Tuesday, February 17, 2015

TAC: The Art of Conversation : The Value of Conversation

• BBR Productions Inc : TAC: The Art of Conversation : The Value of Conversation

There are two forms of communication; verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal is a powerful ability, but what happens when non-verbal behavior leads to a full blown verbal conversation? How to say it, when to say it and why to say it become essential tools to growing minute relationships. These relationships, if utilized correctly, could turn into long lasting friendships. Knowing how to, when to, and why to say anything are the base rules for TAC: The Art of Conversation.

Bring value to any conversation with skills designed to enhance listen and respond attributes. A conversation is always about other people. Otherwise we would be talking with ourselves. Giving an open ear to individuals allows them to feel respected, and valued as a person. Without an ability to converse with others the world would be at a standstill. Conversation leads to action. It leads to change. A good conversation opens doors, a great conversation break down walls.

More priceless than a conversation is what comes from that conversation. Once a conversation has concluded, it is wise to take mental notes, or even physical notes, to remember some key points. These key points can be used in follow ups, or recaps to bring the next conversation back to that familiar state of comradery. Maybe in conversation it was announced they were getting married, or a birthday was coming up. Events are actions of note. People have value, remember their thoughts.

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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