Monday, August 22, 2011

Today's Tip – I'm not performing tonight!

Today's Tip – I'm not performing tonight! So what, go and hang out at venues or with other like minded people to grow working relationships.

So not performing equates to not working does it, is that what you tell yourself? Well stop already. It certainly does not. From other tips you should know that the practice never stops. You should always be working.

How to do this when you aren't performing is as simple as could be. Go to where others perform. Meet people through your developing networking skills. Watch the crowd see what the react to watch for things you can incorporate into your own shows. Lets be clear here ideas as in showmanship, set up the intangibles that make for a better show. Don't go looking to steal material or parts of someones acts that makes you a thief, there are enough of those in entertainment already. Take some time to meet the manger or the owners at the venue. Most of all support who is performing they will appreciate it. Compliment them on the show. If they ask then give some feedback, make certain you give positive as well as negative.

Work the crowd too, meet everyone you can and have some of those nifty business cards you had made up on hand for those who are interested. Don't go through pitching your own stuff just be open to getting your info out there. Chances are during the conversation with the varied people you meet, you will be asked if you do what the people on the show do. You can also ask them what they do opening the door for you to tell them what you do. “You know I would love for you to come to one of my shows, here is my info”. Then move on in the conversation and steer it away from work, build your connection. Don't forget there are more than the one person you talked to, rinse and repeat during the evening. Make sure you talk up the act that is on don’t be a leech.

The benefits to this are many as I'm certain you can see. So get out there and make it happen for you. Build those connections with other groups, other fans, and other venues. 

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