surely bust down all walls keeping a company from Growing.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Joey Clipse (Rap Artist)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Alan Baltes

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