Friday, May 31, 2013
Motivation : Break the rules
Today's Tip • Motivation : Break the rules
Break the rules, not the laws. When you hear “this is the way it is done”, there is no harm in trying it another way. New ways to bring success to ourselves come from chance taking. Keep it safe; never holding back in fear, while everyone stays in line keeps the average, average. Break the rules to see how much you can learn from your own failings, and others who have failed. Research history of success. See where others may have accomplished things while others fell short.
This is all about standing out from everyone else. Let your brand shout in open air to get people's attention. The world of chance starts with you. Thinking outside boxes is a wonderful way of making headway in life. Sometimes it took a “crazy” person who wanted to fly so two brothers could make it work. Or a man and his mouse cartoon to give everlasting youth to life. When someone tells you no, or that this is how it is done, make sure you break away from their negative ways and try it.
Failing is a great way of learning. Learning leads to your one thousand attempt for a light bulb. The telephone was considered a ridiculous invention. Who knew!? Every once in a while a random thought will pop into a person's head. This will lead to great things if an initiative was taken. Space would always be a place we looked to if it were not for our quest to expand the horizons. Expand your possibilities with every dream you have. There are only great attempts, and amazing outcomes to even the best failings. Break the rules, not the laws and see life happen!
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Motivation : Listen to you
Today's Tip • Motivation : Listen to you
People say many things that will work against your dream's desires. They will tell you that somethings are not worth the chance. You need a backup plan in case it fails. People make it as if they know more about your abilities than you do. Even friends, family, or teachers of our growth, will sometimes give us poor advice. Their advice is normally about having safety nets, because of their lacking belief in your strength forward. Get a good job they will tell you. Why get a good job, when you can have your own great life?
Should you protect yourself? Of course you should. Plan your life out, and stay strong within your Triangle of life. Utilizing your 3 Needs of Purpose, you'll be able to take those chances you must take. Your back up plan will be your motion forward. You hold the pieces to your backup plan being your main plan. Listen to advice, however, hear your own voice. If you believe in yourself let that guide you forward. When individuals tell you that you can't, or that it is “HARD”, tell them I know, and I am ready for the challenge, for if things are simple, what is their worth in completion?
Listen to your soul. Let you promote possibility in you. Life is short, let your life be well lived to the fullest of your dreams. Bring them to reality. Encourage yourself. Every morning tell yourself this wonderful statement “Today I say Yes to life”. When you find yourself saying “No”, more often than “Yes”, it is time to change your vocabulary. You must make actions to be actionable in your life. You know what you like better than anyone else does. Be true to your motive, and handle life honestly.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
People say many things that will work against your dream's desires. They will tell you that somethings are not worth the chance. You need a backup plan in case it fails. People make it as if they know more about your abilities than you do. Even friends, family, or teachers of our growth, will sometimes give us poor advice. Their advice is normally about having safety nets, because of their lacking belief in your strength forward. Get a good job they will tell you. Why get a good job, when you can have your own great life?
Should you protect yourself? Of course you should. Plan your life out, and stay strong within your Triangle of life. Utilizing your 3 Needs of Purpose, you'll be able to take those chances you must take. Your back up plan will be your motion forward. You hold the pieces to your backup plan being your main plan. Listen to advice, however, hear your own voice. If you believe in yourself let that guide you forward. When individuals tell you that you can't, or that it is “HARD”, tell them I know, and I am ready for the challenge, for if things are simple, what is their worth in completion?
Listen to your soul. Let you promote possibility in you. Life is short, let your life be well lived to the fullest of your dreams. Bring them to reality. Encourage yourself. Every morning tell yourself this wonderful statement “Today I say Yes to life”. When you find yourself saying “No”, more often than “Yes”, it is time to change your vocabulary. You must make actions to be actionable in your life. You know what you like better than anyone else does. Be true to your motive, and handle life honestly.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Motivation : The greats started out failures
Today's Tip • Motivation : The greats started out failures
Fear holds worlds at bay. Break through that fear. Become something more than a frozen statue unwilling to partake in this beautiful world of life. Taking chances changes life from one still moment to endless possibilities. Give a dream your time, your motion, your destination. Remember that every step never taken is a step behind the rest. Above all else, when your doubt holds you so deep in fear, your heart shakes and you begin to tear, you control your fate. You control everything from this point on. Be willing to fail!
In action anything can happen. It is that act where we learn through success, and failure. Education is more important than never learning. In school, if you sit there and listen to nothing then you'll most likely get a low grade and be held back. Your life is a test of attempts. Listen to what is around you. Listen to how you deal with a situation, how you fail, or succeed. Your ability to learn from these events will completely enhance your outcome with a perfect A+ in life... your life. Be willing to fail.
Our first President; George Washington, lost more battles than he won. He was willing to fail because the goal was more important than his pride, his fear, his worry of failure. His losses never outweighed his powerful motivation to overcome all odds. In fact, he was almost fired for losing one particular battle. The British thought he was horrible as a solider in the British army, and when he completed his campaign that inevitably lead to all of us calling America; These United States, they couldn't believe it was the same person. The King respected him. Be willing to fail.
Enjoy the video we have all seen a thousand times before! ( )
Enjoyed that? Enjoy this too (
Okay, enjoy this one too (
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Monday, May 20, 2013
Motivation : Everything starts with your action
Today's Tip • Motivation : Everything starts with your action
Having a dream is one thing. Making that dream happen is another. Your motivation to begin starts the revolution of what has been boiling up in your mind for years. You have a dream that you wish to accomplish and so you deserve to accomplish said dream! Start with a plan. A plan leads to direction. In this plan organize your SMART Goals, Budget, and Team. That's right, a Team. A team is compiled of friends, family, fans and associates. Those you work with, help and return the action.
SMART Goals are organized destinations which will help you always be aware of where you are, where you are going, and where you were at. Realize you are more than welcome to allow yourself sub-goals to each major goal. How your action helps you to succeed begins with you. Overwhelming yourself may demotivate your actions. When you feel this way, give power back to your mind. Attack smaller goals, or even one goal at a time. For one goal a day is 365 goals a year!
Budgets are organized through money spent, saved, and utilized. Money spent is all finances which handle your overhead. This includes “movies” money, or “bowling” money. That extra leisure you love to partake in. Saved money is organized into those wonderful 3 Needs of Purpose. Let them live within that world of purpose and you'll fill your foundation with opportunity. To round this all out take money and utilize it. Invest that money into income growth. This money works for you while you can work for yourself!
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Motivation : Who do you want to be?
Today's Tip • Motivation : Who do you want to be?
Everything you do is about you. Who are you? Who do you wish to be? What you want to be is different than who you are. What you are might be a sales person, an actor, or janitor. Who you are is what defines your purpose. Everything you do is based on you. Be your virtue, be your peace, be your quest, be everything you want to be. While you are on this adventure know who you are and be truest to that purpose. Everything else is your suit, your outfit which covers you.
You want to be happy? These wants can be obtained, lost, and found again. They are moments of time which part with us, stay with us, or hide within us. Let us want for nothing and become something more than a desire. Who we are is pure, purposeful and justly of our own life. We can take who we are forever, we can change it, arrange it, and create a world around us. It's never filled, always moving. A child wants a toy, they get it, they love it and finally after some time they forget about it. We will always know who we are as we enlighten our goal to know why we are.
Every ounce of success was born from will. Are you a person that wants, or a person that does? You have dreams, you have goals, you have purpose. You are a person of value. Be more than what people tell you that you are. Be you, be the truest you that you can be. Know WHO you are so your choices are from your inner purpose. In time, all your actions will bring reaction. Listen to more than “reviews” of your life. Listen to life, it's soul, its joy, its heart. Be more than people telling you NO. Bring reality to your dreams because today you will say YES to life... your life.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Getting the most out of a brand : Supporting the support system
Today's Tip • Getting the most out of a brand : Supporting the support system (Going to other people's shows)
You may not always have time to support others in life; however, when you ask people to show up for your events and they either ignore you, or respond that they are too busy, you will realize it might be your fault. People, as yourself, want support for their efforts. They want to perform, or even express their purpose in front an audience of people. Give them this opportunity by supporting their lives, their choices. In other words, saying you will make it, then never showing up, is devaluing to you. Never showing up for their events is truly devaluing to your brand.
Of course, you might be a busy bee yourself in a way that hardly allows you to be at every event. This is true, so let your communication with people be less about “what you are doing” and simply connect with people you've not talked with in a while. You'd be surprised how much a person truly appreciates you reaching out to them. If you are busy, “all the time” try and set it up so you can get out there once in a while to be apart of something more than your life. This is a life worth living when you can experience it with other people.
When all else fails, this system is based on supporting one another. They call it a scene for a reason. When others stand back only wishing for support, it becomes harder to climb a wall when there is no one below you helping you up. Truth be told, that person you helped up, who now is on top of the wall pulling you up, is apart of your support system. Working together as a team is the greatest way to support the support system. Stand together and anything can be accomplished in this big world of possibilities.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
You may not always have time to support others in life; however, when you ask people to show up for your events and they either ignore you, or respond that they are too busy, you will realize it might be your fault. People, as yourself, want support for their efforts. They want to perform, or even express their purpose in front an audience of people. Give them this opportunity by supporting their lives, their choices. In other words, saying you will make it, then never showing up, is devaluing to you. Never showing up for their events is truly devaluing to your brand.
Of course, you might be a busy bee yourself in a way that hardly allows you to be at every event. This is true, so let your communication with people be less about “what you are doing” and simply connect with people you've not talked with in a while. You'd be surprised how much a person truly appreciates you reaching out to them. If you are busy, “all the time” try and set it up so you can get out there once in a while to be apart of something more than your life. This is a life worth living when you can experience it with other people.
When all else fails, this system is based on supporting one another. They call it a scene for a reason. When others stand back only wishing for support, it becomes harder to climb a wall when there is no one below you helping you up. Truth be told, that person you helped up, who now is on top of the wall pulling you up, is apart of your support system. Working together as a team is the greatest way to support the support system. Stand together and anything can be accomplished in this big world of possibilities.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Getting the most out of a brand : The Power of saying Hi once in a while
Today's Tip • Getting the most out of a brand : The Power of saying Hi once in a while (Contact your friends)
“Hello my friend, how are you today? Good I hope. Have a most peaceful and pleasant day!”
That felt easy, and harmless; taking only a moment of a person's time. Saying “hi” reminds people you care about them. People spend a lot of time forgetting things without realizing it. That's because people get busy. They have a life outside others and sometimes, without any knowledge of it, they forget that you are in their life. So remind them once in a while with a hello. You might simply be saying “HI, and hope all is well”, but that will remind them you care. Because you do. You care enough to ensure your life and their life continues to grow. People are important.
Knowing people, through networking, is a prime need for accomplishing success. Success in your life, and the life of living. We must connect with people. People remembering you is not their job. You must make the move. Beating your Ego out of your life shall help you find success in any field. Give in to peace, resolve, and understanding, and most of all give in to waiting for someone else to contact you. If you care about people, then know they can get busy. It's okay for you to contact them to remind them you know they are out there.
Life is about moving forward; less standing in a spot tapping your foot while waiting. Make things happen with action. You want something to come of your dream, do things to see it come alive. One step at a time. Excuses only create a rift between people. Make it a habit to contact your friends, family, and even associates within your field of interest. You may even want to contact people who are outside your field of interest, since you never know who someone is, or knows!
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
The Prince of Denmark is coming in August to The Rose Theater : 1320 Lincoln Ave Holbrook NY 11741
Over the next few months The Rose Theater is getting ready for Hamlet. I so happen to be performing as Hamlet in this production. The company is searching for donations to help give the best representation of such an amazing play by William Shakespeare. If only $10 a person, we'll be able to hit our goal fairly quickly as our deadline date is July 1st. Which would give the Theater enough time to build the sets and utilize the donations for said materials.
Help Bring Reality to our dreams!
Please follow the link below
• Make A Right Left Here (My official page website)
• BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)
• The Rose Theater (Direct company link)
• Twitter (My personal twitter)
• Youtube (I make stupid videos)
• Thomas J. Bellezza (My entertainer page)
• BBR Productions Inc. (My production company)
• The Rose Theater (A Theater for first time opportunity)
• Make A Right Left Here TV (My web based TV show)
• Lord Telmorn Altayon (A character I write about, the first God)
• Altayon (My Theatrical Progressive Metal Band)
• BBR Productions Inc. (Direct company link)
• The Rose Theater (Direct company link)
• Twitter (My personal twitter)
• Youtube (I make stupid videos)
• Thomas J. Bellezza (My entertainer page)
• BBR Productions Inc. (My production company)
• The Rose Theater (A Theater for first time opportunity)
• Make A Right Left Here TV (My web based TV show)
• Lord Telmorn Altayon (A character I write about, the first God)
• Altayon (My Theatrical Progressive Metal Band)
Friday, May 10, 2013
Getting the most out of a brand : Using a venue vs Using a venue
Today's Tip - Getting the most out of a brand : Using a venue vs Using a venue
A venue is a place where people may perform. What are they performing; A job, entertainment, life, etc. We'll refer to performing as a sense of duty or operation within a particular field of life. If you are an entertainer, think of it as a venue for presenting your artistic venture. If you work as a lawyer, then the court room is your venue, etc, etc. These places are built for use, but not for being used. What is a comedian without a room? What is an actor without a stage? What is a lawyer without a courtroom? What is life without the world? Living strongly against Earth's grace will surely show a small decline in life's comfort. Destroy the world and there will be no world to destroy. Destroy a venue and expect the same.
When being invited into a venue, either through your own actions or the actions of the venue itself, remember to respect it. Act accordingly to its rules, needs and safety requests. Help support the venue in a respectful manner through letting others know it is exists. When you have an opportunity to utilize a venue, act as if it were your own, with the same respect you would want others to bring to it. When you are performing, you want your audience to see the professionalism coming from you and the venue. Market the event you are on, create interaction with that venue and most of all, come out and visit that venue even when you are not performing.
For those who have an understanding of the term “Using a venue” let's figure the meaning out together in a more realistic sense. You are a guest, it is a night where you get to perform. The only thing that matters is you are on stage. There is almost zero value in this action. Performing with a mentality that you are all that matters. You have a show on the 4th, so until that day, you rarely market the event, and after that day you never make mention of that venue again... until you are performing there again. Even more off-colored, is when was the last time you were at the venue when you weren't performing or “trying” to get a performance out of it?
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Getting the most out of a brand : Fans vs Fa(n)ly
Today's Tip - Getting the most out of a brand : Fans vs Fa(n)ly
Growth of a fan comes from growth of a brand. We have friends and family; “Fa(n)ly” that support our quest. However, they support it only so many times, and for a certain amount of time. In the business of success Fa(n)ly always count for zero people involved. To people of note, this is less about your brand's value and more about the support of those who love you and would like whatever you did; to a point. Fa(n)ly will be there for you even if you simply were terrible at what you were doing. They are just happy to see you doing what you love. There will be a point where they cannot afford to take money and time away from their lives and give it to you.
Fans on the other hand want to be there. The more powerful your brand, the more aware people will become. Thus, they will find a way to work out their lives so they can see your life. One side of this amazing brand awareness spectrum is KISS. Yes, that rock band with make-up. They have new, and old fans. A lot of their new fans come from their old fans bringing up their children as KISS fans. Such as it is with sports, Yankees / Mets, etc. There is a bond between a brand and its fans. The smaller side of a brand awareness is when a comedian performs and no one shows up. Or a play is unknown. To bring people to these events you must A) make it known there is one, and B) Build your brand.
If Nicole Kidman was performing in a movie, play, stand-up comedy or even a band; BUT, no one told anyone; Most likely no one will show up. However, her brand is well known enough that her “die hard” fans would find out and show up. Let us say there were no die hard fans, just fans. They wouldn't know what was going on with Nicole Kidman unless she advertised it. Letting the public know is important. Thus, interviews everywhere; TV, Magazines, press in Newspapers, even blog posts and other online advertisements. The idea is brand awareness brings with it a draw. Thus, a brand's draw brings with it a nice size paycheck.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yoga (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Getting the most out of a brand : Getting people to your show
Today's Tip • Getting the most out of a brand : Getting people to your show
People want to go out and do things. This is by far the truest statement a person can make. People enjoy letting off steam, relaxing out in the world or just letting it all go for a night out with friends. Why would a night out playing miniature gulf trump getting people out to your show? What makes miniature gulf, or a holiday, or even a movie get more pull than an event that either you put together, or have been placed on? There are a few rules to making a night of performance worth the while of every one involved; performer and your audience.
Value of brand brings an audience. When people enjoy a brand they will go out of their way to support that brand. Of course, they need to know about that brand to enjoy it. Keeping an event secret until it is promoted on the day of the event rarely helps. You must first create a buzz. This is done 3 months before a performance date. Every two weeks you increase that buzz from just a simple thought to a full on interest builder. Photos of practice leading to that date, interaction with individual fans who would love to see you perform. These help build awareness.
An audience killer is doing shows. That's right, if you have a show lined up the night before another show; both of which are only 10 miles from one another, you kill an audience draw. If you are performing Friday, Saturday and Sunday, make sure to spread the distance out; One day on Long Island, then New York City, then maybe New Jersey. This helps spread out interest without oversaturating your brand's draw. Another thing to be aware of; Telling people to come to a show is a deterrent. Present these shows to an audience and let them decided through their own accord.
Advertise the event in a passive manor. This means let it be known there is a show without begging people to come out to a show. Place some money into marketing. You will be surprised on its return. One misconception is performers feel it is the venue's responsibility. It is a performer's responsibility to bring awareness to their own brand. Also, relying on the small chance the other performers will market; so you can steal their fans (because you are awesome and better than they are), doesn't work. Mostly because they are thinking the same thing more often than not.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yogo (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
A class on class : Thank you
Today's Tip • A class on class : Thank you
Two of the most powerful words in the world; Thank you. It is a representation of appreciation for doing something, or being there helping. There are many ways of saying “Thank you”; from an act of reciprocation to simply saying it in a letter. The idea is to present opportunities to hear this, and most importantly for you to say it to others for their kindness. Being thankful is a bonding experience. A great way to show a relationship growth in people. When these words are felt; a connection is born ensuring people are there.
Importantly enough Thank You should be heard more often than not. When you realize you have been around a person, or person(s), and you've never heard them say Thank You; then something is off. In the opposite fashion, if you find yourself never in a position to say Thank You to a person, or person(s), then something is truly off and your connection with them should be reevaluated. Friends, family, associates should be people that say, hear, or are a grouping of that wonderfully beautiful phrase “Thank You”.
If there is one thing a person should learn it is to Thank themselves. Be thankful. Because if you are finding yourself without thanks of your own life it is time for changes. Make sure to Thank yourself daily. For without you, YOU couldn't exists! That's right, you are an important catch in your life. Every morning say; “Thank You for allowing me the opportunities to be the best me that I can be. And for that, I thank you. In return, TODAY I WILL SAY YES TO LIFE!”
And now, we here at BBR Productions Inc., would like to say our blog is growing because of you. Because you come here and enjoy our helpful posts. You keep us moving forward, for giving, and helping brings a world together. Everyone deserves a chance to bring reality to their dreams and you have surely allowed us to express our dreams; From the truth of our hearts, Thank You GREATLY!
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yogo (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Monday, May 6, 2013
A class on class : Selflessness
Today's Tip • A class on class : Selflessness
Doing for others is a gift that keeps on giving. Working with other people should be about them. Wait, about them, are you sure? Yes. Your survival depends on how others enjoy working with you. Through acts of selflessness you gain friendships that could potentially last forever. More importantly, that relationships leads to word of mouth spreading faster through acts of truthful kindness. There is a fine line between doing something with an intent of earning a valued return from it, and doing something for the act of being kindly helpful.
Sincerity starts with an open eye to learn more from being around people. Action truly speaks deeply of a person's character. Helping a person out with an intent to get nothing in return leads to endless possibilities. This brings us to an interesting example. You're hanging out with people and being stand-off-ish to a person because you simply have no valued interest in them. (For whatever reason), then that person says something about working with “Important” people. Turning to them at this point will surely only corrupt your reputation. Be nice to everyone, you never know...
This also goes for ourselves. Be selfless with ourselves. Take chances for the intention of giving your life possibilities. Taking away your chance at life is selfish. Where you could make an action work, and holding back in fear is giving the one person who means the world to you, disrespect. You owe your life chance taking opportunities. You get one life, so make it a life you dream of. There is plenty of reason to smile because you are happy doing what you so wish to be doing. Be the life you want! Take chances.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
BBR Productions Inc
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yogo (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
A class on class : Respect is respectable
Today's Tip • A class on class : Respect is respectable
Who you know and who knows you are prime needs in a path to success. A grand rule of thumb is to always be nice to people; You never know who someone is or knows. However, being nice to people with an expectation of gaining something from them is ill advised. Be nice for the sake of being nice. Kindness will always be rewarded in kindness. Those who are rude shall be rude until you have something to offer them. This means continue being nice. Take note that being kind doesn't mean doing things for those who are rude to you and others. It means be cordial.
Respect comes in many shapes. Ultimately respect a person's space, life, desires, rules, and other areas of their personal life. It is about keeping things professional until that door is finally open. When you are giving permission to walk through that door than you can move forward as friends. Until that point it is all business. Respect relationships, business and personal. Each one has a dedicated purpose in a path to success. Working with people, getting guidance or support, all these moments, and more, come from a networking circle.
Most importantly, respect is seen as a sign of value. The action of respecting others reflects deeply unto a person's reputation. Therefore respect the business you are interested in and it will respect you back. Working hard for something grander than a life you think you must live starts with respecting yourself, then the business you want to be in; followed by individuals in and around your life. Your life is a company, in turn, is a brand, that people will buy into. When they respect that brand they will always want to associate with that brand.
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