Thursday, December 22, 2011

7 Deadly Sins - Sloth;

Today's Tip – Deadly sin of the day SLOTH! Indeed, this one is more complex then it seems because it has meant so many different things over the centuries. In a nut shell though it's being lazy and not using your god-given talents and skills. So that's how we are going to be looking at it.

In tandem with... Deadly Sin number five Wrath... as in If you don't get off your lazy ass and start making things happen by using your god-given skills and talents, I will bounce a ball-peen hammer off your head at high noon. How is that for Wrath... good right I liked it too. I bet you were wondering how I could fit all the sins into one week. That's right I doubled a few up. Come on though, did you really think I was going to tell you to embrace sloth? Well, I am, to a degree. Encourage it in others. Let them be the lazy bastards. This will make you look better in comparison. However, If I catch you doing it were back to the ball-peen hammer.

Wrath, on the other hand, should be fully embraced, it's not a sin it's a virtue. That promoter sitting on their ass not doing anything? Wrath em, just all out go postal on him. Cry Havoc and all that, let slip the velociraptors of war. It's that simple. Don't let people take advantage of you kick their asses. If you feel hatred and anger towards someone then embrace it, they earned it I am sure. For example, I hate humans. I find them to be two faced, dishonest and mean spirited for no reason. Now if they had reason that would be OK, but they usually don't they just do it to be jerks. See now I got side tracked. So back to the message. Sloth in others good!! Wrath for you Good.

So encourage Sloth in those you can, competitors, bill collectors, people like that. Wrath on the other hand keep that for yourself. Use it when people try to take advantage of you and your virtuous life. See don't you feel better already!

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