Thursday, November 29, 2012

Marketing : Lay it down, throw it out

Today's Tip - Marketing : Lay it down, throw it out

We have many rules of thumb when it comes to all areas of the “Triangle of life”. One of our main rules for marketing is “Lay it down, throw it out”. A great philosophy to understand about marketing is you are spreading your “Brand” while growing relationships through “Networking”. Marketing comes down to getting people interested in your Brand. This is done with interacting with people. If you are handing things out you want to speak with people.

If you lay down post cards or fliers you are taking away your opportunity to get people involved with who you are. What your brand is, and what they can get from you. So, when you lay a marketing item down you are essentially, leaving it there to be thrown out. People looking at a table filled with more than one thing normally pass it by. A good reason for this is a person's mind is easily confused with massive information at once. Simple, to the point.

Try two methods if you are going to just leave it laying around. Talk with local mom and pop shops that deliverer. Tell them you will post something on one side of the marketing item for them and on the other for you. Have them deliver it with their orders. You are paying for it anyway, so why not barter for their services while offering some advertisement to the company. Get three or four companies and that's about 800 people in a day on average.

Another method is mass mailing the items to homes. There are many programs out there through your carriers that offer discounts at bulk. It cost us, as a company, about $300 to mail out 2,000 post cards directly to houses. Plus the post cards, which comes out to about $250. Marketing is one of your “3 Needs of Success” to any goal. Keeping that in mind, it is completely worth your investment of both time and money. Marketing, Networking and Practice!

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