Monday, February 2, 2015

Marketing Correctly – The Rule of 10%, 1% of your market

• BBR Productions Inc : Marketing Correctly – The Rule of 10%, 1% of your market

A Company with 1% of their market interacting with an established Brand are doing extremely well. Getting, and maintaining, that 1% comes down to Marketing within The Rule of 10%. This rule is based on three levels of a consumer. When a Brand is established, the goal is to BUILD AWARENESS, which CREATES INTEREST, that ultimately GENERATES SALES. A sale is a consumer buying into that Brand and becoming life long fans.

This process is a numbers game. With cold calling you pick up the phone and ask the same question over and over again; “Hello, are you interested in upgrading your internet?” No? Next caller. Eventually a sale will be made. This works the same in marketing. That is why there are lots of Movie Posters hug up in a long line. They make up the number game in sight of a moving target. How do these numbers work best for a Brand?

The Movie Poster theory is a helpful example. If one poster was hung up and a group of 1,000 people walked passed; it is suggested that 10% will become aware of this poster. Out of 100 people being aware of it only 10% will find interest in any information provide. After those 10 people are done being interested in that poster only 1 person will become a sale. The more posters that group of 1,000 people see, the better your number outcome is guaranteed to be. Be seen, and keep things consistent.

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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