Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Year One (1); Network, talk a little here and there

Today's Tip – Year One (1); Network, talk a little here and there -

There are a few definitions on what Networking is. Here are two that will help you focus this need for success. 1) a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest. 2) Cultivating relationships with individuals. Through building these strong relationships we create doorways to bridges, bridges to other lands, and lands to find outlets to promote yourself.

How can a person stay on top if no one is holding them up? The idea is utilize people. Using people can create negativity. Where-as, helping people can create possibilities! Working together will stabilize your ground, help lift those heavy gates, and fight off armies far greater than yours. Victories are won in numbers, so why would your victory in success be any different than a war? Even in peace, we can get more done with help.

For fun start building a house by yourself. When you become exhausted ask your friends and family to help. When it becomes evident on how much longer you can go with a group of people then start asking random strangers to help you. You'll find that it is much easier to build a house (succeed) with people you are friendly with then those you barely know. How do we turn a person we barely know into a friend? Through networking utilizing the terms above.

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