Thursday, July 25, 2013

Band Together : Stage Sound;

Today's Tip • Band Together : Stage Sound;

“They go up to 11!”, “Why not just make 10 louder?”, “They go up to 11.” Lower your volume on stage. You want a great mix? Keep it low. Louder doesn't make it better. Most touring bands on festival stages place their amps in the back (off stage) and mic them up. At that point they are going through monitors keeping the volume controlled. Now the audience can understand what the singer is saying, and what the instruments are doing.

Most bands are not trained sound-people. Especially a trained sound-person in a particular venue, who gets paid to be there. Even if you are an amazing sound-person in a band, the person who works at that venue knows the room, the sound it uses and what works best for that venue. Take a moment and work with them, not against them. They want you to have the best sound possible.

If you are not Man-o-war then you are probably trying to stay away from their loudest record; or maybe you do want to beat their world record for loudest band. In that case, make sure you have the judge around to take note of it. Work with those doing sound. They really do want you to come off amazing. They are dealing with a bunch of people in different bands, and you are dealing with one person. Work cohesively with them and I promise they will do their best!

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BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)

The Rose Theater (Business)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Shure Thing (Band)
Kayla Stockert
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions (Business)

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