Saturday, August 27, 2011

Today's Tip - Standing around is pointless;

Standing around is pointless; You should be walking around networking at a show. Your merchandiser sits at the table.

So you have all this great merchandise at your shows now. Maybe you have a booth, like kids have for lemonade. So you stand and guard it in case some crazy little monkey thief try's to swipe your stuff. NO NO NO.. have a friend guard the stuff you should be out networking.

Why? Really? Haven't you been reading along with the rest of the class? Fine we will wait for you to go back and read all the older postings. Remember to be prepared for class next time. You're back? Good then lets review. You should be out talking to the people who came to see you. Schmoozing is part of your job enjoy it, it is one of the fun things. Meet the people, talk to them, connect. If you have a table with some merchandise on it then you should let the people you are talking to know that. Try this “It has been great talking with you please go take a look at our table we have great stuff for fans like you!” See that was simple wasn't it, yes I know, you don't need to go on we are amazing. Oh your welcome!

So who mans the table, or woman’s it, however you wish to phrase it. A friend does that's who, your friends want to support you too, let them. We don't use them for something as mundane as filling a seat anymore right? RIGHT! We use them to help us interact with fans. I normally call them minions or lackeys. I suggest if you do the same that you not let them hear you say it until after the event.

There you go Folks. Sorry it is late today, It might even be a few days late but I had to make sure my home didn’t end up in OZ. Hurricane Irene is coming to visit, Had to get ready!

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