Wednesday, March 7, 2012

S.W.O.T. Week; Opportunities

Today's Tip – S.W.O.T. Week; Opportunities -

YAH its umm... ok it's Wednesday well, it is a a good day regardless and today we will be looking at Opportunities. These are the reasons you can do what you do. Different then the first two SWOT's this is something that is outside of your control, at least your direct control. For example noticing that there is no place in your area that does an open mic night could very well be an opportunity. Or perhaps the pizza place by you is more like Ellio's then real pizza. That’s an opportunity (I like Ellio's too Im hungry and it popped in my head)

Same format as before, grab your worksheet. Think of this as potential, possibilities and perceptions. How can you utilize them, how can you grab onto them, capitalize on and leverage them using your strengths to quite frankly dominate all competition raise your flag and scream at the top of your lungs “I WIN!” This will likely take some thought, some research and some time. Here are some ideas so you can get a feel for it.

1. There is very a rather unhealthy feeling that theater on Long Island is dead and very few places actively engage in it.
2. Many small business's have zero impact so far as a web presence goes.
3. The local stores don’t provide exceptional service training as seen at …
4. Entertainers are ineffective in marketing and networking not because of lack of will but targeted knowledge.

Any thoughts? We had a few, that’s why we have the office with the phones :) You see where this goes though? You could, with the right strengths make quite an impact on any one of those areas. Or all four. You will very likely come up with more strengths that you hadn't thought of before. List them in the box for strengths, they will serve you well. You may also stumble across weakness's, that’s fine too list those in the appropriate box.

Be creative do some brainstorming I have some exercises to even help you with that process, that’s for another week though but If you are stuck and can't seem to move ahead with this one. Ask people, “Hey what do you think this place needs?” It may not be the answer you want, it may not be extremely helpful, but it will start those creative juices flowing.


Deadly Nights (Band)

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