Thursday, July 18, 2013

The stress of success – Suc-stressful : If I build it, they will... not show up?

Today's Tip • The stress of success – Suc-stressful : If I build it, they will... not show up?

Booking an event, filming a movie, starting a band, or any other number of things where a person(s) comes up with a brilliant idea, to create something under the assumption that people will come because “it is indeed, brilliant”, needs to reevaluate everything. Speaking to a group of talented writers, I asked them each “Why should I hire you”. Well, most said they are were talented, awesome, good at what they do. One person said “I will make you money”, then following in formation, people added that reason to their personal reason too. Writers developing a script are not the ones making you the money. They are building you a “bi-product”. Money comes from something bigger than a “Bi-Product”.

Talking with comedians, musicians, and business, they all come up with the same plan; If I build it, people will show up. People will not show up, or buy anything you are selling, if they don't know about you. About your “Brand”. Marketing your Brand is so important, that most companies spend a Third of their start up money in this area. Creating a voice, image, style, and then pushing it in the faces of millions of people. This is where the money is made; made through the company spending money on marketing. Like a writer, they have a script, a studio then gets it made, and finally markets it to earn income. Musicians create music, then a marketing company or label push that brand to generate sales.

A strong truth in this business is talent comes second. People must know who or what you are before they can believe in spending hard earned money on it. Give them an opportunity to grow a relationship with you. Branding is difficult if you ignore it. You can even start by making it simple then slowly develop it into something grander as you learn more about your “Brand”. At least you are starting somewhere. Which in most cases is a great place to be. So why are they “not showing up”? Because they have no connection to your brand, your image, your want to pay to be involved. Remember; Bring “Awareness” to people which creates “Interest” that in turn generates “Sales”. This is the secret to marketing!

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)

The Rose Theater (Business)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Shure Thing (Band)
Kayla Stockert
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions (Business)

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