Monday, March 30, 2015

Worth in Action – List out its worth

• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – List out its worth

Every action must have an equal or greater reaction, or it was for not. Time is our only commodity which cannot be replenished. A person should enjoy their life for as long as they can while doing things they love to do. This is why every action must have value behind it. Make the most of each step forward, where and when it can be done. There are options to figuring out how to make a move to do. The ever exciting Pros & Cons list is helpful. But, how about simply a “How to make it all PROS” list?

Two examples of not utilizing an action can be either in a job situation, or an event/show for a performer. In the sense of a job scenario; Wanting to be a full-time teacher only to get a job as a substitute but never taking steps to make more of that situation. Coming in when called, teaching the class then going home. Or performing an event/show; Get on stage, perform, get off say thank you and go home. What are these people getting out of it?

Make more of every action. A teacher, or any job, should utilize “temp” opportunities to network, market, and practice. Being on the inside gives chances to build and cultivate relationships. Get involved with the system/company. Market what you are doing. Finally, practice how that company's system works. Learn the politics, rules, and any information to better advance life. Same goes with a show. How can you Network, market and Practice to gain the most of that situation!?

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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