Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Networking : Social events
Tip of the day - Networking : Social events
Parties make everyone happy. Especially industry parties. Oh you have an office job? That's okay, there are holiday parties. That is an industry party too. Social events lead to “Leads”, relationship building opportunities, and future growth in your business of life. Getting out to these events are import to help your Networking get better. The “3 Needs of Success” work best in conjunction with one another. “Practice” your Networking skills, and remember to have your business cards on you as well, as to “Market” your brand.
Crashing a social event is called being motivated. Every invitation starts with dedication. Learn what is going on in your field, location, and market. Becoming a deep part of that society will help you succeed in your endeavors. Having trouble finding events in the beginning? Start your own. Yes, it cost a few dollars. It is after all an investment into your future. Getting people to you is a helpful way to get into the scene. Some people say “If Only”. Change your vocabulary and say “I am going to get in front of these people”. Make things happen.
Gathering of a few can lead to a gathering of many. A wonderful tip about social events, attend conventions. You'll be surprised how many people you can befriend there. Even rent a table space and be there as your company. Have two or three people volunteer to help you out. They can work your table while you go around and network for your brand. Building relationships starts with you, the rest is being around people to get things going. Utilize your first hour to listen, watch, and take note. The rest of the time, talk With people through “T.A.C. : The Art of Conversation”
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Friday, December 7, 2012
3 Needs to Success
Today's Tip - 3 Needs to Success
Everyone wishes for success in their life. It is a great feeling to have your life in your hands. What 3 Needs lead to success? Your “Triangle of Life” has the 3 Needs of Success; Networking, “Marketing”, and Practice. Take action with each of these needs to fulfill a dream's outcome. Your 3 Needs of Success each serve a great purpose to leading you to a complete 365 days of your year.
Networking is all about building and cultivating relationships with individuals to help utilize both your needs and others. As these relationships grow by giving more to individuals/groups or communities your personal success will see doors open. Working with people will always reward you more than by having people work for you. A “favor”, as one might put it, is more valuable that gold.
Marketing is compiled of two areas; Advertisement and Exposure. Advertisement is stationary marketing that deals with passing traffic. Billboards, posters, etc. Exposure is movable marketing; Handouts, shirts, stickers, cups, pens, etc. The purpose of Marketing is to expand the awareness of your brand. Building your brand leads people to find “interest” in your product. Creating an easier path to help sell your Bi-productions to your clientele.
Practice, Practice, Practice. The most ignored Need of the 3. Yes, people practice their craft or skill, but how often does one place some time into practicing Networking? How often do you go out to work on Marketing correctly? Mastering “TAC: The Art of Conversation” is a skill all within itself. Learning to get the most out of your Marketing can break the line between succeeding, and learning (Failing). “Lay it down, Throw it”? Take charge of your life.
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Marketing : Lay it down, throw it out
Today's Tip - Marketing : Lay it down, throw it out
We have many rules of thumb when it comes to all areas of the “Triangle of life”. One of our main rules for marketing is “Lay it down, throw it out”. A great philosophy to understand about marketing is you are spreading your “Brand” while growing relationships through “Networking”. Marketing comes down to getting people interested in your Brand. This is done with interacting with people. If you are handing things out you want to speak with people.
If you lay down post cards or fliers you are taking away your opportunity to get people involved with who you are. What your brand is, and what they can get from you. So, when you lay a marketing item down you are essentially, leaving it there to be thrown out. People looking at a table filled with more than one thing normally pass it by. A good reason for this is a person's mind is easily confused with massive information at once. Simple, to the point.
Try two methods if you are going to just leave it laying around. Talk with local mom and pop shops that deliverer. Tell them you will post something on one side of the marketing item for them and on the other for you. Have them deliver it with their orders. You are paying for it anyway, so why not barter for their services while offering some advertisement to the company. Get three or four companies and that's about 800 people in a day on average.
Another method is mass mailing the items to homes. There are many programs out there through your carriers that offer discounts at bulk. It cost us, as a company, about $300 to mail out 2,000 post cards directly to houses. Plus the post cards, which comes out to about $250. Marketing is one of your “3 Needs of Success” to any goal. Keeping that in mind, it is completely worth your investment of both time and money. Marketing, Networking and Practice!
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Marketing : Amazing marketing campaigns
Today's Tip - Marketing : Amazing marketing campaigns
In “Marketing” you can only blow your mind coming up with ideas or have your mind blown by other company's ideas. Take a moment to look at this Gorilla Style Marketing → (Link) Now that you took a look, it is about imagination. Coming up with grand ideas. Think outside the box while trying to get people interested in buying into your “brand”. “Voice building” comes from allowing others to add their voice. If someone likes what you are doing, they will look.
Thinking outside the box is fun. Selling your brand to a sea of individuals is a wonderful feeling. Getting a person to look at your brand and say “I can relate”. How about just getting a message out there? Your brand is a message. So, here are some more ridiculously awesome marketing concepts. → (Link) An artful touch to a brand building adventure. Getting people's imagination involved helps connect a part of their soul to your voice.
Inspiration, that is the point of these two links. Let your mind be inspired to inspire interest from others. A little thought into your marketing campaign will go a long way. We'd love to hear, or see your examples, for marketing. Show us your major ideas through examples. Help inspire inspiration! Or even place links in the comment section of marketing examples that inspired you, or wowed you. Working together is the best form of marketing.
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Marketing : Free Marketing
Today's Tip - Marketing : Free Marketing
Where to begin if your pockets are deep but filled with fuzz? Free Marketing is all around you. A quick list of free marketing; Word of mouth, Social Networking, Cross Marketing through building networking relationships, etc. When your penny is all you have it is time to brainstorm. Your brain is your most powerful tool for marketing. Creating outlets to get your “brand” out there starts with idea growth. Where to place your time, and money, or lack of both.
It is imperative that "Marketing" be a priority. Your brand is the life-force of your success. So place some effort into this area to help propel your brand into open arms. Everyday sit down for an hour and come up with ideas that will benefit the growth of your brand. Even “Paid Marketing” should be on this list. Let your ideas see what you are working on. Even paid marketing could be done for free with a certain networking connection.
Another free form of marketing is handouts. Giving your fan-base free items may cost you some money up front, however in the long run it will comeback to you tenfold. Free items gives customers a sense of connection. “this company is awesome, they gave me free things.” Let the free items be helpful to their every day life so they are using it. While using it, your brand is being seen. Free for them, cost for you, everyone wins!
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Sunday, November 25, 2012
Marketing : Paid Marketing
This is a great option for those looking to use quality marketing. Paid marketing is direct, in the face, and helps take a load off your hands. It cost a pretty penny for good marketing. Great marketing is worth every cent. You can find out past results with paid marketing through simple research and questions when dealing with a marketing company. There are individual firms, and independent companies who all focus on “Brand” awareness building campaigns.
If you have money, it's worth putting into marketing. It is one of your 3 Needs of success. Awareness brings your product into the eyes of the public. Letting anyone who might be interested, actually have a chance to become interested in your brand. A good rule of thumb is: 40% of what you want to earn a month should go into marketing. Which basically means: if you want to earn a $1,000 a month you should place $400 into marketing.
40% is a good chunk of any company's budget. Thus, “Brainstorm” for results. Let's look back at your “Business Plan” to see what your target market is. Where, who, and why: are wonderful questions to look into. Where will you spend money marketing your brand? To whom will you present your brand to? Why would a person be interested in your brand? Research your opportunities. In whole, Listen and respond to your own personal needs for your company.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Marketing : Advertisement and Exposure
Today's Tip - Marketing : Advertisement and Exposure
Your “Triangle of Life” consists of 5 major sides. The 3 Needs of Success; Networking, Marketing, and Practice. Is one of those sides. Let's look at Marketing. The sole purpose of marketing is to bring awareness to your “Brand”. As you build a “voice” for your brand more people will connect to it. Once you figure out your brand it is now time to Market that brand. For learning purposes we'll break marketing down into two forms; Advertisement and Exposure.
“Advertisement” is compiled of Billboards, posters, even TV Ad's. Anything that is stationary where a stream of traffic flows pass. Your accumulated Fan base comes from the amount of people who walk pass your advertisement. Real Estate is important for Advertisement. More importantly, we mean location. Study your “Market”, where you want to grow your awareness. See what kind of traffic, foot or driven, flows pass your designated spot.
A more aggressive form of marketing is “Exposure”. You'll find this with shirts, stickers, fliers and even shopping bags. Getting your fan base to advertise for you is a very powerful tool. This is why products such as SAMSUNG have their brand on all their monitors. So when a person buys their product, they are marketing the brand. This is also done through handing out free promotional items, such as free shirts or stickers. Saturate your area with smart marketing.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Branding : Slogan / Tag-line / Melody
Today's Tip - Branding : Slogan / Tag-line / Melody
“I'm lovin' it!”, “Just do it.”, “They're magically delicious!”, are all slogans. They bring a “familiarity” to each brand's “voice” helping to grow a broader “image”. Slogans are easier to remember over a company's name, (unless that name is in the slogan) and what a company has to offer. A slogan's purpose is to shrink the need for extended explanation. Keeping it simple and short allows a human mind to focus it to memory much easier.
Melodies are also a wonderful way to connect to your audience. PC Richard and Son has a catchy melody. A melody is what makes a musical single sell. That catchy “hook”, or chorus lyric. Easy and simple melodies are great marketing tools when it comes to branding your idea. Get something stuck in a person's head and you'll increase your chances for a life long consumer.
Some of the best Tag-Lines are a mixture of slogan's and melodies. Take “Empire Carpet's” brilliant branding campaigns. Their style of tag-lining combines a melody that includes their phone number and slogan. Giving you an opportunity to remember their phone number and that they deliver today! Mastering the ability to come up with a superb branding campaign only takes a willing mind to sit down and think it through. Three things to consider:
One : What are you trying to convey?
Two : Is your image and voice being presented?
Three : Are you hitting your desired target market?
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Monday, November 5, 2012
Branding : Familiarity
Today's Tip - Branding : Familiarity
Easy to say, see, and remember. These are key factors when finding a brand. You want people to have the ability to become familiar with everything you present. Hard to read logos, images, even difficult slogans can corrupt any chance of an individual taking your brand to heart. In the beginning a brand must hit them emotionally. With Geico, it's easy to see how their branding is very familiar with the masses. Think about what they have done. It's a great starting point.
You want to workout something original. Copycat branding confuses onlookers. Though, when working on your brand, some similarities may help bring you closer to finding your brand's strengths. As if you were learning to draw comics. A great exercise would be to trace comics already drawn. Get your eyes and hands to work together. Once you have figure out the technique it will make it easier for you to workout your own style of drawing. Same goes with branding.
A nice barometer is you. What things do you enjoy about company brands? When you see or hear things, what stands out best? Get familiar with your comfort zone. What you like is a great beginning to what others may like. Trying to figure out what others will like is a harder way to work your brand. What they are thinking is out of your reach. What you are thinking is right in your head. Start with you and others will most likely find a connection to familiarize themselves with a wonderful new brand!
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Friday, November 2, 2012
Branding : Voice
Today's Tip - Branding : Voice
What are you trying to say to your public? This is your voice. What your brand represents to a mass audience of individuals. Getting a good sense of what you want to say to people through your words, image, sound, and products are import when establishing a strong long lasting brand with a growing community. Your possibilities begin with branding, and end with how much your voice cares about speaking to people.
A great place to start is with your “Image”. From there you can take your look and find your Voice. Secondly, building your branding Voice will represent a great deal of what you are saying to the public. Growing an honest reputation with people, and leaving your doors open so clients can add to that voice. Connection with people is all about talking with them, and less about talking to them.
Your authenticity should be as genuine as your direction is. Be who you are as a company. Keeping the humanity in your voice by staying focused on connecting on a personal level. Less “buy me” points and more “about intelligent conversations”. Feel out how your reflection of life's culture is touched. Consider your brand's “personality”. It goes hand in hand with presenting a human identity, online/physically.
The two most important things to remember is Credibility and Consistency. Credible sources earn respect. Respect gets you meaningful relationships (networking). Your content can come from other credible sources, just ensure those sources are representing a part of your voice. Finally, your consistency is vital to maintaining a connection with your market. How you speak with your brand must flow consistently on all online, physical, and personal outlets.
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Thursday, November 1, 2012
Branding : Image
Today's Tip - Branding : Image
Your company's life starts with "Branding". Client's buy into your brand. Once you have someone's interest there is only a small chance they will become a life long client. Earning their trust, keeping them, and finding new ways to bring in clients takes a lot of calculated work. Adjusting your brand every few years is a good way to start, but what is your brand? This comes from your “Business Plan”. Read the company's “Mission Statement” to get an idea of your branding direction.
Image starts with your look; Colors, stylized photos, building, etc. Your branding image should express your mission, company's ideals, and even personality. With M&M, they are all about fun. If you take a look at their brand you'll see how they created a playful image for the children in all of us. Even their message is all about having fun. Take a moment to realize your image. Ask yourself
“What am I trying to convey to the audience?”
In a few words or less, branding is a "Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Branding began as a way to tell one person's cattle from another by means of a hot iron stamp. A modern example of a brand is Coca Cola which belongs to the Coca-Cola Company. How will you stand out?
Here is a list of things to get you started on. Also check out This Longer explanation of branding. (BLOG)
• Logo Design to create the value of your product or service
• Letterhead, Business Cards and Invoices
• Web site and interactive design
• Brochures and Handouts that explain the products and their value to the buyer
• Business presentations, beginning with the telephone
• Exhibits and Trade Show presentation
• Product and packaging design
• Professional Customer Service
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Implementation : One a day is 365 a year
Today's Tip - Implementation : One a day is 365 a year
Implementation starts with doing. Making an effort is your first step to success, first step to completion. Your goal is to keep your mind focused. If your mind is focused than your hands will be active. If your hands are active they will want your feet to start moving as to get things done. In these last five blogs you've read about “Doing is the hardest part”, “Starting off small”, “Rearrange if needed”, and “Turn your actions into habits”. All the while keeping one thing in mind; One thing a day turns into 365 things a year.
You will feel accomplished if you take one thing on your “S.M.A.R.T. Goal” list and do it. Your list will then be one thing smaller, and you'll be one thing closer to seeing your dreams come to reality. This is why you have created such tools as “The Triangle of Life”, your S.M.A.R.T. Goals, and “The Business Plan”. Each of these things help organize your process. There are certain things that are a necessity in your path to success. In your quest you want to protect your venture, earn wealth, run your life like a business and get your life on a clear path to success.
Use your S.M.A.R.T. Goals to know what needs to be done. Since you can rearrange your list, look through it and tackle something small. Work through the tiny things until the big tasks are the only thing left. This turns those big tasks into the smaller tasks left on the list. It's a great way to trick your mind into motivating your actions and staying away from being overwhelmed. Now, become the master of your destiny, the caption of your ship. Get out there and make things happen by making things happen!
"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul" ~ Invictus
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Thursday, October 25, 2012
Implementation : Turn your actions into habits
Today's Tip - Implementation : Turn your actions into habits
Designing success comes from “The Act of Doing”. Figuring out what you must get done is pretty simple. Doing those tasks can be time consuming, even overwhelming. A great way to take advantage of your “Triangle of Life” is building habits. Habits are things we naturally do all the time. Most of the time we have no idea we are doing it. There are good habits and bad habits. Let's concentrate on good habits. We know your 3 Needs of Success are based on Networking, Marketing, and Practice. We also know your “3 Needs of Purpose” are Security, Growth, and Dream. So...
Let's talk Habits; Networking comes down to building relationships with people. A good habit to create is the will, and initiative to talk with one new person a day. That one person a day will turn into two people, and finally one day you'll just be in the habit of talking with everyone. To start, talk with at least one person you know a day. You start the conversation, you reach out to them and physically talk with them. Once you are comfortable with that, start working the nerve to talk with strangers. A good safe zone is a store cleric. No real threat of the unknown.
Marketing is easy, always make sure you have business cards on you, and hand one card out a day. If you ever want to be good at something, you have to practice your skill. Thus, practice networking, and marketing and you'll turn it into a habit through repetition. Your 3 Needs of Purpose should have habits too. Saving that 20% into each need is a great way to turn your needs into habits. You'll just start doing everything out of instinct. Work your magic by getting yourself to be aware of what you want to get done. Then repeat until you are letting it happen on its own!
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Implementation : Rearrange if needed
Today's Tip - Implementation : Rearrange if needed
Your “S.M.A.R.T. Goals” are wonderful references more so than set in stone. When you come to a part that seems overwhelming, or you know you will be a ways down the road from accomplishing said goal, you need only rearrange your S.M.A.R.T. Goals a little. One thing is certain, your goals are meant to be accomplished. Work through your list and make things happen by making things happen. Another thing that is certain, is your list needs to work with you, not so much against you. So allow some wiggle room when writing them out.
You may even come to a crossroad of change. This is absolutely okay. Add and subtract as needed. What may have seemed like a needed S.M.A.R.T. Goal may indeed turnout to be an overkill of action. This comes down to adding things that are needed to accomplish said goals. If you are notching out your wall with attempts you will surely come into new information. While learning to make things happen by making things happen let your mind accept these changes. Acceptance is a great tool in finding success.
A great exercise to practice is taking your S.M.A.R.T. Goal list and rearranging it every 3 to 6 months anyways. This practice allows your mind to continue “brainstorming” while becoming intimate with your list's goals. What better way to get your feet moving in the direction of getting things done than thinking about it. Setting your best course of action. “Doing is the hardest part” so when you are constantly rearranging, brainstorming, and handling your list closely you'll find motivation inside your constant energy growth. Getting your mind working creates enthusiasm to do!
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Implementation : Starting off small
Today's Tip - Implementation : Starting off small
By now you've had a few notches on the way. You could step back and see your wall coming out to be a nice artistic expression. Implementing your efforts can seem exhausting when you layout your “S.M.A.R.T. Goals” on a big piece of paper. All those obstetrical waiting to be hurtled. Sweating seems like the only plausible action as you peek down through two fingers covering your eyes at this huge never ending list of goals. The good news is you can handle it. You have what it takes because your brain is strong enough to overcome any obstruction.
Look at your list of goals and divide it up into sub-sections. A good example; Computer actions, phone calls, physical activities, mailing, paperwork, etc. Now that you have shrunk your list down, without taking anything away, you can attack it with a more precise eye. Taking into consideration, the only way a person could do everything on their goal list at the same time is if there were 10 of you. Since a person only has themselves, take a breath and hit one thing at a time. Great rule of thumb; one a day is 365 a year.
Many small acts turn into big outcomes. Think bigger when dealing with the little things. Life becomes more when we start doing, since the “act of doing is the hardest part” we have to psych our minds into taking action. Get away from fear. You have what it takes to accomplish anything you set your mind to. Starting off small, and your helpful tips to achieve this, will guide your mind to your hands, then to your feet of motion. You have a great return in your action. That return is Success!
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Monday, October 22, 2012
Implementation : Doing is the hardest part
Today's Tip - Implementation : Doing is the hardest part
Dreams are wonderful to desire. They are births of possibilities waiting to happen. Walt Disney had a great deal of dreams he ended up bringing to life. With the help of many people he set out to create his dream. A world of imagination. A place where you could be an adult and still enjoy life with a child's heart. He may have started out at a newspaper getting fired, but he didn't stop there. His goals were much bigger than ending in disappointment. He lacked imagination his editor told him. When your world seems filled of walls, break them down with motivation.
Like Walt Disney, his dreams became reality through hard work, “S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting”, and most of all the act of doing. Writing your SMART Goals out helps you see where you are heading, things that need to get done and possibly helpful tips to achieving those goals. To see your dreams become reality you need only start doing the necessary acts to accomplish your purpose. Failure is still an effort forward. Since there are no walls only solutions, an education comes from failed attempts. In fact, let us call failure something else and be more positive.
Failure shall forever be known as “Notching”. A notch is an angular or V -shaped cut, indentation, or slit in an object, surface, or edge. In this case your object is a wall. While you are making an effort to “Do”, you'll constantly be notching your way over the top of your wall. Get your self motivated. Let the act of Notching be your guide to climb over high walls. There will always be a long path in front of you just as there will be a long path behind you once you accomplish any of your tasks. In reality, all small steps: many or few, will lead to a great adventure's conclusion.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
Dreams are wonderful to desire. They are births of possibilities waiting to happen. Walt Disney had a great deal of dreams he ended up bringing to life. With the help of many people he set out to create his dream. A world of imagination. A place where you could be an adult and still enjoy life with a child's heart. He may have started out at a newspaper getting fired, but he didn't stop there. His goals were much bigger than ending in disappointment. He lacked imagination his editor told him. When your world seems filled of walls, break them down with motivation.
Like Walt Disney, his dreams became reality through hard work, “S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting”, and most of all the act of doing. Writing your SMART Goals out helps you see where you are heading, things that need to get done and possibly helpful tips to achieving those goals. To see your dreams become reality you need only start doing the necessary acts to accomplish your purpose. Failure is still an effort forward. Since there are no walls only solutions, an education comes from failed attempts. In fact, let us call failure something else and be more positive.
Failure shall forever be known as “Notching”. A notch is an angular or V -shaped cut, indentation, or slit in an object, surface, or edge. In this case your object is a wall. While you are making an effort to “Do”, you'll constantly be notching your way over the top of your wall. Get your self motivated. Let the act of Notching be your guide to climb over high walls. There will always be a long path in front of you just as there will be a long path behind you once you accomplish any of your tasks. In reality, all small steps: many or few, will lead to a great adventure's conclusion.
Call our office : 631.599.2263
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Stoney • Guest Blogger
We have all heard the proverbs, “Nice guys finish last”, “When you are nice people take your kindness for weakness”, and for the ladies, “behind every bitch is a man who made her that way.” In life bad things are going to happen to you that are of no fault of your own. It is how you deal with them that will determine your happiness. If you are a nice person you should continue to do so regardless how other people might treat you. Even if you are generally not a good natured person (everyone thinks they are a good natured person but there are others that know they’re souls are made of dog shit) being nice can be very helpful in marketing your most lucrative product to the world, You!
Although being nice might not pay the bills it could make you wealthy in other areas of your life. Being genuinely nice to everyone you meet will only increase your chance of success. It’s just plan statistics the more opportunities you create and more connections you make the better your chances. Life is a people game, that’s how human beings as species made as far as we did today…BY WORKING TOGETHER TO HELP EACH OTHER OUT AND GROWING TOGETHER. In your journey to success you may be taken advantage of, passed over, and/or rejected a thousand times. But you should still stay true to yourself because when that one opportunity comes along that changes your life whether it be the girl of your dreams or the career of your dreams, it will all be well worth the struggle, pain, aggravation, frustration, and _________ <---- Insert your own negative emotion here
However if you become bitter and change because someone wronged you it could have negative consequences. That person that wronged you may later realize that they made a mistake and that you are the right/good person and decide to give you the chance they did not. Even good people can make mistakes and do bad things to people. You also have to take into consideration that other old saying “Hurt people, hurt people” the other person could be in a great deal of pain and took it out on you. It may have had nothing to do with you, so do not make it about you. Be empathetic and think of what the other person is dealing with during this time as well. It is your ability to GET OVER IT AND MOVE FORWARD that will make the difference in that relationship in the future whether it’s business or romance. Of course there are other times when you must realize you are at fault and take responsibility. Pointing fingers never solves anything but that’s another blog topic for another time. However if you changed the person you were when this person first met you, you might not be the same person this person wants to do business with or fall in love with and you will come off as fake, childish, or even worse out right bi-polar psychotic…..Do not be bi-polar psychotic. Be nice all the time, you do not know who someone is and how they can help you or more importantly how YOU can help them, after all giving is the essence of life and it is far better to give then to receive but once again that’s another blog topic for another time. People like stability in personalities, especially nice ones. It will make your life awesome one day!
Stoney (Comedian)
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Sunday, October 14, 2012
3 Needs of purpose : Purpose 3 – Dream
Today's Tip - 3 Needs of purpose : Purpose 3 – Dream
“I have a dream...” this statement brought to life change in this world. Everyone has a dream, big or small, a dream starts revolutions. A revolution in your life, or for others who heard you loud and clear. What holds back a dream is the act of doing. Fear is apart of this. Standing out in the cold for your one and only chance is scary. The truth of the matter is, we all get more than one chance. We just have to make things come to life. Believing in yourself is a great starting point. Believing in what you would like to accomplish is another complimenting effort.
While all Dreams take a little more to make happen, opportunities only come when you allow them to be taken. Some people live their lives doing their dream as a hobby. Others want to take their hobby to the next level. Simply put, a hobby cost you money, a career earns you wealth. A person can take these leaps by preparing a safe and secure path. Sticking to your “Business Plan” lets you focus your destination. Writing down your necessary “S.M.A.R.T. Goals” will allocate your direction. Controlling your “3 Needs of Purpose” gives you this freedom.
Allocating 20% into your Dream Need is a strong way to open doors. If you want to go to France, or start up a small company, or even take your career in entertainment further, your Dream Need is that financial helper. A “Triangle of Life” has five major sides, three of which help bring success, purpose, and longevity. Bringing reality to your dreams is just a matter of repetitive responsibility. Be dedicated to the idea: “Treat your life as a business”. These fundamentals, from your Triangle of life, shall help build a beautiful foundation.
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Saturday, October 13, 2012
3 Needs of purpose : Purpose 2 – Growth
Today's Tip - 3 Needs of purpose : Purpose 2 – Growth
Wealth is the amount of time one can go without a money recouping income. You have two options for this: A) Save enough money to sustain your life for a prolong period of time. This is done by figuring out what your total amount of expenses are plus any leisure expenses you may encounter. Of course your emergency money is being built up in your “Security Need”. This gives you some comfort level, though remember that your Security Need is used only when there are no other methods of money. If you run out of money, start recouping as to keep away from your Security.
B) investing your money into “Assets”. Creating opportunities through Asset growth causes your money to work 24 hours a day while you are living your life. This also helps a person “Budget Their Time” so they can work on living their dreams. Assets are designed to earn a person wealth. When you learn to reinvest assets into other assets you'll be on your way to designing an empire of possibilities. The advantage to working with Assets is your money will constantly grow, where as saving money will dwindle in time.
Saving recouped income is all about working hard. Investing starts with a few dollars plus your time. Create investing opportunities by distributing 20% of your earnings over expenses into your “Growth Need”. This is a great start to help solidify your “Triangle of Life” with any money placed into your Growth Need. Protecting one third of your eggs into a venture will insure a good start to longevity. Everything comes into place when you begin setting up Assets with your Growth Need. With your “Security Need” existing as a contingency plan, you'll be safe to take chances.
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Friday, October 12, 2012
3 Needs of purpose : Purpose 1 – Security
Today's Tip - 3 Needs of purpose : Purpose 1 – Security
Fear is created through worry. Worry comes from being unaware of what could happen. Controlling what could happen by having a backup plan helps take control over that worry, which leads to fear of action. “The Act of Doing” is one hard thing to accomplish. Reason why? Fear. Controlling fear starts with creating a genuine “Security”. Your 3 Needs of Purpose are made up of Security, Growth, and Dream. Learning to diligently place 20% of all money earned over expenses into this Need will surely help create a stable ground for your ventures.
Placing money into your Triangle of Life's Security Need allows you a little more freedom to take chances. Since you are placing your money into three Needs of Purpose, all your eggs will be okay if one third of them fall. Safety comes from keeping all your money away from one big attempt. Organize your finances through budgeting 20% into Security, Growth, and your Dream. Once this money is in your Security Need, continue placing 20% each month. As it grows so will your freedom. You'll also notice your Wealth growing.
Wealth is the amount of time one can go without a money recouping income. Think of your security as money you only touch when you have absolutely no money whatsoever. Going to the movies is far from “whatsoever”. Control your Impulse purchases while sticking to your Financial Budgeting. Your most desired need should be control over your life. It starts with this Need 1 of 3 to help direct, control and motivate your purpose! Keep reminding yourself, everyone has 20%. Zero is always Zero after a year, while $0.05 cents is $0.60 cents over a year. It sure does add up.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
3 Needs of purpose : Financial Budgeting
Today's Tip - 3 Needs of purpose : Financial Budgeting
Think of income as fuel. The more fuel you have the longer you can move forward. Do you need a lot of money? We like to think money is more of a want than a need. When dealing with life you want to earn/acquire wealth. Money is something you can spend, lose, or recoup. Wealth grows 24 hours a day while you live your life. It's always earning while continuing to strengthen. Invest your wealth into more wealth to help solidify that process. Since most people start off with limited money or in debt, work into your life a budget to help bring opportunity your way.
The secret to wealth is spend less than you save. It's that simple. Learn how to control your impulses. That's where budgeting your financial life first comes into play. Most people have “needs”, yet when dealing with “Needs” and “Wants” remember the difference. There are only 4 needs in a person's life; Sleep, Food, Shelter, and Emotion. Everything else is a want. Though we call the three sides of your Triangle of Life “needs”, we are representing the needs to success, and less a meaning of needs to ones life to live.
Once you can control your impulses for your wants then control your credit cards and loans. If you find yourself using a credit card this means you are spending outside your budget. Spending outside your budget is a sure sign you have spent more than you are saving. This becomes a cycle of digging a hole too deep to climb out of. There is always a solution to fill that hole back up and create security in your life. Taking control sooner than later will open more doors for possibility while giving you opportunities in your life.
Once you learn to control your impulse place that energy into saving 20% of your Income over expenses into each of the 3 Needs of Purpose; Security, Growth, and your Dream. Earning $1,000 a month against an expense of $500 equals $500 left over. Place 20% of $500, which is $100, in to Security. Placing another 20% ($100) into Growth. Then finally into your Dream Purpose, leaving $200 left over. Creating opportunities starts with 20%. One may not always have $300 to save, but one will always have 20% to place into each Need of Purpose.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
3 Needs of purpose : Budgeting Your Time (Personal / Business / People)
Today's Tip - 3 Needs of purpose : Budgeting Your Time (Personal / Business / People)
Success comes from knowing your value, where that value is placed and your ability to control that value. Your “3 Needs of Purpose” is one side of your “Triangle of life”. This side helps guide your direction, fuel your motivation. Everyone should allow themselves these 3 needs; Security, Growth, and your Dream. Looking inward at these needs you'll see your Purpose.
Outside of those needs you will find yourself learning to “Budget” both your Time and Financial situation. When dealing with budgeting your Time you have three areas of control; Personal, Business (earning of wealth or recouping money), and People. Giving too much time to any one of these areas could throw you off balance. So find what works best for you. Even workaholics need personal time or they'll rarely get a chance to recharge their mind.
We are given 24 hours a day. 8 of those hours are dedicated to a good nights sleep. Another 8 hours we willingly give to a full time job, if you have one. Which leaves you with 8 more hours of free time to run around with. What about drive time? How about the time you give to eating food, washing, getting dressed? How about working out? When you add up all the little things you do to get your day started you'll notice you have around 3 hours of self time. This is time you give to yourself to watch TV, relax, hang out with friends, etc.
Focus that energy and time into direction. The purpose of success, and your “Triangle of Life”, is to open up your day into what your body naturally wants to do. Which is live a 28 hour day. Most people if given the freedom to do as they please gravitate towards a 28 hour day routine. How do we give ourselves that kind of time? By allowing your Triangle of Life to create wealth. Wealth will give you financial freedom. Your 3 Needs of Purpose will go over how to start that venture.
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Saturday, October 6, 2012
S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Brainstorming and research
Today's Tip - S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Brainstorming and research
S.M.A.R.T. Goals are excitingly fun but where to start? Your dream is a great place. What is it you want to accomplish in your life? Is there somewhere you want to go, or something you want to do for a living? Is there one thing you would like to do before you lose your chance to accomplish it? This is your beginning. When you figure out these questions you've started your journey forward, even if only mentally at this point. Get a piece of paper and pen to do the following. Brainstorm a list of ideas.
Writing down things, like a bucket list, can truly help develop the start of an amazing S.M.A.R.T. Goal List. Getting the big ideas down on paper of what you would like to do is fun. Buy a new home, meet the right girl, make some money, see France. These are all wonderful dreams or Long Term Goals that could help you start your journey into the next level of your life. Anyone of these ideas, including your ideas, are possible with a little effort, guidance, and motivation. Your guidance is the S.M.A.R.T. Goal, your effort is to do, and your motivation is set up by your will to succeed.
Now for your Short Term Goals. Look at what you wrote down for your Long Term Goals and work out another list. What should you be doing to accomplish Long Term Goals? Just write random ideas. There are only right answers since you can mark off anything you place down on the paper. Think obvious ideas first then jump into abstract thinking. Allow yourself to feel free when exploring any outcome. You need only find other smaller goals to see your Long Term Goals come to life. Once your paper is filled up, start shrinking your page down and organizing it. Before you know it you'll be finishing your list up and starting a new one or adding to the old one. Make things happen all the while researching your paths.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012
S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Organizing your goals (1, 5, and 10 year)
Today's Tip - S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Organizing your goals (1, 5, and 10 year)
Your first year of goals extend to your time of success. It takes anyone 365 days of working everyday to see their success come to life. This is done through your 3 Needs of Success: Networking, Marketing, and Practicing. This is your first side, which helps create momentum inside your Triangle of Life. This is the year you start setting your foundation down to insure a continuous success in your life. This is your first year of many to come. Like a strong base, or home, you set the foundation then build upon it walls. Those structures are all within your Triangle of Life.
After your first year you'll begin looking into your fifth year. Designed to build wealth, your fifth year is taking your foundation and adding the sheetrock, electrical, and of course ceilings. So that when you are ready to paint, add the doors and fit in your windows everything will be ready to be set in perfectly. Start concentrating on your 3 Needs of Purpose. This side of your Triangle of Life protects, supports and drives your success to infinite levels. Over the course leading to your fifth year you will find increased revenue that filters all your purposeful needs.
Once you have solidified your first five years into a working habit you'll start down the path of your tenth year goal. By the end of your tenth year you should have finally become wealthy. While organizing everything you've been doing into a structured company state of mind you'll be living in the black of earning wealth. Take control of your life, make things happen through investing over these ten years while maintaining a strong habit of running your life like a business. The more organized you are, the better your “house” will stand. Set your windows and doors and live!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Short Term Goals
Today's Tip - S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Short Term Goals
Let's climb the ladder of success with each rung being a completed Short Term Goal. Short Term Goals have a fun factor to them. They let you get through many quick steps fairly easy while leading to your Long Term Goal set up through all your S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Where some aspects of your Long Term Goal could seem forever, daunting, and incomplete. Your Short Term Goals are ever moving, constant, and completely timely. So approach these goals with the same confidence as your Long Term Goals. Keep in mind, these goals are here to motivate your momentum.
When you really look at your Short Term Goals it is easy to see they are designed to keep you on track. Simple steps, direct actions, that are always moving forward. This method of S.M.A.R.T. Goal building is a great motivator and booster for your self-confidence. Providing you with instant feedback to measure your performance / progress. Where a Long Term Goal could feel drawn out, you can see your Short Term Goal are giving you constant results, conclusion, and everything a S.M.A.R.T. Goal is set up to be.
Consider your Long Term Goal more of a dream. Your desired results after all your hard work. A Short Term Goal embraces everything smart about S.M.A.R.T. Goals. They are always specific. Completely measurable when setting days and times. You can easily Attain these Short Term Goals by placing effort into it. A realistic venture comes from the act of doing, but most of all seeing your path before you so you can stand beyond it. And finally with everything coming together in a Timely manor only one thing can growth from this all... Success!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Long Term Goals
Today's Tip - S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Long Term Goals
Your basic motivation comes from your Long Term S.M.A.R.T. Goals. A Long Term Goal is your Ultimate outcome. The conclusion of a dream set out at the very beginning of your journey. Once you finish a Long Term Goal, you can add another Long Term Goal to that, and start moving forward again. Example : I have become a successful comedian, now I would like to sustain this success. With that kind of thinking you'll always be growing, moving, and expanding. Since you are a business you want your company to have a strong foundation built on solid accomplished goals.
Understanding your Long Term Goal(s) helps orchestrate your overall outcome. It guides your Short Term Goals while keeping you focused on your resolve. Research every inch of your dream so you can compile a detailed list of necessary actions. Learn what you should be acting on, or even things you should avoid being a part of. With any dream, you would have at least one Long Term Goal to start out with. This is your primary goal that can help lead you to your life goals. Normally when setting up your S.M.A.R.T. Goals you spend time on your first, fifth, and tenth year goals.
As you are uncovering your needs for your primary Long Term Goal, you'll notice there are other outcomes to which you may want to try for. Thus, when you hit other Long Term possibilities you can start placing Short Term Goals into your list, defining your needs even more so. As you look into your primary Long Term Goal you'll take charge of other Long Term Goals that ultimately help your success carry on. Keep track of these goals while always adding information to your list. Ask yourself, How you came to these goals, what inspires you. Personal notes can always re-energize your purpose when drained. Who better to listen to, than your own words from the beginning of your journey till now? Be true to you.
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Monday, September 10, 2012
SMART Goals; Listing out your goals
Today's Tip - S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Listing out your goals
Once your Business Plan is in place you are ready to set up your S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Listing goals starts with your dream, or desired outcome. Example : I would like to be a professional comedian. Some S.M.A.R.T. Goals you could write down for this dream are as followed; • Start writing jokes, • Research comedy styles and comedians, • Workout routine on a stage, • Branding, Etc. Of course each of these goals would have smaller goals until your list was filled out nicely. A Hamburger is tasty, but a seasoned Hamburger with onions and lettuce are even more enjoyable.
Think of your list as a map directing you through your life. When you seem lost you can utilize your S.M.A.R.T. Goals to figure out where you are, should be, and are going. Taking a look at your goals daily are very helpful. Weekly is still a positive approach for those who need to step back to see a bigger / clearer picture. If you have written out your goals to only look at them once every few months you'll most likely lose track of your destination. Try setting your S.M.A.R.T. Goals on your refrigerator, or bathroom mirror, or even on the wall next to your computer.
Adding to your list is a good thing. When you find yourself stuck because you are behind, or you have forgotten something, the list is there to be reorganized as needed. Obviously your goal is to subtract items on your list through accomplishment. While you may delete goals you should always be adding newer ones. A S.M.A.R.T. Goal list rarely ever vanishes as you are always evolving, learning, and finding new information to set forth your destination. If you feel overwhelmed from your lists size then break it down into smaller sections.
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Friday, September 7, 2012
Business Plan; But I am not a business
Today's Tip • Business Plan; But I am not a business
One of the essential rules of your Triangle is to “treat your life as a business”. In fact, this is side one. You may not be a business, but who has ever wanted to live their life in the red. Living in the red means that you are living above your means, or your expenses are eating away at your profits and you are making Zero dollars. When a business opens up they have their first year to find their footing into success. After that they are left with two more years to find a solid security in growth. Ultimately if you are not in the black by year three than you are a failing business.
While you may not be a business, your life should be your business. You want to live. You want your business (life) to strive and succeed. You want your actions and products (actions / ideas) to be fruitful and advantageous to your personal path. This all comes from treating your life as a business. Take responsibility in your options and opportunities. Even if you have a job working for someone else, that job is only a source of income that helps sustain your life (business). Budget your time, money, and income / outcome. Know what you spend and why you spend it.
How does a "Business Plan" really help with this? It gives you direction into your personal goals and ideals. Where, in your life, do you want to be in the next year, five years, and ten years? This is explored in your business plan. Look inward to your life and what you are or have been searching for. Learn to handle your actions as if it meant the fall or rise of your company. After all, it does mean the fall or rise of your life. Businesses have four levels to their foundation. They are only doing one of these; Struggling, Surviving, Growing, and Expanding. Which one is in your control? They all are.
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