Monday, August 27, 2012

Year One (1); S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting and...

Today's Tip – Year One (1); S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting and... -

S.M.A.R.T. Goals again? To refresh your memory with a sum up.


Next month starts a full new year of possibilities. It may not be January, but it will be a chance for you to look at your life and create a fiscal year for yourself. A fiscal year is your “Financial Year”, or “Budget Year”. Most of the time we are going to refer to your fiscal year as your financial year. Let us look at it more as in a “Success year”. Since your time is valuable and should be budgeted out properly to see your dreams come to life.

A S.M.A.R.T. Goal without direction just becomes some information on a piece of paper. Goals created without motivation and dedication to do, just become random ideas. These goals are a map of your future. They help you set your destination one step at a time. They also help mark your distance on that destination. How far have you come, where did you start? These are all wonderful examples of a good strong goal list.

This week will be filled with our last five helpful tips for the past year. We are starting over with you. You, the reader, of “Bringing reality to your dreams” blog from the minds of BBR Productions Inc. We want you to take what you can from these five remaining entries, then pick back up next week on a journey to succeed. As it is important to set your S.M.A.R.T. Goals in motion, so are we going to help you along the way.

BBR Productions Inc., is building a new office. This means we want to show you by example, how to utilize our tips. Reading, writing and thinking are just pieces of the puzzle. We're going to show you by example so you can see, feel, and witness how important your dreams are to make come true. You get one life, and you, of all people deserve to live that life to the fullest. Enjoy the next four helpful tips to get you ready for next month.

We'll walk you through everything we are doing. Peace in harmony!

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