Friday, February 3, 2012

Music to my ears; Under the sun

Today's Tip – Music to my ears; Under the sun -

I've opened the door and my mind has been released. With all you've learned this week, including last years helpful tips, you can now walk into this wicked world out of solitude from being paranoid of those damn war pigs. That's right, this week was mostly for musicians and bands. But anyone can take something from these tips. Under the sun, means take in the warmth of being outside and doing things. 90% of success is about being active in your search for possibility through proactive action. Meet people, go to events, follow up/call back, write, introduce yourself.

Make things by making things happen has been a large part of what we teach in anyone of these blogs. Of course it stems from a philosophy that there are no walls only solutions. Openly you've read about assets, goal setting and opportunity building. Without connecting the dots through actionable efforts they just become words you've seen somewhere once before. Including well documented 3 Needs of Success; Networking, Marketing and Practice. Really, get out there. Do things. You want to be known you have to be out there getting known.

Success is not all one line. It's a lot of work. It takes a lot of time through talking, socializing and making a name for yourself. Yes, the world has changed with internet. That doesn't mean people don't like being met in person. Utilize the computer of course, but take advantage of the fact there are events, meetings and groups in person to start interacting with. If you continue to enjoy warmth from under the sun you will find success boiling up overflowing your cup of possibility through chance. Have faith in yourself. Fear does not control you any longer!

“I was never afraid of failure, for I would sooner fail than not be among the best.” ~ John Keats


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