Thursday, January 10, 2013

Networking : Customers / Clients

Tip of the day – Networking : Customers / Clients

Your most valuable source of survival to keep your “Triangle of life” going strong are your Customers/Clients. Growing your clientele starts with “Networking”. If you are a performer, stand by the door at the end of your show. Say hello, greet, and get to know your fans, or soon to be fans. The more you show them you care that they are there, the more they will care about you being there. This works all forms of life. In a business sense, like working at a school, your students and fellow teachers, will appreciate your company if you in return do the same.

Most importantly people in your everyday life, which is your business, should appreciate your existence. You should appreciate individuals as well. Saying “Hello” to people when walking into a business. Even saying “Goodbye” when you finally leave a business. You say goodbye to people after you leave their house, or a party. If you are not, then remember that you should be doing so. The power of hello, and the respect of goodbye is life changing to most people. Embrace the reality of acknowledging people, and the power of connecting to life.

Start to build relationships with your Customers / Clients by giving to them. Give them your time. Give them free things. Give them a chance to open up with you. Your success is fueled by your clientele. Treat them as if they were you. You care about them because it helps your business grow. So, connect with them. Set your friendly connection into action while maintaining some privacy of course. You open up deeply to friends and family. Clientele gets your best behavior and honesty!

Call our office : 631.599.2263

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