Friday, January 30, 2015
3 Needs of Longevity – 5 Does to help your Longevity
• BBR Productions Inc : 3 Needs of Longevity – 5 Does to help your Longevity
Longevity is a combination of Management, Entrepreneurial knowledge, and a person's Talent. These things are limited by perseverance. Maintaining a will to move passed failure, collapse or inner defeat gives an individual longevity with a career. Resolve must bust out with action. The act to do, to move forward with expectation that failing is an option. Below are five “Does” to help maintain the will forward, and longevity of a career.
1. Remind yourself you deserve to try. When you feel slighted or your will falters, take a moment to breathe. Once you are thinking without emotion look into a mirror and remind you of yourself. Why you are here doing what it is you want to do. You are a living being, you deserve it.
2. When it comes to managing time and money; writing it down is a smart thing to do. Physically seeing your efforts in front of you keeps a mind on target. Keeping records of income and expenses show if you are under or over or close to your budget caps. Record your life.
3. Be self aware. Jotting down skills that you are good at, bad at, or even certain skills you would like to learn is a way to remind you of you. What you are capable of. What you would like to be capable of. Take control back into your hands by being completely self aware of everything you are or could be.
4. Research, Research, Research. Any venture you are interested to do, look into the ins and outs of how that business works. Assumption leads to failure in a negative way. As the definition of Insane is doing an activity repetitively expecting a different outcome. There is more than what you think.
5. Be mindful of your bills. The 1st of the month can come up pretty quick when you are having fun. Are you placing money to the side as needed? Leaving your money in a lump sum!? Budget your bills within your overhead caps, and spend within those caps by placing due dates on your calendars.
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Thursday, January 29, 2015
3 Needs of Longevity – The value of self and others
• BBR Productions Inc : 3 Needs of Longevity – The value of self and others
Without self awareness a person has nothing. A single life is designed to strive forward alone. When it accepts a strength, responsibility, and fearlessness to take a chance; A person can lead people, through any adversity, to success. Belief in self is the beginning of success: along with Inner peace, enlightenment, and strength. The strength to persevere can change failure to success. Once a human has managed to grasp their center they can move forward with clarity and a sense of direction.
Learning to manage your time and money is secondary to centering. Without centering, the mind and body, all things will be seen queer of purpose. To shape up Time Management get organized with S.M.A.R.T. Goals to dedicate Task hours. Budgeting Caps will focus Money Management, while giving time to mediate, relax, work out if necessary, and of course eat healthy, to maintain a strong connection between that mind and body.
Confidence resonates with people. A Leader with a strong sense of direction, while leaving room to listen to their team, will get people to listen. An individual centered in their own life has habits and values to lead others by example. A true leader of people should become a barometer any team; not their controller. As a manager of tasks for a group, it is best to know position. A manager is part of a team not in control of a team. Work together, and educate others to be in control of themselves.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015
3 Needs of Longevity – 30 to 60 minute tasks
• BBR Productions Inc : 3 Needs of Longevity – 30 to 60 minute tasks
Getting everything accomplished can feel overwhelming. Task after task piling on to make a mountain the size of “Impossible”. Tasks are vital to success. Completion of a task ensures movement. Not all tasks need to be completed in one day. In fact, if done correctly, you need only do a minimum of one task a day. This will inevitably add up to three hundred and sixty-five tasks a year. This mentality is good for a person trying to get into the swing of things.
One task a day is steady. Two tasks a day is a little more adventurous. At this point a strong upward average is about twenty-two tasks a day. This is a yearly success rate average. Keeping it up to this number will make a year flyby with glorious results. What a person can do in ten years is being accomplished in one year. What tasks get priority in this grouping!? All of them. Each task is filled with purpose and will get things going. Don't work hard, but be productive!
This is one of our most enjoyable statements at BBR Productions Inc. “Don't work hard, but be productive!” Life is beautiful, so why waste it away on working too hard. Working hard accomplishes nothing. Being productive is so much more rewarding! Give each task time caps. 30-60 minutes per task give a person control of success. If it is not completed in that amount of time, there is always tomorrow. A lot of little things is better than one big thing!
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015
3 Needs of Longevity – Manage: Time, Money, And People
• BBR Productions Inc : 3 Needs of Longevity – Manage: Time, Money, And People
Quality of life begins at preparation. Learning basic knowledge on how to get brains thinking enough to stay alive. When all else fails, education is limited in life experience. Not everyone deals with stress, nor is stress placed upon each person, in similar ways. Limiting stress begins with winning back control over seemingly uncontrollable situations. Enlightenment must be sought. Inner peace and confidence are key factors to managing other people and oneself through life.
Time is a part of being that will continue long after humans are gone. It is everlasting, but it does not control people. People allow time to control them through mislead information. Time management is taking back that control through organized “S.M.A.R.T Goals”, daily “To Do Lists”, and “Self Imposed Time Restraints” per task. Committing to 30 to 60 minute time blocks per given task begins stages to reclaiming control over time. If a task is not completed, it is okay, it will be there tomorrow.
The heart of all evil is known as Money. This evil is actually a fear of conversation, and not physical money. People should talk about money. Money controls people out of fear. A fear to pay a bill, or eat. This fear is not about money, but survival. How does money work? What is its true value? Asking questions or spending time with wealthy people, or even being around those who understand money is a good first start. A budget is a amazing first step.
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Monday, January 26, 2015
3 Needs of Longevity – Getting there is only the beginning
• BBR Productions Inc : 3 Needs of Longevity – Getting there is only the beginning
With dedication success is very attainable. Though, what is success? Our definition of Success: A Client working in their field interest without a day job. Getting to that level takes a tremendous amount of effort. Once there, it is about maintaining that position of success while also growing opportunities. In life there needs to be a sense of ascension; never reaching a plateau. Keeping 3 Needs of Longevity in check helps perpetuate one's career.
Longevity is a combination of 3 Needs; Management, Entrepreneur, and Talent. Control over these aspects of Longevity turn success of a dream into a career for life. Management: focus on organizing time, money, self, and others. Entrepreneur: companies are ran in the green not the red. Talent: skills, tasks, each side of our Triangle of life. Focusing on only a talent, or practicing to be the best “anything” is a sure way a system will collapse. A powerful synergetic relationship between the 3 is crucial.
It is important to get organized before jumping out of a plane; Parachute, check... Socks, check... Gopro camera recording! CHECK! Set up a plan of action with S.M.A.R.T. Goals to get a monthly budget going. Know the strength of incorporating a venture. To keep Longevity's value up, practice talents to be ready for any situation. Getting there is only where it all begins. Be more than an idea, be actionable! It takes effort to keep it going way after success is captured!
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Friday, January 23, 2015
Social Media – 5 Does to help you Social Media
• BBR Productions Inc : Social Media – 5 Does to help you Social Media
These 5 helpful tips on Social Media are designed to maintain an organize. Setting up rules to follow for a better experience interacting with an audience.
1. Dedicate a limited amount of time to your social interaction. One hour to three (spread out) hours a day is a good amount of time. You have more important things to do out in the real world. When you are on your social media, time restraints keep you focused on your tasks at hand.
2. Remember it is not about what you are offering. Social media is about what others are saying. Keep in contact with people and show genuine interest in them. The game of life is about others. This is how we develop relationships. The more we care about others, the more they want to interact.
3. Images change everything so change your images from time to time. Once monthly is a good minimum to stick with. Anything more than once a week would be considered annoying. Audiences want to be involved but not cluttered with constant change.
4. There are better ways to invite people to events: Have actual conversations. Talk with people on a regular schedule. This is important, because if you have not talked with them in three months, it is now considered rude when the first thing you ask is “come to my event”.
5. Connect all your social media sites to Twitter. So when you post something it goes to twitter then is sent out to all your other Social Media Sites. This helps you reach out on all your sites while saving time and maintaining your needed interaction for that day.
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Thursday, January 22, 2015
Social Media – People respond to emotions
• BBR Productions Inc : Social Media – People respond to emotions
Personal lives are meant to be left off the internet and our social media sites. It can be dangerous for people to have sensitive knowledge of a specific person. Success, within any field, grows through a sense of mystery. The more that is known about something, the less exciting it becomes. To connect with an audience without giving to much away is an art-form of perfectly timed posts throughout the day. In addition to these post, what they represent are equally important.
How often posts hit the internet are especially crucial combined with timing. On average, post should be kept to about three times a day. Think meals; Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. If you happen to be a Hobbit from Lord of the Rings, keep to three of your seven meals. People like to look through their phones when eating, or on break from work. Another reason those times are powerful is because when eating, it is easy to open a phone and post something between stuffing the mouth!
What is a Brand representing? What is the purpose of that Brand!? These things come down to emotional posts. Or, the emotion of what is going on. A comedian might post a photo of them sitting at the table waiting to go on, or a photo of the set list with a comment status of “There is nothing more fulfilling than performing”. Obviously the comment and photo style would be based on that particular Brand, but the direction is still the same.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2015
• BBR Productions Inc : Social Media – HERE IS EVERYTHING I AM DOING
Traffic can be unbearable at times. That congested going nowhere feeling that comes with too much waiting in a stack of nothings. Social Sites are no strangers to this feeling. Too many posts from one person, or “come to my show” request after request, can deter interest. When a feed is over populated with “Requests to Act” it can cause a few reactions, mostly being blocked, ignored, or a negative attitude towards a specific brand, grows. What is the point of a Brand's Social Media?
People are interesting creatures. They are born with a need to know mentality. A special curiosity embedded into the nature of our human behaviors. In certain studies it has been concluded that people want to know, they just don't want to be told about it. Because being told about something, or asked to do things, takes away a simple pleasure; the pleasure of discovery. More importantly, a Social Media outlet is designed to express an emotional outlet of action.
The buy me, see me, touch me, hear me, and taste me attitude should be left on a Brand's website. Social Media sites should be “what's going on behind the scene”, to Create a brand Interest. Audiences want to share their opinions within a Brand's experience. But how can one share an opinion on a “Request to Act”? - (Please come to my show!) Whereas expressing what's going on; “Had an amazing time performing tonight!”, gives audiences a chance to say “Wow, did you have fun performing!?”
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Social Media – People will find me, I'm awesome
• BBR Productions Inc : Social Media – People will find me, I'm awesome
Having a spectacular skill alone could attract audiences, if that audience knew about those spectacular skills. An issue with social media is an “Ego Game”. A Brand is only as big as its bark; not the other way around. Wanting to see who is drawn to follow a Brand's social media could end up being a very long wait. If Katy Perry decided to open up a new Twitter with the name Katy Perry, she would instantly draw a fan base. If she changed her name to Anna Whatever, then her numbers would be low.
Katy Perry's Brand Value is so great right now, her fan base is seeking her out to see what she is doing. More importantly, they want to be a part of what she is doing. Other than friends and family, very few people care about an unknown Brand. This can easily be corrected. Instead of worrying about who will “naturally” follow an account, become proactive. Begin interacting with non-celebrities, company, or anyone that has that lovely blue check next to it.
Interact will create awareness for a Brand. People will see what this new interactive brand is talking about; based on the “Rule of 10%”, over time audiences will buy into the Voice, Image and Create a Conversation with said Brand. Take away an EGO, and become proactive. Success is reflected in the effort placed into something. More productive actions create a much greater results. Utilize Time Management properly to get the best out of each day's efforts.
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Monday, January 19, 2015
Social Media – Social in your media
• BBR Productions Inc : Social Media – Social in your media
Social Media begins with people on the other side of a computer screen. Those individuals writing about their personal lives, experiences, ideas, opinions, accomplishments, failures, or simply wanting to be heard. The term Social Media should stand for something more than promotion. It is a terminology that indicates its purpose within the title: Social Media. The world within a world. A place where a person from Spain could potentially interact with someone in America.
A powerful tool in Social Media is to actually be social. Connect with others by reaching out and interacting with them. This will cause, at times, a response to interact back. The internet is not about a “you” mentality; it is about an “us” behavior. When we give time to other people, that time is reciprocated. In the beginning interaction needs to be earned. Place 30/60 minutes aside each day to dedicate interactive tasks.
Rule of thumb: posting requests to act can deter potential interacts with a social network site.
“Request to Act” are AD's, and any version of that AD. “come see my show, or this show”, “Like my page!”, “Listen to this song/joke video”. These are all examples of a Request to Act. A Social Media No No. Instead, to keep interest, a good form of Social Media educate is to express an emotion, or opinion of what is going on. “Had an amazing time last night performing.”, this is to the point, and is selling nothing. It is, however, bringing up a reason for people to ask questions.
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Friday, January 16, 2015
Budgeting – 5 Does to help you Budget
• BBR Productions Inc : Budgeting – 5 Does to help you Budget
These five helpful budgeting “Does” will make any budgeting system go much smoother.
1. Spend less than you save : Live within your means. This is a simple rule for wealth growing while utilizing a budget. Buy within a budget. Over the year a monthly spending average could raise or lower based on spending habits. Stay within Cap Budgeting Numbers to maintain growth. When cuts can be made, take advantage of this situation; you have earned it!
2. No credit cards : Credit cards accrue debt. When no money is saved over a person's budget, then a Credit Card purchase should not be made. If a Credit Card is a necessity, then purchase only if the complete value is in an aside spending pile. This will help grow a line of credit and build your value. However, once Wealth grows, a line of Credit will not be needed.
3. Create Investments to Buy Wants : To purchase a car, house, or items that will accrue a loan payment, develop an investment. This investment will pay for the Want. A house has a mortgage which can cripple individuals living on a shoestring budget. Having an investment earning money over expenses will make purchasing things like these easier on the wallet.
4. The 6 month rule : If ever you want to purchase anything look at your monetary situation. If you purchased this item and lost your job on the same day, could you maintain a comfortable lifestyle and pay all your bills off within 6 months? If the answer is NO, then you cannot afford this item. Thus, save up for this item over your established budget so it does not cause issues.
5. Guess Low for Income, Guess High for Expense : You want to always be ahead of the game with free wiggle room. If a paycheck average is $263.00 a week, round down to the nearest dollar increment: Record it in your budget as $250.00 a week. Expenses should be Budgeted higher than their average by rounding up. Electric Bill averages $163.00 a month, record it in your Budget as $200.00 a month.
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Thursday, January 15, 2015
Budgeting – Helps create opportunities
• BBR Productions Inc : Budgeting – Helps create opportunities
When a Budget is in complete control savings grows, as well as the 3 Needs of Purpose. This circulating system propels opportunities. Most people work very hard for an extremely small amount of money. It should be the other way around. Money should be working extremely hard for a great deal of Wealth Earning. While this is happening, a person can live their life and enjoy moments. Moments are fleeting, this is why it is deeply important to focus on Budgeting.
Understanding how Money works vs Wealth growth changes walls into roads of opportunity. Study the value of wealth. Wealth is the length of time a person can live comfortably without needing to recoup income with their time. This is accomplished through investing. Hiring companies who can handle these investments will ensure a greater percent of success, and wealth protection. Wealth Knowledge combined with Budget Awareness helps create opportunities.
Another fun game people should do is study the history of money. More importantly, currency. Why, how, and when currency was created. Knowledge is power, and when it comes to money, money's history, and how it influences currency, gives an individual more power over their life. Freedom comes from being aware. Live life in control of finance, and break free of the chains that money can throw over us as people.
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Budgeting – Building your savings.
• BBR Productions Inc : Budgeting – Building your savings.
Once a Budget is set into place this allows for “Money Over Expenses” to be allocated into a Savings account. This is one way money can be utilized over expenses. However, there is another way. It's called the 3 Needs of Purpose: Security, Growth, and Dream. Security protects money while investing it through the Growth need, allowing money left over for desired Dreams. How to feed these 3 Needs of Purpose? This happens with “Money Over Expenses”. It's called the 60/40 split.
Simple math makes this process very easy. A person earns $1,000 for the month. Their personal Monthly Budget is $900. This leaves $100 for “Money Over Expenses”. This remaining $100 is pulled into the 60/40 split. 60% of that $100 gets placed evenly into the 3 Needs of Purpose. The remaining 40% is placed into Savings. Since a Budget is designed to cover all expenses, anything left over is play money. This is a smart way to look at money coming in and going out.
Maintaining a Budget is a great start to building a big pile of Savings. Placing money into the 3 Needs of Purpose helps generate future wealth opportunities. Then, there is the 3 Month Safety Net. This is a person's Monthly Budget multiplied by 3 and that total delegates a Cap for Money Over Expenses to accumulate. This will provide additional protection with three months of life accounted for, while also giving an individual a strong foothold on their 3 Needs of Purpose, and Savings!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Budgeting – Why do I need a budget?
• BBR Productions Inc : Budgeting – Why do I need a budget?
A detailed Budget grants control. An organized budget opens doors for allocating savings, security, and freedom. If done correctly, maintained, and given proper attention, a budget also develops good habits. Habits that help build stability. When a spending budget is designed it sets boundaries which lead to freedom purchases: a vacation, new car, maybe even a house. This is accomplished by setting money aside for savings.
Savings is something people must earn. Blindly dedicating money into a savings account could destroy a Budgeting System's Foundation. A budget will dictate when an individual may allocate money earned into their savings account. Having a budget helps direct money into a Savings Account to fuel a person's 3 Needs of Purpose. Savings should never be utilized for emergencies. A Budget helps with emergencies by setting aside moneys to accommodate specific situations.
Emergencies can throw monkey-wrenches into a Budgeting System's Foundation. This is why sticking to a strict Budget eases worries and situations outside of an individual's control. There is nothing more satisfying than hearing a car needs a new axle and all you have to reply is “Sure, make that happen!” This is why every person in the world should have a Budget. Even when more money is going out than being earned, a budget sets up the habit of slowly taking back control.
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Monday, January 12, 2015
Budgeting – What is your overhead?
• BBR Productions Inc : Budgeting – What is your overhead?
Overhead is the amount of money it costs an individual to live monthly. This total is combined of every expense from hygienic items to major bills such as rent or mortgages. An easy way to figure out a monthly budgeting average is to take three months of bank statements and list out each expense. When this is accomplished, divide that total amount, per expense, by three months. This also helps plot out Budget Categories, where expenses are going.
There are four types of expenses; Visible, Invisible, Unforeseen, and a person's Wants vs Needs. A Visible Expenses is set in stone. Rent is a prime example of a Visible Expense. Invisible Expenses are unset by necessary charges. Gas, which is generalized as an expense can vary from week to week. Unforeseen Expenses are emergencies, car breaks down, or maybe even a veterinarian visit for an animal. We all have Wants vs Needs Expenses. We want that new car, or new video game system.
Having an idea of a working budget, and maintaining that budget through spending under allotted Caps, helps take control back. Money controls people when it is out of their control. Such is Time Management. When an individual can control their Time and Money, they take control back into their lives. Break fears of waiting for money to come in with the control of time and money back in your hands. Money and Time have no value until a person gives it value. Be the value above the worry.
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