Monday, May 6, 2013

A class on class : Selflessness

Today's Tip • A class on class : Selflessness

Doing for others is a gift that keeps on giving. Working with other people should be about them. Wait, about them, are you sure? Yes. Your survival depends on how others enjoy working with you. Through acts of selflessness you gain friendships that could potentially last forever. More importantly, that relationships leads to word of mouth spreading faster through acts of truthful kindness. There is a fine line between doing something with an intent of earning a valued return from it, and doing something for the act of being kindly helpful.

Sincerity starts with an open eye to learn more from being around people. Action truly speaks deeply of a person's character. Helping a person out with an intent to get nothing in return leads to endless possibilities. This brings us to an interesting example. You're hanging out with people and being stand-off-ish to a person because you simply have no valued interest in them. (For whatever reason), then that person says something about working with “Important” people. Turning to them at this point will surely only corrupt your reputation. Be nice to everyone, you never know...

This also goes for ourselves. Be selfless with ourselves. Take chances for the intention of giving your life possibilities. Taking away your chance at life is selfish. Where you could make an action work, and holding back in fear is giving the one person who means the world to you, disrespect. You owe your life chance taking opportunities. You get one life, so make it a life you dream of. There is plenty of reason to smile because you are happy doing what you so wish to be doing. Be the life you want! Take chances.

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BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yogo (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
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