Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Branding : Slogan / Tag-line / Melody

Today's Tip - Branding : Slogan / Tag-line / Melody

“I'm lovin' it!”, “Just do it.”, “They're magically delicious!”, are all slogans. They bring a “familiarity” to each brand's “voice” helping to grow a broader “image”. Slogans are easier to remember over a company's name, (unless that name is in the slogan) and what a company has to offer. A slogan's purpose is to shrink the need for extended explanation. Keeping it simple and short allows a human mind to focus it to memory much easier.

Melodies are also a wonderful way to connect to your audience. PC Richard and Son has a catchy melody. A melody is what makes a musical single sell. That catchy “hook”, or chorus lyric. Easy and simple melodies are great marketing tools when it comes to branding your idea. Get something stuck in a person's head and you'll increase your chances for a life long consumer.

Some of the best Tag-Lines are a mixture of slogan's and melodies. Take “Empire Carpet's” brilliant branding campaigns. Their style of tag-lining combines a melody that includes their phone number and slogan. Giving you an opportunity to remember their phone number and that they deliver today! Mastering the ability to come up with a superb branding campaign only takes a willing mind to sit down and think it through. Three things to consider:

One : What are you trying to convey?
Two : Is your image and voice being presented?
Three : Are you hitting your desired target market?

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