Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Socializing With Social Media; Define who and what you do

Today's Tip – Socializing With Social Media; Define who and what you do -

Social media can be used to help you build your image and what it is you do and are. This is called branding in most circles and will help you immensely in reaching people on a personal level. There was a time when getting the word out about yourself or your company was an immensely expensive operation, not true any longer though. Regardless of what you may be selling, real goods, services or just building a fan base, branding is your friend and using social media will help you do this. First of all you can put a face to the name now. At lest with places like Facebook and Linkedin as well as others and this helps. Branding itself in concept isn't hard and here are some things for you to consider when working yours out.

1. Go Quiet, Listen and Learn. Set aside some time where you don't do anything but listen and learn. Find your market, who is talking about what you are thinking of offering and what they really want from it. Your potential customers or clients know what they want you should too.

2. Start Networking With Those Who Can Help. There will be people already in whatever industry you are looking to get into that are respected and listened to. Utilize them by helping them if you can. This will give you access to people already interested in what you are offering and also get you an “in” with a person who helps define that particular culture.

3. Be A Professional, Start Like You Plan To Go On. Whatever it is you are doing be professional about it. This may not mean a suit and tie for most, but there are expectations. Meet or exceed them. Same goes for your website, your twitter and anything else with your “Brands” name on it. People are looking, be your best.

4. Set your own guidelines and stick to them. Build a framework of what you want and who you are and stay within it. This lets others know what you are about and what you stand for. Then stick to it. Re-inventing is fine when needed and is part of any business but be very careful. Remember “Clear Pepsi?” How about “New Coke?” If the big guys can't change that much, why the hell are you going to try it.

5. Be Reliable, Do What You Say You Will. Nothing could be worse then they guy who never shows, or cancels all the time. Don't be that person, let someone else be.

This is for you to help define who and what you do to others. It will also help you define who and what you are to yourself. Branding isn't just about others perceptions of you, but also your perception of yourself. Stick to it and you will be helping yourself out immensely.




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