Monday, January 2, 2012

4 Levels to marketing

Today's Tip – 4 Levels to marketing; Level 1: Solidifying a base and support for that base – Getting the buzz out there on your “product”. Letting your name get heard, seen and in their hands. This part of your marketing is about “Advertisement” Level 2: Expressing progression and your “products” name – Start letting everyone you know carry your name on them, in them and around them. This is the part of Marketing where you move into Exposure. Level 3: Blitz and exploiting your “product” to the masses – Growing your area of Marketing with deeper radio and paper avenues. A little money goes a long way. Level 4: “The Cold” get one person sick and the rest will be infected – here is the world of change. While dealing with your ending campaign you have to start keeping people's interest peeked with what's next for you.

This week we'll go over the “4 Levels to marketing”. There is a strategy to marketing. It's not just “HEY LOOK AT ME I HAVE SOMETHING!!!”. There is personality involved in your growth. With that growth comes direction. There are 3 months to a normal quarter of a year. Each level is about 3 months long. How to utilize those months comes down to your goal setting skills and strategy. This week we'll give you some helpful tips to get things going with the “4 Levels to marketing”. How to do it, when to do it, and why to do it...

How to do it? With setting up goals. Know your audience, know your product. (product is your name, bi-product brings you money or is just another avenue for marketing through giving it away for free). Know your voice!!! When to do it? Right now!!! Start immediately. The first level should be going on at all times. There should always be a slight tingling buzz about your product/name at all times. Never let that bee fly away. Keep the honey coming, even if in small doses. Why to do it? Because no one will ever be interested in your AWESOME PERFECT WHATCH-A-MA-CALL-IT THING if they have never heard about it before!!!

Here is to an interesting and fun week.


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