Friday, December 7, 2012

3 Needs to Success

Today's Tip - 3 Needs to Success

Everyone wishes for success in their life. It is a great feeling to have your life in your hands. What 3 Needs lead to success? Your “Triangle of Life” has the 3 Needs of Success; Networking, “Marketing”, and Practice. Take action with each of these needs to fulfill a dream's outcome. Your 3 Needs of Success each serve a great purpose to leading you to a complete 365 days of your year.

Networking is all about building and cultivating relationships with individuals to help utilize both your needs and others. As these relationships grow by giving more to individuals/groups or communities your personal success will see doors open. Working with people will always reward you more than by having people work for you. A “favor”, as one might put it, is more valuable that gold.

Marketing is compiled of two areas; Advertisement and Exposure. Advertisement is stationary marketing that deals with passing traffic. Billboards, posters, etc. Exposure is movable marketing; Handouts, shirts, stickers, cups, pens, etc. The purpose of Marketing is to expand the awareness of your brand. Building your brand leads people to find “interest” in your product. Creating an easier path to help sell your Bi-productions to your clientele.

Practice, Practice, Practice. The most ignored Need of the 3. Yes, people practice their craft or skill, but how often does one place some time into practicing Networking? How often do you go out to work on Marketing correctly? Mastering “TAC: The Art of Conversation” is a skill all within itself. Learning to get the most out of your Marketing can break the line between succeeding, and learning (Failing). “Lay it down, Throw it”? Take charge of your life.

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