Saturday, January 26, 2013

The power of a website : Hotspot vs Fluff

Tip of the day – The power of a website : Hotspot vs Fluff

How hot is a Hotspot? An official Website is designed to give choice to a product and that product's clientele. Buy it, See it, Touch it, Hear it, Taste it; all at a Brand's Hotspot. This is where everything about a Brand is placed. A Hotspot is also designed to sell the most up to date idea to an audience. New albums, shows, products, etc. A hot spot is one third of your needs in creating stability.

Every company has a “Logo”, “Slogan”, and a “Hotspot”. These things help finalize the “Voice”, “Image”, and “Purpose” of a Brand. A Hotspot is helpless sitting around collecting dust if there is no interest, or awareness in that brand. Creating “Hype” starts with “Fluff”. So once a brand has a Logo, and their Slogan, then a brand can create a Hotspot for clientele to take advantage of that Hotspot with ease to start interacting.

This is done through Fluff. Every site inside a Brand's “HUB” is dedicated to creating buzz. Build that interest with these Fluff sites to pull clientele to a Brand's Hotspot. Brand building is presented on Fluff sites with voice growth. Let an Clientele interact with a Brand through Fluff sites. Opening up avenues of interest that will ultimately lead them to an official website known as the Hotspot.

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