Today's Tip – Networking is imperative; 6 degrees... 2, 2 degrees of separation -
We know that you have a lot of things on your plate. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that Networking is unimportant or not a priority. You must set aside time to do this, it is one of the three needs of success. This makes marketing possible, it makes sales possible this is the one that makes everything else in your world work no matter what kind of work you do. Relegating this to anything but a priority in your life would be a grave mistake for several reasons.
You meet new people everyday. They are potential clients or customers. It's that simple. Even if you are a CEO of a multibillion dollar company, they are still potential clients or customers. Treat it that way and you will achieve your goals. It's a matter of keeping it in the fore front of your mind. It's also good practice for you. Practice, as you know is another of the three needs of success. Failing to constantly meet new people and new contacts will make it difficult for you to reach your goals. Let's do some math shall we. How many people do you know? Well, I bet it's more than you think it is. 290 people is the average according to a study done by H. Russell Bernard and Christopher McCarty at the University of Florida you can read it here if you would like. Now that we have established that as an average those 290 people you know, in turn know 290 other people. In effect meeting and connecting with just one person, building a connection to them, and then capitalizing on it gets you 84,100 more possible contacts. Math is great isn't it? Have you ever played Six Degree's of Kevin Bacon? It's the same principle except in the above example that’s only two degree's of separation. Of course not all those people will be interested, however if just 1% are, think about that for a moment, let it sink in. How important do you think Networking is to your career now? I believe we can agree it is VITAL.
Every single person you meet is important. You have seen us blog about never knowing who someone is or who they know. You have heard us at our monthly seminars talking about how important this is to you. Now you have referenced, documented outside proof that we don't make this stuff up. Learn TAC, practice it and great things will come your way. Need some help, we can teach you. Give us a call at 631-599-2263. There are no walls only solutions, let us help you find yours today.
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