Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Branding a personality; “Color coded, and style... plus image?

Today's Tip – Branding a personality; “Color coded, and style... plus image?” -

Colors used, that's style decided on, and your image are all important to presenting your personality with branding. Believe it or not a lot of thought goes into Madonna and what she will be wearing or not wearing, the CD plus tour to follow. When you see your favorite performer or company setting out to get your attention they pay close attention to what YOU will be seeing, hearing and knowing. It is a strategic plan worked over for months prior to execution.

Even companies make sure their employees “look” a certain way. In their contracts (application) they have dress codes, and etiquette codes. Bands, and even professional comedians do this. Think Daniel Lawrence Whitney, also known as Larry The Cable Guy. He thought that out. Or I should say, once it caught on he put some real thought into it. There is something you want the audience to lock on to. To buy into. And people are more likely to enjoy something they can become familiar with than not.

Fans of Eddie Murphy have been feeling betrayed over the years because Eddie went into a new direction. People were comfortable with the Eddie they knew. Now, newer fans of Eddie that just met him as this incarnation love Eddie. He is trying to bring is old fans back by doing “Eddie” kind of movies. The truth is you have to think about what colors you want, what you are wearing, how your websites all match up. Bring continuity to your Product's life. So people can happily lock into something with familiarity.


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