Saturday, October 6, 2012

S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Brainstorming and research

Today's Tip - S.M.A.R.T. Goals; Brainstorming and research

S.M.A.R.T. Goals are excitingly fun but where to start? Your dream is a great place. What is it you want to accomplish in your life? Is there somewhere you want to go, or something you want to do for a living? Is there one thing you would like to do before you lose your chance to accomplish it? This is your beginning. When you figure out these questions you've started your journey forward, even if only mentally at this point. Get a piece of paper and pen to do the following. Brainstorm a list of ideas.

Writing down things, like a bucket list, can truly help develop the start of an amazing S.M.A.R.T. Goal List. Getting the big ideas down on paper of what you would like to do is fun. Buy a new home, meet the right girl, make some money, see France. These are all wonderful dreams or Long Term Goals that could help you start your journey into the next level of your life. Anyone of these ideas, including your ideas, are possible with a little effort, guidance, and motivation. Your guidance is the S.M.A.R.T. Goal, your effort is to do, and your motivation is set up by your will to succeed.

Now for your Short Term Goals. Look at what you wrote down for your Long Term Goals and work out another list. What should you be doing to accomplish Long Term Goals? Just write random ideas. There are only right answers since you can mark off anything you place down on the paper. Think obvious ideas first then jump into abstract thinking. Allow yourself to feel free when exploring any outcome. You need only find other smaller goals to see your Long Term Goals come to life. Once your paper is filled up, start shrinking your page down and organizing it. Before you know it you'll be finishing your list up and starting a new one or adding to the old one. Make things happen all the while researching your paths.

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