Thursday, March 1, 2012

Selling the profit; Money does not make money

Today's Tip – Selling the profit; Money does not make money -

What does BBR Productions Inc. mean when we say “Selling the profit”? It means reinvest your money as you begin your journey outward to success. Buying things is one way of spending your money. Though we like to teach you how to spend for the best value of your worth. Remember, everything you do is a company based idea. If you want to be successful doing a certain skill you have and enjoy performing than you have to Network, Market, and Practice that skill. If you want to work with a company to recoup money, than the same has to happen.

Everything we do in this world for success should be ran like a business. A strong growing company reinvests money back into themselves as long as the investment is spent on the best value of your worth. Selling the profit is a great way to show dedication. BBR Productions Inc. enjoys showing you routes of future success. We feel earning the big buck is less important that the long buck. A long buck will last you till your ending days. A big buck will get you through the month, maybe even a year... then what?

Having money does not make money. Watching it sit there in a pile... or “Wad o' Money” looks pretty but looks will only take you so far. Money, as we all know, depreciates everyday. Rarely will we see money gain a value worth more than what it once was. Money earned through money is money reinvested. Saving money is one form of losing money. Every cent you make, reinvest it into your future, your money's future and the future of your success. That money will bring you a long buck return on any investment you dedicate it to. Including, but not limited to your skill, life, job or relationships...


Deadly Nights (Band)

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