Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Outside the box : Levels to success

• BBR Productions Inc : Outside the box : Levels to success

When successful people are seen as inspiration, it can, at times, distort the reality of obtaining that same level of success. What a person, company, or Brand, is doing to maintain that level of success is vastly different than what they may have accomplished to get there. Studying success starts at their failures. Where they came from / how they got there / what sacrifices were made. Seeing Metallica on top of their game is inspiring. Allow that inspiration to drive, but not direct is devastating.

Breaking down Metallica's success vs the success of a start up band. If Metallica released an album today, it would indubitably sell millions in weeks, if not days. Simply based on the draw of their brand value. They also might post on social media “Come check us out on tour!”. Which is great because fans are yearning for that information. Metallica has a huge following with a deeper desire of want for anything and everything Metallica. Thus; CD's, DVD's, Shows, Books... and even movies.

However, a Band (Company / Brand / Person) starting with no Brand Value, no Draw, and no Fans. Rule of Thumb, if less than 10,000 people are asking for your Brand, then that Brand is not ready to “sell” things. There are levels to success. Foundation; designed to ready you. First 365 Days; hard work to grow you. In The Game; making the change to maintain the gain. Living The Dream; Doing what you love for a living. Expanding; doing more than ever before! Know what needs to be accomplished!

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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