Today's Tip – 5 ways to motivate yourself; I will! -
We started the week off with “I can” and.... “I will!!!”. I will can change both your outlook and chances. “I will get started today!” is a great way to make your mind start working. Do you have to be finishing what you want today? Nah, you need only start on your way. Starting is much harder than finishing. If you can get over the lump of starting, the hill ride down to the finish line is a great deal easier. Think of your success in a matter of steps. “I Will” start on my goals today. “I Will” make those phone calls... “I WILL” because “I CAN”.
Think positively when attacking your goals. Don't feel overwhelmed if you are slowing down. As long as you are doing something, you are moving forward. That motion forward comes with a strength created by “I WILL”. “I will”, broken down, means a few things. The will of yourself. Will, power of determination. “I”, you, the center of self. Combined this together and you are the center of power, determination, and focus. Stay on course throughout your means. Stray away from your directions and you need only remind yourself with purpose. Have your mantras ready.
“There are no walls, only solutions” and “Make things happen, by making things happen.” are two mantras that will focus your mind. You know there are no walls, only solutions because everything can be fixed, done or accomplished. The phrase “Make things happen by making things happen” makes the most sense. Since nothing gets done by sitting around waiting for it to get done. Actions creates action. Be your WILL, be your motion. BE YOUR STRENGTH. Focus on what you want, know what you want and have reminders all around you telling you want you want.
Deadly Nights (Band)
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