Today's Tip – Perception is 9/10ths of the world; Like yourself, others want to like you too -
Living the life you deserve. That YOU deserve. It's conceivable that you don't think that you deserve very much. It is probable that even if you thought you deserved more that you wouldn't know how to start. Even more, it's possible that you are getting exactly what you deserve. However, you can do better; you should do better, and you will do better if you can manage to see clearly through all the mundane muck and detritus that blind you to the truth. That truth being this “Perception is 9 /10ths of the world!” How you perceive yourself to be relates directly to how others see you. So start seeing yourself in a different light, a better light... dare I say it an Elven light.
If you think you cannot do it, then you can't. If you think that you don't deserve it, then you don't. If you think that someone else deserves it more, worked harder for it and is better than you are, then they are. What's more, if other people see you that way, you are in very serious trouble. You have to change how you see yourself, one thing flows from the other. Once you see yourself in a positive light then others begin to. It's called confidence and it comes from within, outside stimuli affects it to some extent, but shouldn't be the overwhelming factor. Feedback and criticism should be used to improve you, not break you. We are all guilty of this, we overcome it through introspection and evaluating our own strengths and weakness's.
Start having some faith in yourself and others will follow along. Someone, somewhere wants whatever it is you have, be ready for it. Be ready to make things happen... by making things happen both internally and externally. Have faith in yourself and others will as well. You are the great, you can do it, you will do it... lets get started!
Deadly Nights (Band)
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