This is a great option for those looking to use quality marketing. Paid marketing is direct, in the face, and helps take a load off your hands. It cost a pretty penny for good marketing. Great marketing is worth every cent. You can find out past results with paid marketing through simple research and questions when dealing with a marketing company. There are individual firms, and independent companies who all focus on “Brand” awareness building campaigns.
If you have money, it's worth putting into marketing. It is one of your 3 Needs of success. Awareness brings your product into the eyes of the public. Letting anyone who might be interested, actually have a chance to become interested in your brand. A good rule of thumb is: 40% of what you want to earn a month should go into marketing. Which basically means: if you want to earn a $1,000 a month you should place $400 into marketing.
40% is a good chunk of any company's budget. Thus, “Brainstorm” for results. Let's look back at your “Business Plan” to see what your target market is. Where, who, and why: are wonderful questions to look into. Where will you spend money marketing your brand? To whom will you present your brand to? Why would a person be interested in your brand? Research your opportunities. In whole, Listen and respond to your own personal needs for your company.
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