Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Networking with Fans... 'Friends'
• BBR Productions Inc : Networking with Fans... 'Friends'
The word 'Fan' is actually short for 'Fanatic', but they are more than fanatics, they are friends. They can be friends of the 'Brand'. They want to be friends with the Brand. They paid to see, touch, listen, and be in the experience of said Brand. Friends, or rather, guests, of a Brand want to connect on any level with the history, present and future of where it is all going.
Connecting on a more personal level begins with interaction. If at an event, the Brand's event or another Brand's event, be approachable. That attitude gives the friendship an opportunity to connecting in a more personal way. If possible, have an item, or merchandise, to give them. This is so they leave with something to remember the meeting with.
(Free in a Brand's early stages / charge when that Brand earns the right to sell)
Networking is all about building and cultivating relationships, this includes with the following group of people; Friends, Family, Associates, and the audience of said Brand. Making fans feel like friends, without really going out of your way to hangout with them in a too personal way, builds that networking circle as well as a bond with them.
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Monday, November 2, 2015
Money Management – 5 Helpful Tips for Money Management
• BBR Productions Inc : Money Management – 5 Helpful Tips for Money Management
Money needs to be managed to maintain a growth of savings and wealth. Spending money takes away from having money to spend. Learn to spend money on essentials to allow organizing income over expense for later investments. These five tips on Money Management will guide the flow to wealth.
1) Download a Budgeting APP into the phone. As money is spent or earned, keep recorded directly and instantly into the APP. This habit building activity will make any individual aware of money in and out and keep them under CAP of that budget.
2) Spend less than you save. A simple idea with major benefits. If the money is not there to spend, then don't spend it. Save money, and forget about it until the time is right. Your budget should help maintain a controlled expense.
3) For unforeseen expenses, adjust by taking smaller portions into consideration. If new tires each year cost $400 ($100 a tire), divide that by 12 months, which equals $33.33 a month. This can be placed into the car expense, waiting for the day tires are needed.
4) Place CAPS on your bank account so no more than 'X' amount of money can be withdrawn. Or take out the weekly amount and keep the cash handy. If need be, take the cash out weekly and place it into a separate account (like a personal stipend). Or entrust money to a personal Treasurer.
5) Place financial goals in writing. Know how much saving leads to a 'Safety Net', how much will pay off debt over five years, keep a record of which investments will make sense in three to five years. Seeing these goals written how set up SMART Goals for security, growth, and your dream!
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Sunday, October 11, 2015
Money Management – Invest the investment
• BBR Productions Inc : Money Management – Invest the investment
When a dollar becomes two then make the best of that gain. Wealth comes from investments. Smart investments come from organizing money so there is cash flow to play with. As investments earn income there are smarter ways to utilize that capital gain. Two specifically. 1) Take off the top from the initial investment, and reinvest it. 2) Organize the capital gain into the 3 Needs of Purpose.
When investments earn that capital gain this difference should be taken off the top. Leave the original investment to continue according capital gain throughout the year. That difference off the top can be reinvested into other assets to allow growth in an investment portfolio. Diversifying future investments helps to protect and can help secure a successful risk free attempt.
Capital gain can also be placed into the 3 Needs of Purpose to help add to Security, Growth, and Dream. Working to continue to protect future investment risks, unforeseen issues, and keeping stress levels down. Growth is allocated money dedicated to investments and thus is play money for such opportunities. Dream is designed to give any person a chance to reward themselves.
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Saturday, September 26, 2015
Money Management – Budgeting vs a Budget
• BBR Productions Inc : Money Management – Budgeting vs a Budget
The difference between both Budgeting vs a Budget comes with process vs preparation. Budging is maintaining a cost effective spending cap. Spending less than is saved. Where as a Budget is the figuring of those caps. To budget is to set caps and restrictions. Figuring out each category of where and when to spend. Mastering how Budgeting works begins with understand a budget.
Starting with an average month expense list. Take that list to organize categories and place caps on those expenses. Figure out which expense are Wants vs Needs, and cut accordingly. Eating out is usually a 'Want' which can be cut fairly easily. Leisure is also a 'Want'. A 'Need' is rent, groceries, utility bills, hygiene, etc. Take 3 to 6 months of past bank statements and add up each category expense.
Once these Caps are figured into a person’s lifestyle it comes down to habit building. Keeping to strict restraints until money begins to overflow into a person's '3 Needs of Purpose'. Learning to organize and prepping for future months helps take managing control back over a financial budget. A yearly expense should be saved a little each month. That's a nice helpful truth!
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Monday, September 14, 2015
Money Management – Cover your expenses
• BBR Productions Inc : Money Management – Cover your expenses
Figuring out a budget creates monthly caps which are based on a monthly average. Normally it is suggested to take 3 months and average them out. However, a full year gives a better overall example of an average monthly budget. By taking the Monthly Average and multiplying it by 3, it sets a cap total for covering expenses up to 3 months.
This money saved is known as a 'Safety Net'. Or total covered expenses. The best way to approach a Safety Net is by maintaining 3 months of capital into a designated account. Always maintain 3 months worth of capital within this account. While any money over expenses can now be placed in 3 other accounts known as the '3 Needs of Purpose' : Security, Growth, and Dream.
Continuing this process helps to grow strength in fueling a long lived company/life. Allow Security to protect calculated opportunities to risk chances. Growth is allocated moneys to place into investments. Stay aware of small investments; Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Intellectual Properties. Then move onto larger investments; Real estate, Businesses, I.O.U.'s, and Commodities.
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Sunday, September 6, 2015
Money Management – Organizing Money
• BBR Productions Inc : Money Management – Organizing Money
Organizing money is key when managing finances. Where to place the income to pay expenses, and to sort out moneys over expenses. There are four accounts every business should have: In/Out Flow (Safety Net), Security, Growth, and Dream. Each of these accounts have a specific function(s) to help better see any company prosper from utilizing money to mastering wealth.
In/Out Flow: also known as a person's Safety Net, is the main bank account. This is where all money earned and expenses go through. Any money over a Three (3) month Budget Safety Net (known as Money Over Expense or MOE) is then given the 60/40 ÷ by 3 action. That split is placed into the 3 Needs of Purpose; Security, Growth, and Dream.
Security is to protect an individual/company when there is zero dollars left. It is the last resort 'Need'. Growth is allocated toward investments. Placing any money in this 'Need' into smart Assets. While leaving a Dream 'Need' for the things an individual/company desires. A vacation, new house, a company celebration. Learning to organize money is the first step to mastering Money Management.
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Sunday, August 30, 2015
Content vs Experience – 5 Helpful tips on Content vs Experience
• BBR Productions Inc : Content vs Experience – 5 Helpful tips on Content vs Experience
1) If you are doing it for attention, stop : It sounds like an oxymoron but doing it for yourself pushes potential new audience members away. A Brand has a message and a voice it wants to spread. Simply spread that Brand in a natural way. Others will find it and connect to it if it is truthful.
2) What did you do and/or learn today? : This is experience. Spreading the emotion connected this mindset pushes a Brand's experience and allows an audience to follow along on that journey. Giving them something they can relate to. “Check this out” is not relatable.
3) James Franco Instagram (Poetry vs selfies) : Having a PhD and a MFA for English / Poetry, and being a published poet, it would almost make sense to push poetry. Well on Instagram his selfies of him involved or experiencing gets more interaction than his poetry posts. His poetry is “Check this out”.
4) Selfies are not experience : What is going on in an image with a person front and center helps a Brand. It tells a story. More importantly, what is written along with said photo image is just as Brand related. Let both a message and an image speak a thousand words together.
5) Vague and mysteries of a proactive lifestyle : “Had an amazing time tonight before, during and after the stage”. It says a lot at the same time it keeps it interesting enough to make certain people of a Brand become moved to ask – “You performed tonight!?, Where?” and thus a conversation!
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Sunday, August 23, 2015
Content vs Experience – Content Ratio to Experience
• BBR Productions Inc : Content vs Experience – Content Ratio to Experience
There is always something to say. In fact there will be moments that our considered time sensitive. Thoughts which only pertain to what is going on right now. In life a Brand might want to express a connection about real time events going on. How does this Brand keep pushing its Experience in the first year or two, when there are subject matters it wants to be a part of? This comes down to ratio. Rule of thumb is for every four moments of Experience pushed, one push of content is allowed.
In the infant stages of a Brand the experience is much more important. Pushing how that Brand is growing has more power over an audience than what ideas, material, bi-products, or 'things' are being sold. How that Brand is getting to the top, what they are doing, how they feel about it, when and where you were (more than where you are going to be), these pushes are the Experience. They represent the travel, the journey of the Brand growing a relationship.
Content can become the defining purpose of a Brand if it is pushed too hard over the experience. In the beginning when trying to connect to an audience. An audience can become familiar and attached to the material being pushed at them, that they are not truly connecting to the Brand in a relationship. People are in relationships because they enjoyed the original points of interest. When a relationship's dynamic changes slightly, or drastically, it can cause a rift in that connection.
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Saturday, August 15, 2015
Content vs Experience – Wanting vs Getting Attention
• BBR Productions Inc : Content vs Experience – Wanting vs Getting Attention
To get the most out of Marketing it should come naturally. Yes, posting a huge AD up of “Come See Me Now!” along with whistles and horns blowing could get people's attention, but this is wanting attention. What if the process was about getting people aware of a Brand to create interest which ultimately generates sales? Throwing Content up, thoughts, or ideas, is a way of saying look at me, for a moment. Where as pushing experience directs people to become a part of a Brand for life.
Content can become overwhelming at times. Or worse, it can pigeonholed a Brand to a certain style. Getting attention happens when people become aware then interested. This occurs with experience. If content is necessary for the soul, and ideas / thoughts need to get out, then keep the ratio to a 4 to 1 in favor of a Brand's experience. This way people are slowly seeing what is selling, but at the same time given the choice to follow a Brand's adventure.
Ultimately, in the beginning of a Brand's life, getting an audience involved is more important than expressing content. Building an audience is primary, and letting them follow the growth of said Brand is important for longevity. Content is the equivalent of asking people to come buy, see, watch, and touch a Brand. It pushes them away. They want to choose to become engaged. While being told to do something is off putting when a Brand has not earned the right for content.
Look at AD's from major companies. They never say Buy me!
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Sunday, August 9, 2015
Content vs Experience – You must Earn the right for Content
• BBR Productions Inc : Content vs Experience – You must Earn the right for Content
Before an audience is already buying into a Brand it is important to allow them to grasp onto an emotional connection. A feeling of attachment to a specific Brand's voice, image, which creates a conversation. The “I am going through the same thing at the level I am at now” feeling. Audiences love to feel a part of the adventure. That is the emotional connection. They will become very passionate about what kind of content is pushed on it. Best example is the passion audiences have with Comic Books turned into Comic Movies: who is cast, when they look like.
All these things come down to Brand Value. That Brand Value is the what those characters represent. What their voice (Message), image (look / feel and style) or present to their fan-base. In turn, this creates a conversation. Wolverine never having his traditional yellow, or even brown, uniform flips people out. The outfit is a part of his Brand. This is all content. But the experience of that Brand is what is earned, and audiences follow the experience and their connection to that experience. This is why Hugh Jackman can play Wolverine and a large majority of fans like him as the Berserker!
People really love what Hugh Jackman's personal Brand is. He took his relationship with his fan-base and his personal Brand, to bring strength and awareness to his many humanitarian causes. His fight to change the course of Global Poverty with his 'Laughing Man' Coffee. Or that he is known as one of the most humbly kind people in show business. Point is, people follow Hugh Jackman because they latched onto his Experience. The ride of his life, kindness and his love for this business of entertaining and educating millions. He earns the right to say “come see Wolverine 3”.
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Monday, July 27, 2015
Content vs Experience – What is Content vs Experience
• BBR Productions Inc : Content vs Experience – What is Content vs Experience
People love following any experience or adventure from a person making things happen. Content is information a person must earn over time. Before that moment, it is important to get people/audiences to start getting into the value of a specific Brand. When that time comes, an audience will follow every aspect of said Brand. Content is information which has little to nothing to do with a Brand. From a movie, jokes, books, even advertisements. Experience is all the fun behind said content's creation. The journey if you will.
Content can add or take away from a Brand; but it is very tricky to maintain a steady open growth with Content. As audiences find value in being entertained by that specific content. Once that content changes it could push an audience away. Example: When bands change up their musical style. Dream Theater is a great example of Content vs Experience. Every album released has a completely different sound. Fans are usually filled with mixed feelings when it first comes out. After a while they come around. Experience for Dream Theater, or any other Brand, is behind the scenes. Case in point.
People love knowing what they do before / during / and after a show is performed at, or an album is recorded. They love seeing Dream Theater's path to success. Their music is just a bonus. It's a reward for fans with a deep passion towards that Brand. And even when they have mixed feelings, because the sound changed on a new album, they come around to love it like other albums. Usually. Let a fan-base follow a Brand's adventure to success. Once everyone is there, reward them with quality content which reflects that Brand.
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Saturday, April 25, 2015
Power of Now – 5 Helpful tips to do now
• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – 5 Helpful tips to do now
Where does motivation come from? Is it inspired through others? Does it come from action creating reaction which turns into results? Life is short so why wait till later to do something when your time is now. These helpful tips will get you up and moving!
1) Have a list : A to do list is extremely helpful. It takes a mind away from thinking what is next. It shows tasks. Look at the list, do the first thing on top. Simply look at this list and get up. Make yourself get up and do. There is no better time than right now.
2) Compare : What are you going out of your way to do vs what you want in your life? Compare these lists. If you are getting up and going to a job you hate; why? What do you do right now to get yourself up and out that door for a job you hate!? Well, why not change that energy toward things you love.
3) Deadlines : Have a calendar with deadlines written on it. Place the calendar on the wall next to a heavily trafficked doorway. This will allow these deadlines to be seen each day before leaving the house. Place reminders on the calendar as well: “Ten days before you must do this specific task now!”
4) Teamwork : It is a known fact that having a buddy to go workout with helps motivate. When feeling down and out, a buddy could come over and say “Let's go do this now and get it over with!”. They push you. Have a friend or family member pushing you. Everyone needs a good kick now and then.
5) Major 3 : Wake up early, Time Management, and Eat Healthier. By waking up early allows for less distraction. Getting up before the world begins. Time Management is there to help take back control over time. Eating healthier is important for the body. Become your control to do now!
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Thursday, April 23, 2015
Power of Now – The Power of waiting?
• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – The Power of waiting?
When to wait, or where to wait, and why to wait; these are all very deep questions which can define a person's path to action right now. Waiting helps individuals figure it while planning. Truth is, waiting is smart. How one waits is the tricky part. Some wait till they have mastered a craft/skill. Others wait for the opportune moment. There is much to accomplish while waiting out certain aspects and hopes. Getting all the ducks lined up in a row before jumping in can also keep a career from being ready.
College students are a really great example of waiting till they are ready. A teacher, or doctor, want to finish school before they start really perusing their career. However, waiting to finish school might take anywhere between 4 to 6 years, if not longer: Depending on the degree. There are things which must be set in motion at this stage. From setting up a financial budget to networking and marketing your brand. What brand? You! You are a Brand. What you stand for, how others view you. Build this Brand value while also building relationships. This helps get you above the rest of your competition.
It is a good idea to wait before letting others in on know you are good, or have master a specific craft. The idea is to build relationships with people as a person. Get to know them while they figure out who you are. That relationship will help expand beyond what you do as a craft. Marketing gets people to know they can trust you, that you are nice, professional and always willing to lend a hand with your volunteered time. Set up your business, your life as a business. Run it properly. Open it wisely!
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Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Power of Now – Making things happen
• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – Making things happen
There are many tasks which need to come to fruition for a successful life. A career is based on accomplishing X amount of goals while climbing that specific ladder to achieve. Having a dream about certain ideas is a prison at times. Knowing what you want and actually going out of your way to bring life to that dream are two different paths. Standing still; in fear, in uncertainty, or whatever is keeping steps frozen. It happens. It can keep life from happening.
A career is what a person wants to enjoy doing in life. It brings in money, but it also has a sense of pride to it. A joy about waking up. A job can be depressing. A place you have to go and less about where you want to go. Think about life as a Career and a Job. You want that dream, that career, and yet things which need to be completed rarely happen. Yet, a person will go out of their way to get to a job they hate. Why do people give so much for so little back? They miss their opportunity.
Your life is now. You deserve to take a chance. Nothing will come because of amazing talent. Action must be taken to see dreams awoken. Stop giving to a life you do not believe in. Then, wake up and give to that life you want to have. People have staled their life because they want a sure thing. They want the whole pie on entry. You could have everything you want, but it takes time, dedication and action. To have the life you want, you must make things happen by making things happen!
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Monday, April 20, 2015
Power of Now – Doing to do
• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – Doing to do
There will come a time walls are built directly in front of a path. Walls pausing motivation. Forcing the mind to stop, the will to crumble and ideas screeching to a stop. This, most of all, can happen when dreams become the focus. Wishing and wanting are great while brainstorming. Though a dream will never accomplish tasks, finding purpose helps tip action scales in a productive direction. Whatever it is that has been dreamt up must have a proactive process behind it. Doing to do.
Action speaks louder than words. Such a powerful statement. Create that list of tasks and get on it. One thing a day is 365 a year. Satisfaction comes from accomplishment. It helps motivate and guide direction. Seeing a list of tasks being completed really pushes the heart of action. Many people waste away their time by hoping or wishing something could happen. Worse, they believe they do not deserve it. Deserving success has nothing to do with making things happen by making things happen.
Now go make a list of dreams; a bucket list. Figure out the path to accomplish that larger goal with a coupling of S.M.A.R.T. Goal Tasks and get yourself doing what needs to be done. You will be surprised how far you go with succeeding if you can cross that list off as you complete task after task. You have only right now to make your life happen, so set a plan in motion and do. Most of all, everything a person does must be done with joy. If you are not happy, change it up. Now, start doing to do!
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Monday, April 13, 2015
Power of Now – Fear of trying
• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – Fear of trying
Fear keeps even the strongest person at bay. Life happens when action is taken. More accurately, if you want something tomorrow you must take action now. Fear holds back outcome. Breaking down these walls of fear open up endless opportunity. Take advantage of chance. Dreaming away life will get a person only one thing; at the end of their life with nothing to show for it. Wealthy people, celebrities, successful entertainers; each person took a chance and failed to success!
A human mind is designed to warn a person of danger. It creates a sense of Fear. This fear allows a person to make a decision; Fight or Flight. The adrenaline pumps and boom a choice is made. Fight or Flight into the darkness of chance! Failure is going to happen. People will ridicule those outside a normal box of attempt. Others will say “No”, or “You're not really the right kind of person for this” and fine, let them say this. The power of now comes from creating opportunity.
When doors are closed, build a new one leading into a different direction. Not every “no” is meant to push you away. It is meant to show you a different direction. Failure leads to success, because there will always be one person willing to preserver into life's uncalculated journey. Hoping someone or thing will help them. Well, it will not. A person must make things happen by making things happen. Work together with those willing to work together and for all others, push on forward! Live!
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Saturday, April 4, 2015
Worth in Action – 5 Actions to better Worth
• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – 5 Actions to better Worth
Become worthy of your own time. Grow as a person, idea and a company so that the worth in action motivates others to better themselves. Lead by example, grow as a team, inspire through action. So here are 5 Actions to Better your worth.
1) Have a plan : S.M.A.R.T. Goals are one part of having a plan. They direct the plan into plausible action. Take your life goals and write it into a business plan. Organize tasks and larger goals into this plan. How you will Network, Market, and Practice to build your value.
2) Take control of time, money, and self : Budgeting skills help define control over these three areas of life. Once Time, money and self are in your hands; anything becomes possible. Know when to say No to time and yes to self. Save & Invest money wisely, and of course educate yourself.
3) Break a few rules : Naysayers will condemn ideas of change. Though there are certain rules to success, or even life in general, this does not mean there could not be other options. Try things. This is how we got to the moon. Explain brainstorming ideas and if need be; Failure to succeed.
4) Brand before Stand : Get the brand out there before trying to showcase talent. Let people become aware of who, what and why you are doing what you do. What you are doing is living and enjoying the life which is yours. It is not always about the “skill” you want to do, but how people perceive you.
5) Learn from others : Not where they are, but how they got there. Study how individuals within your field of interest became successful. Study their obtained levels of success. How they got there, maintained it and in some cases retired and continued to enjoy the benefits of their hard work.
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Thursday, April 2, 2015
Worth in Action – Your worth, your level
• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – Your worth, your level
Are you trying to be the next level before you are? There is a set way to the top with different variables. The levels are the same in preparation, dedication, and organization. What you do during your time in those levels changes from person to person, career to career. So many people try and work within a level they are not ready for. It would be almost impossible to start out running a start up business as a millionaire, unless of course you were already a millionaire.
There are five level to make a career last forever. 1) Foundation. This is the process of saving money, networking, marketing and practicing. So that you can be ready for the next level. 2) 365 Days. Once free to attempt a career life,because a foundation is set up, start getting involved, and continue to be more proactive with Networking, Marketing a Brand and Practicing. 3) 2-5 years in. This is the time a person can begin activity. Utilizing connection, being more active in a specific craft.
This is where it gets difficult. Most people run at this level way before they are ready for it. 4) 10,000 or more. This is an expertise level. Give your audience what they want. Simply because 10,000+ people want what you have to offer. 5) 6-10 years in. Invest earning over expenses to ensure longevity. When financial success is earned to help maintain income, start investing money to help generate Wealth over Money. Money fades when it is left to its own devices. Wealth generates when worked.
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Worth in Action – Worth of the worthy
• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – Worth of the worthy
There are five major sides to a person's Triangle of Life; 3 Needs of Success (People In Our Lives), 3 Needs of Purpose (Financial Control), 3 Needs of Longevity (Company of Life Being Ran Correctly), Assets (Wealth Generator), and of course Treating Your Life Like A Business by utilizing all sides of one's Triangle. Each of these sides deal with people in fashion or another. Who are these people within your circle of life?
Take note to the worth of those deemed worthy enough to ride on your bus. Keep people around with qualities that help define, or better your life. If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. Though, you should always be the most aware. Here is a good list to look over. How much of this list does any one person fill up in your life, on your bus? There are 26 qualities a person should have. Each Quality is worth 4%, how well to your people add up?
• Trustworthy & Honest • Selfless
• Respectful & Kind • Flexible
• Persistent • Positive
• Knowledgeable • Brave
• Proactive • Givers
• Driven • Able to Manage Time & Money
• Self-Reliant • Enthusiastic
• Patient • Conversationalist & Good Listener
• Passionate • Self Control
• Optimistic • Prepared
• Filled with Integrity • Empathetic
• Confident • Intuitive
• Creative • Responsible
• Self-Aware
A good judge of character is, if you feel it, it must be true. Any % of a person's quality can be utilized on a bus. How far would you ride with your eyes closed, a sleep and with your life in their hands be a lower quality person? 0-20 Questionable / 21-39 They have their flaws / 40-60 Average / 61-79 Good people / 80-100 My life, their hands. Your life is given one chance at this journey. Embrace it, love it and live around people who bring quality to your adventure, venture, and purpose. Grow together.
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• Self-Aware
A good judge of character is, if you feel it, it must be true. Any % of a person's quality can be utilized on a bus. How far would you ride with your eyes closed, a sleep and with your life in their hands be a lower quality person? 0-20 Questionable / 21-39 They have their flaws / 40-60 Average / 61-79 Good people / 80-100 My life, their hands. Your life is given one chance at this journey. Embrace it, love it and live around people who bring quality to your adventure, venture, and purpose. Grow together.
PS... Can you find the monkey?
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Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Worth in Action – Worth of perception
• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – Worth of perception
Information changes a sail's wind on strong tides. Where is that information coming from? More accurately, what is the perception of that information before, during and after it is utilized? There area few ways knowledge can be attained; 1) Education from one person to another. 2) Learning through observation. 3) Taking third party hearsay and believing it. Each one on its own could lead an individual down the wrong path. Mixing and matching helps solidify fact from fiction.
Perception is a powerful tool, if it is being operated correctly. Take emotion out of this equation. Forgot for a moment that the ideas you have conjured up were figured through your own devices. Look at each side from fresh eyes. A great way to see fact from fiction is take what you perceive as helpful advice and see how it is assisting others around you. Is the perceived advice advance those who gave the advice, you, or others around you following same said advice?
The greatest success will come with what is learned, researched, and changed up to become the best version of itself. If in three years no higher ground has been reached from doing any task over and over again, something must be changed up. Becoming great at a skill is not the same as success in life. Entertainers, career people, or business, must constantly be evolving into new territory. Performing the same clubs, working the same position, still broke after three years; changed things up.
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Monday, March 30, 2015
Worth in Action – List out its worth
• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – List out its worth
Every action must have an equal or greater reaction, or it was for not. Time is our only commodity which cannot be replenished. A person should enjoy their life for as long as they can while doing things they love to do. This is why every action must have value behind it. Make the most of each step forward, where and when it can be done. There are options to figuring out how to make a move to do. The ever exciting Pros & Cons list is helpful. But, how about simply a “How to make it all PROS” list?
Two examples of not utilizing an action can be either in a job situation, or an event/show for a performer. In the sense of a job scenario; Wanting to be a full-time teacher only to get a job as a substitute but never taking steps to make more of that situation. Coming in when called, teaching the class then going home. Or performing an event/show; Get on stage, perform, get off say thank you and go home. What are these people getting out of it?
Make more of every action. A teacher, or any job, should utilize “temp” opportunities to network, market, and practice. Being on the inside gives chances to build and cultivate relationships. Get involved with the system/company. Market what you are doing. Finally, practice how that company's system works. Learn the politics, rules, and any information to better advance life. Same goes with a show. How can you Network, market and Practice to gain the most of that situation!?
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Saturday, March 28, 2015
Outside the box : 5 Helpful tips to break the box
• BBR Productions Inc : Outside the box : 5 Helpful tips to break the box
Change the game, think outside the box to the point of breaking it. The world has grown through the ideas of people looking for solutions. Changing up how life is lived each day. Thinking outside the box got us to the moon. Helped science become more evolved. How to change your ways!
1) Write it down : What have you been doing for the past three to five years? If actionable tasks are constantly keeping you in the same spot, it is time to change things up. Figure out what is not working and write it down. Seeing your SMART Goals visual help alter, maintain and adjust as needed.
2) It feels weird : When it seems weird then there is a chance you might be heading in a good direction. That feeling is telling you, you are in unfamiliar territory. This is a great way to be your own barometer. Weird is good. Familiar is too common.
3) Look around : Figure out your level of success. The place you are at now. Are you as well known as a President, or are you still an unknown even around your neighborhood? Once you determine that, look around. Are you doing the same thing as the people stuck in your position? Be aware, change.
4) Take Responsibility : Admit you are doing it wrong. Realize you are the problem when success if alluding you. Success is based on what is not being done, less on what keeps you from doing it. A wall comes up; How to get around, through, under, and over it! Take responsibility and change!
5) The Problem : Figure out which problem needs to be solved. Then brainstorm around solutions to alleviate that problem. Keep in mind, “crazy” ideas are best placed on this list than left in the garbage. If a solution is something others have done, yet it didn't help with growth, move to another idea.
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Outside the box : Compare in & out
• BBR Productions Inc : Outside the box : Compare in & out
Is there a secret to success? Yes, it is in the pudding. More so the ingredients of that pudding. Success is a cupcake. We all love cupcakes; but to get a cupcake we can buy it, wait for someone to make it, or bake it ourselves. Each ending result is the same. You get the cupcake. But, the one baking knows all the ingredients for a delicious cupcake and thus can earn a living with that knowledge. Yet, there will always be people waiting for one to be purchased, or people willing to buy it for ease.
Buying is essentially the easiest. Unfortunately it will cost you more than money in the long run. Short cuts lead to deep cuts. With any diet, knowing how and what is in it, helps better a person's eating habits. Now, waiting for someone to buy those cupcakes could take forever. This is one way to ensure nothing gets completed in a timely manor. Control over time, money and self is through knowing the system. The process is being able to bake cupcakes yourself to get what you want when you want it.
The trick to understanding any ingredients is knowing more than what you are baking. Mastering how to bake cupcakes can make you good. Understanding how to bake other items helps with baking overall. Success in your field of interest is one part of what should be learned. Learn the system, learn the ingredients to your career. And yet, be comfortable looking into other areas of life, different careers, and skills to either master or become familiar. Every area adds to becoming successful.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Outside the box : Two brains are better than one
• BBR Productions Inc : Outside the box : Two brains are better than one
Able and willing bodies make the world go around. In life success comes to those working together. A single person can be defeated by great adversity. However, an army can overcome ridiculous odds. Life is similar in this aspect. A career, company, creative outlet, brand, these are all areas that benefit from working with one another in a unified fashion. Starting from the most simplistic form of survival, a business needs hard working employees working their specific expertise to help the company.
For a company to become more than an idea there needs to be a leader, manager, employees to help run the floor, and of course the audience (guests). That's right, they are apart of the equation of success. They are also apart of the team. They help spread the word, and get the brand out there. This is the same for a career as an entertainer. It takes a whole lot of people to make a movie, run a show, record music, and get all this out to the public. It also takes a public to care about it, just a little!
Besides knowing a team is needed, figure out who is right for your bus. This is a vehicle (of life) which must be driven till your last breath. Who would you want to ride on a bus with? There are the right people and the wrong people living in your life. Choice wisely, and know it is okay to change it up. Because your life is valuable, and you deserve to be around people who have the same ideals, and care about their purpose, as you do. People you can throw ideas around and grow with!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Outside the box : What to do
• BBR Productions Inc : Outside the box : What to do
Research, Research, Research! If there were ever anything you could learn from this blog series is Research. People starting in any field forget the importance of knowing that field. There are people working in fields for years which also do not know all the ins and outs. Successful people know the business they are in. They understand how it works, what needs to be done, and more interestingly enough they realize the power in changing the system.
They can do this because they know it so well. Memorizing a script to the point of instinct. Once that happens, an actor can play with it at will, change it, move with it. A career is the same way. The more that is known about any field of interest builds control. Jumping into a career with limited knowledge is scary. Imagine driving a car, but only knowing through word of mouth how to operate it? Worse yet, thinking there were only Automatics, then sitting in the car to a manual!?
There is a trick to the trade of knowing. Learning all there is to know about a specific field of interest is smart. In addition, learning outside that field is smarter. Bruce Lee became a master of his body by knowing more than one style of fighting. Outside of fighting, he mastered writing, movies, and other areas to become a pioneer in life. Learning more than acting in movies, he began understanding camera angles, and so on. Life is what we make of it. If we care enough about it, we will learn more.
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Outside the box : Levels to success
• BBR Productions Inc : Outside the box : Levels to success
When successful people are seen as inspiration, it can, at times, distort the reality of obtaining that same level of success. What a person, company, or Brand, is doing to maintain that level of success is vastly different than what they may have accomplished to get there. Studying success starts at their failures. Where they came from / how they got there / what sacrifices were made. Seeing Metallica on top of their game is inspiring. Allow that inspiration to drive, but not direct is devastating.
Breaking down Metallica's success vs the success of a start up band. If Metallica released an album today, it would indubitably sell millions in weeks, if not days. Simply based on the draw of their brand value. They also might post on social media “Come check us out on tour!”. Which is great because fans are yearning for that information. Metallica has a huge following with a deeper desire of want for anything and everything Metallica. Thus; CD's, DVD's, Shows, Books... and even movies.
However, a Band (Company / Brand / Person) starting with no Brand Value, no Draw, and no Fans. Rule of Thumb, if less than 10,000 people are asking for your Brand, then that Brand is not ready to “sell” things. There are levels to success. Foundation; designed to ready you. First 365 Days; hard work to grow you. In The Game; making the change to maintain the gain. Living The Dream; Doing what you love for a living. Expanding; doing more than ever before! Know what needs to be accomplished!
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Friday, March 20, 2015
Being A Comedian : 5 helpful tips for any Comedian
• BBR Productions Inc : Being A Comedian : 5 helpful tips for any Comedian
There are many tips a Comedian could utilize. Which top five tips would be most helpful for being a Comedian. First, are we talking about being A Comedian, or having a Career as a Comedian? These are five tips for ANY Comedian. Common “helpful tips” are; Get on stage as much as possible, write everyday, and do open mics! What if there were other tips for Comedians?
1) Network, Market, Practice : This is a people's game. Success is about other people. Venue owners liking you, bookers, other comedians. This is a people's game. Build and cultivate relationships while taking a brand to build awareness to create interested, which generates sales. All the while Practice!
2) Foundation : Figure out what your monthly budget is. Save eighteen months of that monthly budget. Once this amount is in a bank account, stop working a day job and concentrate on working your career job. This foundation will always a person to work hard at their craft for 365 days.
3) Now is better than later : Reach out to people now. Build these relationships before you are funny. Get a website before you become a successful comedian. Have business cards on you at all times. These acts are about friendships, not about telling people you are a comedian. Make friends.
4) Face time : Be seen in the scene. Get out there and hangout with other comedians. More importantly, hangout at clubs for owners to see you. Most importantly, do your research and figure out what events are going on and get out there to be at them. Mingle, and do this to make FRIENDS!
5) Have fun : If you are not having fun. Stop. Breathe, and figure out what you want to do with your life. If you are not happy, then you'll never be happy. You have to be happy doing the grind. It's the hard work, business of comedy, and the ability to be rejected which is the life of Being A Comedian.
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Thursday, March 19, 2015
Being A Comedian : Writing jokes
• BBR Productions Inc : Being A Comedian : Writing jokes
Things that should be in a writing kit; A recording device, pen and paper, computer (optional), an environment which is conducive to creativity, and friends (fellow comedians or regular friends). All these items make it fairly easier to get the creative flow out and into form. There is an order to every aspect of writing. However, with multiple ways to express the inner workings of a comedic mind, this is just one of many helpful ways to get an idea from brain to paper to stage.
Grab that pen and paper and start brainstorming. Write out a list of ideas in a column. Once it becomes difficult to think of more thoughts, stop. Now, go through each thought written and brainstorm on that particular thought. After brainstorming is complete, begin recording yourself riffing on the subject, words, and thoughts written all over the paper. This will give anyone a starting point. You can move around the list without going in order. Just have fun.
Now that you have recorded yourself speaking out. Begin writing down what you had said, verbatim. This will show you how your pauses, and natural speaking patterns come off. To help develop your voice. At this point, invite some friends, or fellow comedians, and work the bit out. As a group, if more than one person is telling jokes in this meeting, be comfortable with having everyone through in some creative criticism. Once you feel comfortable with the joke, try it out at a real show!
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Being A Comedian : Being funny
• BBR Productions Inc : Being A Comedian : Being funny
There is writing jokes then there is being funny. At times, a comedian can be very funny but their writing skills and or time to write is limited. This is when hiring a writer to assist is useful. These writers might not be funny performers but our skillful wordsmiths. There is a path for everyone in entertainment. What our your strengths? Are you a writer, or a performer? Are you a comedian who wants to tell jokes on stage or be funny?
The biggest difference between telling jokes and “being Funny” comes down to the style. Telling jokes is a reciting process on stage. Memorizing a set up, throwing out a punchline, then possibly hitting them with a good strong tag. Depending on the joke, a call back can be thrown in there. This is a simple way of getting on stage to make an audience laugh. Anyone can tell jokes. Jokes make us laugh. That is why at parties you can tell a joke and get a chuckle to a big laugh.
What is being funny!? This is when a comedian can be on stage, tell a joke, story, idea, interact with the crowd, etc and make people laugh because they are I general, a funny person. There is mastery involved in becoming funny. Like an actor with a bad script, they still must make it work. A joke could be very bad, but a comedian being funny can turn it around. Both telling a joke and being funny are skills. Both need practice to master. Which one you want to be, comes down to your direction.
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Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Being A Comedian : Two paths
• BBR Productions Inc : Being A Comedian : Two paths
There are two kinds of Comedians; The Hobbyist (Artist) & The Professional (Career Driven). Both have hard roads ahead of them. Both are equally passionate about what they are doing. Both also live to tell jokes and perform to get their creative juices out in front of audiences. Where they are both different is the path they decided to take. One took the path driven on by many others before them. The other comedian studied the art of the business before deciding on their craft.
Sit with a Hobbyist and their advice to becoming a successful Comedian is; Get to as many Open mics as much as possible, to work your craft. Next, write everyday and all day. Thirdly, but not last, get stage time to master your craft. This is true, these things will make you a successful Comedian performer, but it won't make anyone success at a long lasting career. Or to clarify, it will take ten to twenty years to “get your big break” doing it this way.
Then there is the path of few. This path concentrates on the power of Networking, Marketing, and Practicing. Where a Hobbyist mainly focuses on Practicing, until they are good enough in their mind, before they start marketing themselves. This business is about who you know (Networking), who knows you (Marketing), and time for you (Practicing). Even when you are not ready, making relationships as friends is more powerful than letting people know what it is you DO.
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Being A Comedian : What Comedians do
• BBR Productions Inc : Being A Comedian : What Comedians do
Comedians have a lot of responsibilities to grow and maintain a career in entertainment. What is their job vs what they do; is where every performer should sit down and figure out. A comedian's job is getting their business up and running. Then, maintaining that business. Learning how to manager their time, money and people surrounding opportunities. What comedians do, well, they tell jokes. They write, they perform. These things a comedian does, but it is not their job.
A comedian's job tasks and responsibilities is required for longevity. A Comedian writing and tell jokes everyday all day will only get so far, then maintain that career for so long. It is a business after all. The idea is to look at this career as a business. As if the comedian opened up a Donut shop. No matter how good those Donuts are, if they do not know how to run a business correctly, it will fail and close. As a business owner of a life career, it is the responsibility of the comedian to know their job.
Because what they do, is write jokes and perform. This is the gift, the payment for being an amazingly hard working business person. These are the donuts a comedian can eat all day every day for keeping their doors open because there is a successfully ran business. When performing, setting up material, be an artist. Be the creative release that helps a comedian get through their day. Off stage, before the stage and after the stage, that is a business. Be successful and earn the payment of performing.
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Friday, March 13, 2015
Talent of Self : 5 Helpful ways to develop yourself
• BBR Productions Inc : Talent of Self : 5 Helpful ways to develop yourself
Every journey begins with an idea. That venture takes shape with direction, dedication, and decisions. These helpful tips will lend an inside look into what earns a person their personal Talent of self. You matter to you, and the stronger you are the more you can give to others.
1. Write a list out (Direction) : This sets the path for where the feet want to go. Knowing where a journey will end helps keep the mind focused instead of stopping to figure things out. This list can be added to and or taken away from based on changes as they come.
2. Check List (Dedication) : Watching that check list fill up with finish marks truly motivates the mind. Pumps up that nice reminder that things are getting completed. It also shows a person how far they have come since the first day getting up and out into the world of Doing.
3. Plant your feet (Decisions) : Know what you want. When you have to weigh out ideas those ideas are not strong enough to put energy into them. They might come up in the future and the choice to do will come naturally. Stay focused and know everything takes time. Failure improves the outcome.
4. The Right Reason (Direction, Dedication, and Decisions) : Making choices to improve your life is a difficult action. The best way to take charge of these changes is to accept the ones that help build personal value. If the choice is about money, or fear driven, those choices are misleading you.
5. The Dream : Everyone has a dream to become successful among the Stars. Think about the journey, think about what you want and how to get there. One day at a time will make things happen. The end result is easy to dream. DOING is the part that can create fear. Simple steps of self growth is a talent!
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Thursday, March 12, 2015
Talent of Self : Habit Building
• BBR Productions Inc : Talent of Self : Habit Building
A Habit by definition is an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. It takes roughly 21-30 days for a Habit to begin sticking. Creating a Habit allows for Tasks to be accomplished through second nature. What needs to be important will become natural movement. People, in general, place Habit Building to turn “Yes” into “No”. Negative thinking, seeing walls around you, are all ways of finding how NOT to accomplishing things.
Make it Daily. Consistency is critical if you want to make a habit stick. If you want to start exercising, go to the gym every day for your first thirty days. Start Simple; don’t try to completely change your life in one day. It is easy to get over-motivated and take on too much. If you wanted to study two hours a day, first make the habit to go for thirty minutes and build on that. Remind Yourself around two weeks into your commitment, it can be easy to forget.
Stay Consistent making it easier for a habit to stick. Or form a Trigger with a simple ritual you use right before executing your habit. For example; To quit smoking, practice snapping your fingers each time you felt the urge to pick up a cigarette. Be Imperfect and never expect all your attempts to change habits to be successful immediately. Remove Temptation! Write it Down on a piece of paper. Do it For Yourself. Tool your habits towards your goals and the things that motivate you.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Talent of Self : Being Healthy
• BBR Productions Inc : Talent of Self : Being Healthy
There are many things a person can do to keep both a sharp mind & a fit body to maintain an ability in focusing. Cutting it down to essentials for simplicity; Eating and Exercising. Being Healthy is required for the Talent of Self. Being the best one can be starts at self. How valuable are we to our life? Without ourselves there is no life. Yet, people throughout the world give more to objects, jobs, and people than they do themselves. Be the best you so you can be the best for others.
Eating correctly fuels the mind and body. Keeping energy up enough to climb mountains. Properly prepared meals throughout the day can assist mental and physical stimulants. Setting up a workout routine is helpful both for physical strength enhancement, and habit building. Get on a weekly routine schedule actual helps a mind focus. Please consult a dietitian and a professional trainer to help decided your best course of action.
At times a day will get away from a person. Making it difficult to keep a regiment. This is okay, there is always tomorrow. However, finding a solution is as simple as getting up earlier, or when a person awakes; eat a nice strong breakfast, or healthy quick bite, then jump onto an exercise routine. Once that is complete, eat a big healthy meal. Again, a dietitian and trainer would best help figure these out. Schedule wise, give to yourself when you wake, and before you go to sleep. You deserve it.
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Talent of Self : Self Development of Skills
• BBR Productions Inc : Talent of Self : Self Development of Skills
As a person discovers their Strengths & Weaknesses, through visually listing them, they can now begin developing. Skills are what grands us abilities to get things completed, or even understand complicated situations. A strong mind, body and focus will help eliminate walls which may be standing in the way of success. Gaining new skills, or increasing the value of older skills, a person's job is to continuously improve upon their abilities while searching out newer areas.
Mental Equations can be approached smoother with a proficiency in Mind Skills; Mathematics, Brainstorming, Business, etc. A Mind worked in puzzle solving and information gathering is a mind worth having. Physical tasks come and go. The stronger a body, the more available will ease become to overpower these obstacles. Focus is learning to take out the fuzz. Distractions. Learning to such off background noise; Social Medias should be off, working on more than one thing. Focus to overcome.
Be proficient in a small amount of many skills. Finding the correct steps to walk up will dictate which skills should be defined. However, all skills are important, but knowing a little about a lot gives a person that heads up over competition, or at minimum, the ability to help members of their team succeed. Knowing what need to get finished, or what direction should be taken, comes down to being able to understand enough about enough to make a lot happen.
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Monday, March 9, 2015
Talent of Self : Strengths and Weaknesses
• BBR Productions Inc : Talent of Self : Strengths and Weaknesses
There are two mindsets that can take a person to another level. That level could be the next top one or to the bottom floor. A negative mind is constantly seeing how many weaknesses they might have. Or in the same aspect, a completely positive mind believing in how amazingly awesome their strengths are. Then, there is the Schooled Mind. A Schooled Mind see their weaknesses and continues to learn from them while maintaining and utilizing their Strengths to better those weaknesses.
Look at life as a sense of harmony over comparing how poorly or how grand one's skills are. Maximize talents through understanding how powerful a weakness can become if practiced upon. Strengths help guide S.M.A.R.T. Goals when focused on what can be accomplished now. Ignoring either side of a person's weaknesses or strengths can hinder movement forward. Awareness allows history to change. Learn from what we have and do not have to utilize.
What benefits does a strength have? What about the benefits of a weakness? Or where does a strength and or weakness hinder us? As all skills need practice, so do both strengths and weaknesses. A person can become one with themselves through harmony. Combining these skills into one solid motion into life challenges. Even the greatest warriors have a weakness, as the weakest people have hidden in them sometimes the greatest strength! Be aware and continue learning about yourself!
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Friday, March 6, 2015
Networking : 5 Networking tips
• BBR Productions Inc : Networking : 5 Networking tips
What are some valuable networking tips to help build and solidify any relationship? There are more than five to pick from, but these are helpful things to get any person on the correct path. Most of all, any of these five tips are meant to help improve the value of kindness between two people.
Update a calendar with events : Place in a calendar special dates; birthdays, marriages, kid's birthdays, job start day, the day you met them. In addition, write down events; Shows, Promotions, etc. They are important to people, they should be important to you!
Take notes in your phone after each encounter : After you meet anyone, you should place information about them vital to that conversation, or what is coming up for that person. Listen closely to that specific conversation. After leaving, take out your phone and mark down items of note!
Names : Names are important to remember. They associate value with a person. When you say “Hello Thomas” it changes your encounter. They might not remember your name, but it makes them try harder next time because you remembered theirs.
Them, always them : In any conversation listen and respond with them. People love hearing their own voice, they also enjoy being listen to respectively. But when building relationships it is about them any ways. So give them that time. You are already friends with yourself, listen to another person!
A good impression : The last thing they will remember is how well you left them. Be nice to everyone. Most grandly, make a person laugh, think, or even feel like they gave you something to live with. That they had inspired you. Who knows, maybe they had. Let them know! Peace in harmony lasts forever.
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Networking : Interact
• BBR Productions Inc : Networking : Interact
People can get overwhelmingly busy throughout the week. Relationships can lose a lot of that connecting time. Interaction keeps a name in place. Simple interaction helps maintain and grow every relationship we as people forge. There is a great pleasure when waking up, or walking through day, and finding a small message from those we know. Saying hi is nice, but letting a person vanish in the shadows a forgotten mind is dangerous.
Social Media has become a great way to keep in touch with a growing Network Circle. Liking, commenting, sharing, even messaging people on any Social Media site from a phone makes this easy. On an eating break, or while sitting in travel (Subway, Train, Bus, Taxi), not when driving. No TEXT and drive. Emails are nice too. Or a text message! An inspirational text message out of nowhere is motivating. Who knows, it might even turn into a wonderful conversation / opportunity.
Interacting with people can be as frequent as once a week, or once a month. Too much interaction can be daunting. Keep the relationship in check based on how close that specific relationship is. Family, Friends, and even Associates have different levels of closeness. On a contact sheet, or within the phone contact profile, mark down the Relationships Strength. 1 : You know them, 2 : You know each other, 3 : Friends, 4 : Close Friends, 5 : Hangout often.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Networking : Reach out and say Hi
• BBR Productions Inc : Networking : Reach out and say Hi
A little hello can become a big opportunity. Reaching out to people we know is a great way to maintain a relationship. Lives can get busy from time to time. Letting our personal busy life get in the way could destroy hard earned relationships we have worked to cultivate. A quick hello is simple and easy and does a lot. A hello allows others to know they are being thought of. It sometimes turns into a reminder of certain subjects which lead to opportunity.
It can be more than a hello too. A motivational text, or email. A comment on some social media site. The point is, we must keep in contact with people we know. All of them: Family, Friends, and Associates. What about people we might not know? A store clerk, pizza employees at a local shop? When entering any place of business, say hello to every employee you see. This is accomplished by saying hello to groups of employees too. A hello leads to free pizza... oh, and friendships!
Acknowledging people with a Hello, a nice comment, or a basic form of interest into their lives, helps grow relationships. It is also pleasant. Learning the value of Hello leads to confidence. It opens doors for conversation. There is a joyful return on speaking with people we see each day, or for the first and last time. That return is a sense of connection. In some cases our act of social interactions brings a smile to people's faces. Be interest in being interest!
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A little hello can become a big opportunity. Reaching out to people we know is a great way to maintain a relationship. Lives can get busy from time to time. Letting our personal busy life get in the way could destroy hard earned relationships we have worked to cultivate. A quick hello is simple and easy and does a lot. A hello allows others to know they are being thought of. It sometimes turns into a reminder of certain subjects which lead to opportunity.
It can be more than a hello too. A motivational text, or email. A comment on some social media site. The point is, we must keep in contact with people we know. All of them: Family, Friends, and Associates. What about people we might not know? A store clerk, pizza employees at a local shop? When entering any place of business, say hello to every employee you see. This is accomplished by saying hello to groups of employees too. A hello leads to free pizza... oh, and friendships!
Acknowledging people with a Hello, a nice comment, or a basic form of interest into their lives, helps grow relationships. It is also pleasant. Learning the value of Hello leads to confidence. It opens doors for conversation. There is a joyful return on speaking with people we see each day, or for the first and last time. That return is a sense of connection. In some cases our act of social interactions brings a smile to people's faces. Be interest in being interest!
PS... Can you find the monkey?
Call our office : 631.599.2263
Or Email : AskMe@BBRProductions.com
Visit our website : BBR Productions Inc
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Networking : Contact List
• BBR Productions Inc : Networking : Contact List
A handy dandy list helps organize an ever growing gathering of Contacts. Place names and notes in the phone. This is a good way to keep the list close. However, sometimes the phone can break. Have two backups; A physical list, and a list on the computer. These three lists are all the same and should be continuously updated to match one another. While a list could potentially grow each day, the main source should be updated and weekly allocate that with the other two lists.
Contact sheets are powerful tools in keeping up with individuals. Marking down information which could serve as reminders. A nice trick is to track out how often a specific contact was interacted with. Another nice trick for the contact sheet is marketing down known and unknown contacts. While doing research there can be potential contacts to add to the list which have never been met before. All these are bonus actions keeping any person above the water and breathing in success!
To start a Contact List, begin with small baby steps. Take the first ten names and numbers from the phone and place them into the sheet. Each week grab another ten until the list is completed with phone entries. Once everything is up to date, maintaining that list is fairly easy and greatly manageable. Keep these lists organized. Set up categories by building templates with spreadsheets. If this is an issue of time and management; hire a person, or company to handle this workload.
PS... Can you find the monkey?
Call our office : 631.599.2263
Or Email : AskMe@BBRProductions.com
Visit our website : BBR Productions Inc
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