Friday, December 23, 2011

7 Deadly Sins - Envy and Pride;

Today's Tip – Oh my only two “Sins” left Envy, as In “I envy you that spot you got on the upcoming show.” Followed by “Pride” in how you went all Wrathful on their car tires so you could get that slot instead. No no.. kidding of course.

Envy though, come on that's not a sin, its motivational. Envy people find out how they got what you envy ad then do that to achieve it. Then you won't be envious anymore. Now you will be prideful. Envy can be a powerful motivator you know. Using it to help set goal is a common way of doing it. People don't really think about it that way but in reality its there all the same. Envy helps make the world go round and you use it this way all the time to help reach your goals. “Some day when I'm rich and famous I will have a giant golden ball-peen hammer of wrath just like Ed!” Just like that. Then once you reach that, take pride in it. Take Pride in everything you do and accomplish revel in it.

Pride, what kind of wussy sin is that really. Like you shouldn’t be proud of your accomplishments. Big Medium and small take pride in them all. I tied my shoe today, I KICK ASS! Ya ya maybe you tied your shoe too but not anywhere near so awesomely as I did. That's the attitude you need to have all the time. You are better then they are, because you say so. They don't like it? Have them take it up with the society for whiney little bitches. I'm sure they will get to it in 10 years or so they have a lot of requests to go through.

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