Saturday, July 12, 2014

Seminar : Bring reality to your dreams!

Taking place at the CM Performing Arts Center in Oakdale on four different dates


Thursday July 24th
Saturday July 26th
Thursday July 31st
Saturday August 2nd

Seminar begins at 12 Noon and concludes at 1:30 PM

Bringing reality to your dreams!

• Have you always wanted a career in entertainment?
• Or do you wish you could have a career you actually enjoy?
• Do you wish you had more confidence to take that next step?
• Do you have a goal you are struggling to reach?

Bringing reality to your dreams is a seminar that helps motivate, guide, and teach you the value of action, the value of YOU! It is true that each client is unique in their requirements. We are all beautiful people who deserve opportunities in life. Allow us 1 hour of your time. Preceding the closing of the seminar there will be a 30 minute Q&A dedicated to answering audience questions.

Learn to strengthen :

• Your Triangle of Life
• Organize S.M.A.R.T. Goals
• Gain confidence in yourself
• Create a foundation so they can say YES to life
• Budget your Time & Money to take control back
• Live the life they have always desired

Come learn the power in understanding how to utilize your life tools so you can bring reality to your dreams.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The $100,000 Game

• The $100,000 Game

Rule of thumb: If you don't have it in hand, you don't have it to spend. Just because money is coming in, does not mean it will continue to come in. We must spend as if it is not definite. When you have an interest to purchase or spend money, look at your life in the future. Six months into the future. If you lost your job, stopped earning money through asset investments, had no form of money coming in anymore starting today, could you pay off all your bills to a zero balance and survive for 6 months? If the answer is NO, than it might be a bad risk to take. Invest into an Asset to generate extra income to pay for things you desire. In time, your patience, and your investment will be strong enough to buy anything you so wish for. Why do we invest money, instead of spending money? Rule of Thumb: Spend less than you save. The $100,000 Game. Get out a piece of paper, then write down what you would do with a $100,000 given to you free and clear. Write it out, then come back to this point. below are things you may have written.

• Pay off all my bills, loans and other debt

• Buy a car(s)

• Buy a home(s)

• Treat myself to something special, I've earned it

• Give some money to charities

• Help out family and friends where I can

• Buy the company I work for and fire my boss!

• Purchase an Island and live there

Here is why these are all uneducated purchases. These are all liabilities and cost you money to maintain, have, or do. They are not Wealth generating Assets. If you buy all of these things and pay off all your bills what happens to the $100,00 dollars? Where does it go? Why spend the money till you have none. Then you would have to recoup that income just to get back on your feet. How about using this money as a “Bonus” Take 60% of that $100,000 and divide it into your 3 Needs of Purpose. That's $60,000 you have just created opportunities with. You are left with 40% to do what you wish. I would utilize this 40% to sustain your life through a continuous budget that you have generated. With that mentality, you are still living below your means, surviving and giving yourself protective opportunities.

At this point, you now have money to invest, while having money protecting you. The left over $40,000 is money you are spending wisely to keep you living without worry or fear. Living within your means is a educated move. With money in your Growth need, start investing that money to earn spending money. Because money earned on investments is considered your play money. This is the Shave it off the top money you can delegate how ever you please.

Feel free to ask other people the same questions and compare answers.

Read 3 Needs of Purpose to understand the 60% divide.

PS... Can you find the monkey?

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Top of the Bottom Pile (Comedy Tour)
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions (Business)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Plan : In the midst of a quest

• The Plan : In the midst of a quest

Where once there was no opportunity a quest has opened up with a plan set before you! A foundation will create a concrete ground to stabilize your fearlessness to say YES! During this time you are Networking, Marketing and Practicing your heart out. The passion is growing, but nothing seems to be happening. It will not happen right now while you are building up your foundation. Your job right now is to do little to nothing with your dream. That is correct, you are not ready to do anything with your dream: be it buy a house, be an actor, tell some jokes, or even start investing. This time is dedicated to your 3 Needs of Success. What else could you be doing to keep your motivation up? Research, Research, Research, and learn every aspect of the field you want to be involved in.

From those who mastered your field to the little start companies within your interest of passion. The truth hides in their effort. Questions like “How did they get there” and “What were they doing to make this happen” are all powerful starting points. Know who you are going to be involved with. You may not be directly involved with them, but working in the same business as they do, or somehow you might be associated with them through a long line of degrees leading to one day crossing their paths, or even places and people they may have been in contact with. Know what and who people are. Educate yourself with a plethora of knowledge to store up correct tools to be prepared in any networking situation.

As you learn who these people are, begin your reach out program. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals to organize your time properly. Start by sending one email out a day to introduce yourself to these people. Utilize the 3 paragraph formula that we will go over in the next few weeks. For now, start setting time aside to contact people. Another action should be getting post cards to send out to get your brand in their hands. Post cards are also a great way to say thank you to someone after a meeting, or a run in. Or even a great phone conversation. Build those relationships, and start making the correct steps to get your brand in their heads while learning who these people are and what they do. Never run into a desert without enough water, and know where that desert will lead you!

PS... Can you find the monkey?

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Top of the Bottom Pile (Comedy Tour)
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions (Business)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Plan : What to do while I save

• The Plan : What to do while I save

Once you have figured out your foundation goal number to save for security then you must understand your needs to ensure a strong foundation period. During this time you must utilize your limited freedom to help build your networking circles while growing your brand value. Success comes from your 3 Needs of Success: Network, Market, and Practice. Building and cultivating relationships is all about who you know. Your brand value is important for people to remember who you are and what you do thus it creates a sense of who knows you. Once you have realized your personal value and time you will be involved in the 3 Needs of Success. During your time saving up a strong security to enforce your foundation take a time to master the art of Networking, Marketing and Practicing.

A few rules on how Networking can work for you during this time: Start going out to events when you have time. Learn about people, reach out to people and continue to interact with them over the course of your foundation growth. It is important to maintain a connection with individuals because it will give you a much larger head start when you officially leave your foundation growth and jump into your first year of success. Listen and respond to those around you, in your field of interest, and others surrounding the life you wish to be involved in. This is the time to get out there so you can be remembered, and earn friendships. A simple rule of thumb to remember about Networking: It is never about you. It is always about them.

Marketing is easier as a habit. During this time you want to grow your social network and awareness to your brand. While growing your numbers on social networks you must also maintain a continuous path to your main website. Having a site is a perfect way to get people to know where to find you with ease. I have been asked about “But I have nothing to sell, what would I need to do this for now?” You do have something to sell: Your Brand. It is an indicator of who and what you stand for. Anything you would traditionally sell is considered a By-Product. That comes later. Also, while building your social sites it is important to interact with those connected with you. Always conversational, never sell to them. Allow Marketing and Networking to work as a team through Practicing how to master it all.

PS... Can you find the monkey?

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Top of the Bottom Pile (Comedy Tour)
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions (Business)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Plan : Where to begin, how to get there

• The Plan : Where to begin, how to get there

Planning begins your adventure forward, knowing where you are going sets up your direction to plan. Write down on a piece of paper ten things you would like to accomplish in your life. Now look through them and which five stand out as most important to you? Once you have marked those down place a star next to the one direct accomplishment which would change your life the most and give you the greatest satisfaction. Begin there. This is your Northern Star of your life. What we will be going over is how to get there. There is a plan, a strategy for every situation, that is similar in appearance yet will change your each person's world differently. Take your important accomplishment and place it on the top of its own piece of paper. Then relax a while, because your journey has already begun.

Once you have comeback to your accomplishment written on a piece of paper we must remember one thing: There is a need of purpose involved. A budget of sorts that will define you and your life goals. Each action we set out needs finance. That finance could be your time and/or money. It is there though. We are in the stage of creating a foundation so you may say YES to your life. Your budget begins with understanding two main focuses: 1) Your personal budget. This budget is the amount of money it will cost you to live each month for eighteen months at a minimal, yet comfortable, state. 2) Your Accomplishment/Dream/Goal budget. This is the budgeted needed to support your venture for eighteen months. Once you have this number calculated you can now say YES to your life.

How do we say YES to your life? You must give yourself freedom to leave your job and take step into your purpose. Bring thoughts to life by creating actionable motion. A job holds us back, it creates a fear inside us. With your foundation created it will support your actions while you continue to make things happen. You have now freed up time from a job working eight hours a day to giving you time to work eight hours a day on a venture you truly believe in. This is where you must always start, the budget of your foundation. While creating a foundation there are many tasks needed to be accomplished. While working a job, or two, to gather the correct amount of foundation money, maintain habit building in areas of your Needs.

What are your needs? More to come...

PS... Can you find the monkey?

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Top of the Bottom Pile (Comedy Tour)
Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions (Business)