Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I have to offer!; Helpful hints for the helpful hint

Today's Tip – What I have to offer!; Helpful hints for the helpful hint -

Three simple tips of helpfulness. 1) Do. If you have an idea, do it. Make action to see it come to fruition. Take steps, baby steps if need be, but steps forward. There are a list of things, I am sure, that need to be taken care of. So learn those steps. Ultimately it comes down to “Do”. Having an idea in your head as you dream away your life leads only to a wonderful fantasy. Bring your dream to reality through acting on all necessary needs to accomplish those wants. You can be motivated with deep wants, but motivated to do is much stronger. This leads us to figuring out our needs.

2) S.M.A.R.T. Goal-Setting is essential when creating a time line of needs to accomplished. Start with simple things. As you are working to complete these tasks remember to also leave time in your day to research any other tasks that are required of you (about an hour of time in one burst or spread throughout your day). Add those tasks to your goal list to bring more power, strength and direction to your dream. Slowly, your dream will become a reality. Slow is better than fast. When acting slowly one learns as they grow. Give yourself a good month before starting on your venture to look into some requirements. This will give you a nice solid ground to work off of.

Research! 3) That's right, we say it all the time, Research, Research, Research!!! Researching a project, needs, people involved, where and when you can get things done fills up an empty void of confusion with a grand collection of know how. Yeah, the more you know, it is truly a great tool to have in your bag of tricks. Always research. Know your direction, know what, and why, you are attempting this venture. Be aware of everything involved in that field. It'll give you a heads up on conversation, people, and working the business end of it... Since it is a business.

With these 3 hints, you'll be utilizing your 3 needs of success; Networking, Marketing, and Practice. This takes us to a sneak peak at tomorrow when we go over “Working together to gather opportunity”. Network with everyone, market everywhere and practice your social skills along with how to market while you work in conjunction with your skill growth.
Deadly Nights (Band)

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