Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I want to be successful : Where's the audience

Today's Tip • I want to be successful : Where's the audience

Playing to an audience must be an amazing feeling. Hearing them scream cheers of joy, chants of praise. Having people there just to be apart of a grand ole show is every performers dream. It's even the dream for companies. Companies want an audience of people involved in their productions. So where is this audience? How does a person get people to notice them?

In general it starts with brand awareness. Simple rule; Get a brand then market that brand. Having a brand for people to latch onto starts with a connection within a company's purpose. Where does a company want to be in any given market? How do they want to be remember, or perceived? These questions help build a brand. Then market that brand through every avenue available.

Where is the audience? Waiting to know a brand is out there. They will come when they are interested. Build a nice relationship with them through conversation of brand vs opinion. Keeping away from telling people what you want them to see and what they should like vs letting them in on the conversation will always help you gain their interest. Think GEICO and how they communicate with their ever growing audience.

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BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
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