Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Today's Tip – Why to say it... Direction;

Why to say it... Direction; Set small goals and accomplish your mission.

We went over how to say it and when to say it so now we need to know Why to say it. Why to say it is as it says... Why to say it. It is direction. This comes down to your goal setting abilities in any one situation. Even talking with a potential girl/guy for a date. You need to know why you are going over there. It will bring confidence into your mind, and show in your body language. So once you know why you are talking to someone, you can now attack little goals within itself.

It is important that you have an ultimate goal and smaller set up goals. An example; I want to get into this show for free and meet the owners to befriend them. That is your ultimate goal. You need smaller goals to get to there. Using the other two TAC abilities; how to say it and when to say it, you can jump into any situation as long as you top it off with direction... Why to say it! Think before you move in for the attack. Your first smaller goal should obviously be “what to do to get a conversation started?”. That is goal 1 of many. Each situation is different so you'll have to work that out on a case by case bases.

Of course if you take into consideration all the other tips you've been reading for the last 40 plus days, you will understand researching is important in helping you with TAC. Each skill of TAC can be taught to anyone, but it takes practice to help you really master it. Since TAC is a primary function of one of the three needs for success; Networking, it is imperative that you learn how to execute this skill. Try working out “why to say it...” on people in your everyday life. Set small goals of what you want from them and make it happen. You can be great at knowing How to say it, and even better at when to say it, but if you don't know why you are saying it you'll never come to any useful conclusion.

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