Thursday, January 26, 2012

Socializing With Social Media; Do I know you?

Today's Tip – Socializing With Social Media; Do I know you? -

With social media being part of everyone’s lives now. I thought it might be nice to take some time and talk about some simple things you can do to help yourself out. This is in addition to yesterdays “treat others,” ideas of course. This apply to social media too, but I think something extra can be added just for those platforms.

You should only connect and invite people you know, at least a little bit. Facebook has a report function that can make it so you can't send invites at all and that could really ruin your day. Linkedin has a similar function but getting a bad reputation on this more professional site can really cause you problems. SO think before you send out those 400 invites to random people. When you do invite people try to personalize it. If it isn’t someone you know but should let them know why, common interests or work experience is helpful in this case.

This is a big one, keep private things private. How many times have you read about someone getting fired for people being dumb on Facebook. They do look you know. So does Mom and Dad and many, many other people. Think before you tell the world about something dumb you may have done. Yes, it's probably funny, might even be hysterical, but everyone sees it. Tailor what you put out in cyberspace to the audience you want not to everyone. Damaging your reputation by being obnoxious all the time is a poor choice. If you have a personal and professional page that’s different but don't get the two confused. I would suggest having two accounts to avoid problems, fan pages work just fine. Being a rude and obnoxious person might be your thing but being it to or visible to people you need to interact with professionally will not help you.

If you have a fan page or professional page utilize it. Ask questions to get the topics moving. On Twitter get the followers to interact with you. This helps you. Just putting out static messages is okay but getting some interaction is so much better. Don't you think so? Let your page have value to the people who come there. Vary the content too, utilize messages, blogs, video, pictures. It adds more to you.

Pictures and tagging... this is a tough one. Some people don’t want to be tagged ever. I would say ask them. I have mine set so I have to approve it before it is visible to others, not everyone does though. So avoid stepping on anyone’s toes. You don't want to be repetitive and redundant you want to be eloquent and enthusiastic.

Try to avoid automated programs. We use one for the Fan of the week on our Facebook page. It tracks posts, comments and likes by all of the users and then recognizes them and thanks them. That is great but make sure you put an actual message from you thanking them. Robots aren’t people and shouldn’t be thanking them for things, make it personal. It matters.

Last but not least tie everything together if you're using it for a business or a showman. Webpages, Facebook , Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, whatever you use have it all be consistent in color and theme so people recognize it when they see it. Think Branding from last week.


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