Monday, November 5, 2012

Branding : Familiarity

Today's Tip - Branding : Familiarity

Easy to say, see, and remember. These are key factors when finding a brand. You want people to have the ability to become familiar with everything you present. Hard to read logos, images, even difficult slogans can corrupt any chance of an individual taking your brand to heart. In the beginning a brand must hit them emotionally. With Geico, it's easy to see how their branding is very familiar with the masses. Think about what they have done. It's a great starting point.

You want to workout something original. Copycat branding confuses onlookers. Though, when working on your brand, some similarities may help bring you closer to finding your brand's strengths. As if you were learning to draw comics. A great exercise would be to trace comics already drawn. Get your eyes and hands to work together. Once you have figure out the technique it will make it easier for you to workout your own style of drawing. Same goes with branding.

A nice barometer is you. What things do you enjoy about company brands? When you see or hear things, what stands out best? Get familiar with your comfort zone. What you like is a great beginning to what others may like. Trying to figure out what others will like is a harder way to work your brand. What they are thinking is out of your reach. What you are thinking is right in your head. Start with you and others will most likely find a connection to familiarize themselves with a wonderful new brand!

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