Saturday, February 14, 2015

Misconceptions of success - 5 Does to break misconceptions

• BBR Productions Inc : Misconceptions of success - 5 Does to break misconceptions

1. Have you ever been successful? Are you successful right this moment? Are you making a living in the position you want in life, and are you happy? If you answered “no” to any, or all, of those questions then you have no knowledge on how to become successful. Accept and change accordingly.

2. Research your field of interest. Your research should be mixed with how that field works to improve your skill. At the same time, how does the business side of your field of interest work. Knowing the ins and outs of a specific field will help greatly when It comes to finding success.

3. Think outside the box. If you are interested in being a comedian, look into how running a Donut Shop works. Or visa versa, if you own a business, look into how a famous comedian made it. In these different paths you will find similarities which will help you focus on correct necessities.

4. No matter how good you are, it is never about being the best. How you treat yourself, and people around you, is just as important as controlling your financial income/outcome and overhead. While being aware of those ideas, running a business properly creates longevity.

5. Instead of hoping to get discovered by handing your information to a person of interest the moment you meet them, begin by building friendships. This act will open up lasting relationships that a “by-product” would otherwise cancel opportunities or deter that individual(s).

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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