Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Misconceptions of success – Waiting to get good first

• BBR Productions Inc : Misconceptions of success – Waiting to get good first

Learning a skill to achieve a career in a specific field is important. A person should understand, at minimum, the basics of that career's needs. The 3 Needs of Success are bound by maintaining an even growth between each need. Those needs are Network, Market, and Practice. Being the best in a field, skill, or specific craft is not where success comes from. This is where unsuccessful people live in their mind. They believe being the best gets you the best results. There is more to success.

An Comedians tell jokes. This is what they do. But that is not their job. Their job is to Network with individuals building and cultivation relationships. Marketing their Brand to gain awareness which creates interest that ultimately generates sales. All the while practicing their craft so they can play the game when it is their turn at bat. So why do most unsuccessful comedians feel they need to work on their craft only in the beginning?

Because who would be interested in an unfunny, unskilled comedian!? Truth is Networking and Marketing to build relationships as a Brand is the foundation of success. Brand growth leads to opportunities. Jokes are a by-product of that Brand. They are secondary. Meet people now to establish friendships. People work with people they like. Market the Brand, not what that Brand does. Getting a name out there is objective number one. This is a comedian's real job. Jokes is what a comedian does.

For readers interested in a non-performing career; A student going to college to perfect their degree and earn requirements to teach are important. When that student graduates, now they have to start looking for a job. What if that student began Networking and Marketing with schools, teachers, people of note within the educational system by going to events, etc, while earning their degree, to build those relationships beforehand? The hard work is completed for when that student graduates.

Be proactive in life. Waiting leads to lost time. Always Network, Market, and Practice together.

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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