Today's Tip • Motivation : Who do you want to be?
Everything you do is about you. Who are you? Who do you wish to be? What you want to be is different than who you are. What you are might be a sales person, an actor, or janitor. Who you are is what defines your purpose. Everything you do is based on you. Be your virtue, be your peace, be your quest, be everything you want to be. While you are on this adventure know who you are and be truest to that purpose. Everything else is your suit, your outfit which covers you.
You want to be happy? These wants can be obtained, lost, and found again. They are moments of time which part with us, stay with us, or hide within us. Let us want for nothing and become something more than a desire. Who we are is pure, purposeful and justly of our own life. We can take who we are forever, we can change it, arrange it, and create a world around us. It's never filled, always moving. A child wants a toy, they get it, they love it and finally after some time they forget about it. We will always know who we are as we enlighten our goal to know why we are.
Every ounce of success was born from will. Are you a person that wants, or a person that does? You have dreams, you have goals, you have purpose. You are a person of value. Be more than what people tell you that you are. Be you, be the truest you that you can be. Know WHO you are so your choices are from your inner purpose. In time, all your actions will bring reaction. Listen to more than “reviews” of your life. Listen to life, it's soul, its joy, its heart. Be more than people telling you NO. Bring reality to your dreams because today you will say YES to life... your life.
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