Sunday, October 23, 2011

Today's Tip – Not getting things done? Don't blame the other person;

Stop throwing the lack of effort on others. If you want this you have to make it happen. Who cares if you are putting more effort into it, if you want it, you do it. People are not here for you, they are here for them and don't let THEM slow YOU down.

Discouragement comes in many forms in this business called life. Sometimes it comes from inside us all, other times from seeing others failing where their strengths don't hold them up. Most often discouragement comes from those we work with not doing their part. It is difficult to work with people in any group when opinions, motivation and dedication are at different levels. At times these other people will fall short of what it is YOU are trying to accomplish. In turn you began to falterer, falling short of your personal goals because of your animosity toward your fellow confidants.

How to overcome this wall before it collapse on you? Stand your ground as you stay vigilante! Remember this one rule; It is your life, so live it. Letting others effect your outcome can push you away from life goals. In a time when those you hoped would be stay focus do not, then take control of your destiny. It is not up to them for you to succeed. It is up to you to make things happen in this life. Let them stay behind if at times they can't keep up with you or their necessary duties. Know your personal goals as a guideline to where and what you must do on a day to day routine.

Look around at people as they want things but do nothing for it. Stay away from this method. DO! A once wise fictional character said; “Do or do not, there is no try!” So do, don't try and do as others don't do. Stopping the do to prove a point or because you are feed up because of others lacking the do will get you nowhere. Move “nowhere” to “Now... Here!” and be in the moment, take the moment and control your moment. Those who fall short as you move forward to see your dreams become goals that turn into success will stay behind as you shine! LIVE YOUR LIFE STRONGLY!!!

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