Thursday, November 1, 2012

Branding : Image

Today's Tip - Branding : Image

Your company's life starts with "Branding". Client's buy into your brand. Once you have someone's interest there is only a small chance they will become a life long client. Earning their trust, keeping them, and finding new ways to bring in clients takes a lot of calculated work. Adjusting your brand every few years is a good way to start, but what is your brand? This comes from your “Business Plan”. Read the company's “Mission Statement” to get an idea of your branding direction.

Image starts with your look; Colors, stylized photos, building, etc. Your branding image should express your mission, company's ideals, and even personality. With M&M, they are all about fun. If you take a look at their brand you'll see how they created a playful image for the children in all of us. Even their message is all about having fun. Take a moment to realize your image. Ask yourself

“What am I trying to convey to the audience?”

In a few words or less, branding is a "Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Branding began as a way to tell one person's cattle from another by means of a hot iron stamp. A modern example of a brand is Coca Cola which belongs to the Coca-Cola Company. How will you stand out?

Here is a list of things to get you started on. Also check out This Longer explanation of branding. (BLOG)

Logo Design to create the value of your product or service
• Letterhead, Business Cards and Invoices
• Web site and interactive design
• Brochures and Handouts that explain the products and their value to the buyer
• Business presentations, beginning with the telephone
• Exhibits and Trade Show presentation
• Product and packaging design
• Professional Customer Service

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